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California Teleconnect Fund Claims

Stay informed about changes in the CTF Claims Program for California, including new customer categories, management reports, and reimbursement guidelines. Ensure timely submission for CTF discounts.

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California Teleconnect Fund Claims

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Presentation Transcript

  1. California Teleconnect Fund Claims September 5, 2008

  2. CTF Claims Claims Overview • Submitted per month in order to receive reimbursement for CTF discounts already provided to customer • One year and 45 day window for submission

  3. CTF Claims Program Changes • Claim forms/process is revised to accommodate changes • New Customer Categories • CA Community Colleges (CC) • California Telehealth Network (CTN) • New Management Reports • Rate Sheet • Customer, Service, Rate - for Affiliates • Community Colleges cap of $7.874 million for FY 09-10

  4. CTF Claims Claims are Composed of (see handout): • Cover Letter • Claim Form • Management Reports • Customer Report (1 per each service provider, including affiliates) • Service Report (1 per each service provider, including affiliates) • Variance Report • Rate Sheet (1 per each service provider, including affiliates) • Electronic versions/copies of all claim documents • CD

  5. CTF Claims Claim Review Process • Communications staff is working to maintain turnaround time to approximately one month from the date the claim is received. • Payment letters (notification of payment) are sent on date of approval • Claim must also be processed by the CPUC Fiscal Office and CA State Controller (allow for additional 3-5 weeks for receipt of check) • Interest can be claimed beginning 60 days after the date a valid claim is timely filed

  6. CTF Claims In the Future • The updated claim forms and instructions will be available on the CTF website prior to 12/1/08 • More changes (to accommodate CTN and other) will be made to the claim forms/process

  7. CTF Claims Up next: Informing Carriers and CC of Fund Availability

  8. CTF Claims – CC Cap Community College Cap • The total amount of approved funds and residual amount will be posted on the CTF website and updated monthly • Warning that total CC funding is approaching cap: • When funding reaches 80% of cap ($6.299) • Notify carriers and Chancellor’s Office

  9. CTF Claims – CC Cap Community College Cap, Cont. • When cap is reached: • Notify carriers and Chancellor’s Office • Notice on CTF website • Carriers required to discontinue the CTF discounts to CC for remainder of the fiscal year or until otherwise notified • Claim amounts related to CC will be rejected • Carrier will be notified • CC will be responsible for paying outstanding 50% • Remainder of claim can still be paid

  10. CTF Claims Up next: Discussion

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