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Stress and Disease Chapter 3 part II

Stress and Disease Chapter 3 part II. Four Theoretical Models. The Borysenko Model (immune system) The Pert Model (nervous system) The Gerber Model (psycho-mind) The Pelletier Premodel (piecing things together) . Borysenko’s Stress and Disease Dichotomy.

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Stress and Disease Chapter 3 part II

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  1. Stress and DiseaseChapter 3 part II

  2. Four Theoretical Models • The Borysenko Model (immune system) • The Pert Model (nervous system) • The Gerber Model (psycho-mind) • The Pelletier Premodel (piecing things together)

  3. Borysenko’s Stress and Disease Dichotomy

  4. Borysenko’s Immune Activity Matrix

  5. The Pert Model • Research have identified nerve endings that connect the CNS directly to the immune system. • Neuropeptides (produced by brain) fit like keys into receptors of lymphocytes, altering (- or +) immune function. • Studies document the effect of positive emotions on enhanced immune function (“molecules of emotion”).

  6. The Pert Model (continued) • Whereas before Pert’s findings, it was believed that cortisol played the crucial role in immuno-suppression, it is now thought that structural changes in neuropeptides, influenced by emotional thought, play the most significant role in immuno-incompetence.

  7. The Gerber Model (diagram)

  8. The Gerber Model (continued) A brief lesson in Subtle Anatomy: 1. The Human Energy Field (the human aura-electromagnetic energy) 2. The meridian energy system (based on Chinese medicine) 3. The chakra energy system (based on Ayurvedic medicine)

  9. A Brief Lesson on the Chakra System Chakra Body Region Emotional Aspect 1. Crown Chakra Crown Spiritual issues 2. Brow Chakra Head Cognitive issues 3. Throat Chakra Thyroid Self-expression/ Assertiveness

  10. A Brief Lesson on the Chakra System (continued) Chakra Body Region Emotional Aspect 4. Heart Chakra Heart Anger issues 5. Solar Plexus Chakra Adrenals Anxiety issues 6. Naval Chakra GI Tract Self-esteem issues 7. Root Chakra Sex Organs Security issues

  11. Electromagnetic pollution affects one’s health MRIs are based on electromagnetic energy, quantum physics, and the law of entrainment Military design of weapons based on human energy field CIA use of remote viewing based on non-local mind Scientific studies validate many aspects of Subtle Anatomy Support for the Gerber Model

  12. Gerber’s Model of Stress and Disease “Thoughts are particles of energy. (Negative) thoughts are accompanied by emotions which also begin at the energy levels. As these particles of energy filter through from the etheric level to the physical level, the end result is immunoincompetence.” —Richard Gerber, M.D.

  13. Ghosts in the Biomedical Model Machine • These events leave people scratching their “biomedical” heads • Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) • Spontaneous remissions (e.g., cancerous tumors, etc.) • Placebos and nocebos (belief systems) • Cell memory • Subtle energy healings and nonlocal prayer healings • Immunoenhancement

  14. Target Organs and Their Disorders • Initially or ultimately one or more organs in the body is the recipient of stress-based neurological and hormonal activity that causes wear and tear, to the point where it no longer functions optimally. • Disorders, at the present time, appear to fall into two categories: • Nervous system disorders • Immune system disorders

  15. Nervous System-Related Disorders • Bronchial asthma • Tension headaches • Migraine headaches • TMJD (temporomandibular joint disorder) • IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) • Coronary heart disease

  16. Immune System-Related Disorders • The common cold and influenza • Allergies • Rheumatoid arthritis • Ulcers and colitis • Lupus • Cancer

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