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Some issues in the engineering of widely deployed software intensive systems-dynamic functional variation and its interpretation (strictly work in progress…). by Karl Reed, and Luo,X. Department of Computer Science & Computer Engineering, La Trobe University.
Some issues in the engineering of widely deployed software intensive systems-dynamic functional variation and its interpretation(strictly work in progress…) by Karl Reed, and Luo,X Department of Computer Science & Computer Engineering, La Trobe University
We have a system consisting of a collection of interacting (statically or dynamically) bound components in which either a single component or sub-system can be replaced with another… If the functionality represented by the replaced “part” is changed, A/ What does this mean to the user? B/ How shall we (or should we) control the functionality-variation at the user level? C/ What kinds of functional variation can we identify? D/ What mechanisms can be provided to allow this to be propagated to the user level? (Normally I’d be arguing that we need systems stability, and that this is a measure of quality???) The Problem..
We have a system consisting of a collection of interacting (statically or dynamically) bound components in which either a single component or sub-system can be replaced with another… If the functionality represented by the replaced “part” is changed, A/ What does this mean to the user? B/ How shall we (or should we) control the functionality-variation at the user level? C/ What kinds of functional variation can we identify? D/ What mechanisms can be provided to allow this to be propagated to the user level? (Normally I’d be arguing that we need systems stability, and that this is a measure of quality???) The Problem..
If systems visible functionality changes unexpectedly, users will get a surprise!!! If systems INVISIBLE functionality changes unexpectedly, users will get a surprise, may be a delayed traumatic shock !! … But, are surprises new!!!
Key to understanding this…. • Users often have “new” functions thrown at them by complex systems.. • They cannot tell if the functionality was always there, or was added dynamically since the last use.. \They are used to DVF already.. \”All” we need to do is to study these cases!!
David Harel said (1992) that may be we already know the answers, and need to study what we are ready do (and know-KR)
Surprise….!!!(nsf report on s/w research 1998) “F1. Current software has too many surprises. The sources of surprise are poorly understood.” • “F2. Key sources of software surprise include immature or poorly integrated software domain sciences, construction (product) principles, and engineering processes. Software research emphases have swung from process to product research, with weak coverage of domain sciences and integration.” Sources of surprises... - Real and apparent ambiguity in the means of representation of systems, e.i. Languages (cf 3 pages of c++ with 3 pages of government regulations) - Real and apparent unpredictability in system behaviour
No surprises….!!!(nsf report on s/w research 1998) “F1. Current software has too many surprises. The sources of surprise are poorly understood.” Sources of surprises... Real and apparent unpredictability in behaviour... “Teenagers have less trouble with PC software because they are adept at playing computer games” Charles Wright, editor Melbourne Age “green pages” computer section 2000 “Building ‘bots’ that play computer games with near human competence is not that hard” US researcher in AI….
Agenda Dynamically “varying” systems of (autonomous) dynamically linked components can lead to variant functional or non-functional behavioural variation. If functional variation is allowed, what can user’s deal with? How to control it? What is both acceptable and allowable? In terms of what is acceptable, we can make use of a number of properties of real systems (Shaw 1999) where the internal states/transitions are quite “fuzzy”, and where a user actually accepts a range of outcomes (hence, varying functionality). In fact, humans may not work with precise systems often. -Also, humans work with large systems whose apparent ambiguity (Reed, 2000) can appear as functional variation What is allowable .. An (functional) operational envelope could be defined in principal. Functionality out-side this envelope could be rejected (Balzer 2004)- BUT RECORDED, AND PRESENTED TO THE USER, WHO COULD ADD IT TO THEIR OPERATIONAL ENVELOPE (or a systems administrator could) Pt.4. Constitutes a “controlled mutant adoption” process. Pt.3. May involve a kind of reverse HCI,or a human-centred fault tolerant approach.
what are they? -A “surprise” (for our purposes) is some behaviour of a system’s which causes or could cause a user to make an error1, or excessive stress and discomfort in resolving the behaviour -Occur inherently in Lehmann’s E-type systems -Occur WHEN developers BELIEVE they are building E-type systems Examples..introduction of new expense claim s/w suddenly impacts the work-loads, stress and financial security of 100’s of people …no logical relationship between functions in s/w and semantics of menus they are in ..almost un-usable web-sites ..SCS system failures are better known -INCLUDE some un-expected functionality (that requires some effort to interpret?) WHAT ARE SURPRISES --- WHO KNOWSABOUT THEM AND WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT THEM?
Who knows about them? -The SCS community places great effort on identifying “unexpected behaviours”and controlling their impact. -Those working on systems with adaptive behaviour and user-error recovery. -Fault-tolerant community (already been mentioned) -Games technologists (one of the Fruanhofer Institut’s has looked at this) -Extreme Programmers and iterative developers “think” they are dealing with “surprises” -Product-line strategists -lateral thinkers (here, the “surprise” is an unrecognised “use” which allows functional substitution) What can we do about them? -Elevate their definition and management to a high-level design feature rather than an implementation problem to be avoided -Those working on systems with adaptive behaviour and user-error recovery. -Study the behaviour of people working in/with systems whose behaviour changes -at the design level- deal with the adoption and control of autonomous functional variation WHAT ARE SURPRISES --- WHO KNOWSABOUT THEM AND WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT THEM?
Where functionality has been removed.. -Maybe analogous to a fault-tolerant situation (however, the system could actively seek a replacement component) -User may agree that they can manage without this (operational envelope). -User may seek-out a replacement function--rejecting the original -Fault-tolerant community (already been mentioned) -Games technologists (one of the Fruanhofer Institut’s has looked at this) -”Grace-full degradation” of OS in the 70’s.. Where functionality has been changed -Need to define “conformant” and “non-conformant” changes, e.g., a data representational change -Need to recognise unacceptable (I.e. unadoptable at the system level) change (op-envelope issue) -Can we define functionality extractors-correctors? (recognise and correct a functional miss-match?- a re-use - “glue-code” problem, contract violation?) adoption of autonomous functional variation due to some type of component “change”
Formal approaches…. -Component-contract specifications specificy.. 1. What semantic variation in service-component that can be tolerated 2. Semantic definition of service’s actual functionality -Semantic reasoning about aggregated functionality, propogating the changes upwards until either they reaches the user, OR violate some semantic constraint. Informal Approaches.. (may be an operational approach?) -Examine examples of functional variation visible to users, -Using these, develop rules for specifiying functional variations at the component level, and for their transmission upwards (an operational approach to the formal) Suggest there is actually a lot of data and examples to examine.. e.g. behaviour of pc-desk top s/w aplications present to the user as having unpredictable changes in functionality relationship between knowledge, experience,skill and tools is relevant Dealing with changing function..
The word-processor example..(Cervantes,Humberto and Hall, R. S. (2004) Cervantes et al. Reported an experiment where the functionality of a word processor changed dynamically.. The spell-checker and grammar checkers were changed from one natural language to another.. However, the “word-processor” software is not really effected by such a functional change!!! The USER sees the functional variation? We can define a kind of DVF compliance for this case.. The spell-checker/grammar checker are for a language using roman characters The language is written left to right (does this matter?) We can define this as a class of DVF agnosticsm--- We can look for other systems which have this kind of DVF property What happens if language violates these requirements? Kinds of Functional Change…
An Invisible DVF… An application uses a DB and the DB is changed so that it…. No-longer stores some data field.. No-longer checks for consistency of data Roll-Back and Recovery are turned off Changed from relational to OO, or from hierarchic to OO Kinds of Functional Change… • Interpretation. • May be detected at a later time • May be detected at a much later time • May be detected at a much later time • May not be detected at all
Messaging System Subjected to DVF User Pin UIS checker Command Message System Sequence Checker Command Processor DB repository target:= “CP”; call ms(target,..) call ms(“DBR”,..) read(target); call ms(target,..) We change the functionality of DB so it copies all transactions to some other repository
Visible DVF a plausibility study… A Browser based query application, returns the age, office-location, phone number of an employee… DVF of the DB has the result that additional data (qualifications, home phone number) are returned.. and displayed in a new browser window.. User reaction.. “This is useful, I want this in future..” How could we deal with this? User could move the window around, or the data items, to construct a new screen Application generator could generate new scripts/code for the new screen They could be compiled under Java/Corba/.NET if need be Turned into a new application, incorporating the new functionality Kinds of Functional Change…
Assumes mechanisms for adopting functional variation and propagating it through a design An (functional) operational envelope could be defined in principal. Functionality out-side this envelope could be rejected- BUT RECORDED, AND PRESENTED TO THE USER, WHO COULD ADD IT TO THEIR OPERATIONAL ENVELOPE (or a systems administrator could) Constitutes a “controlled mutant adoption” process. May involve a kind of reverse HCI,or a human-centred fault tolerant approach. Use approaches from security (although of conceptual value only)--perhaps consider form of intrusion (e.g. audit trail monitoring) Adaptive user profile generation could be part of this Needs.. mechanisms for describing the added functionality to users and administrators roll-back mechanisms Balzer (2002).. Contained Execution next few slides Operational Envelope approach…
SafeEmail Attachments Spawn Email Client SafeEmail Attachments M M M Attachment Handler Safety Rulesi Wrapper M M M M M M Safety Rulesj Wrapper SafeEmail Attachments Spawn • Each opened attachment spawns new process M M M Attachment Handler • Wrapper encapsulateseach spawned process Generator Safety Rulesk Wrapper Attachment Safe EmailAttachments Attachment Interpreter
Transparent Redirection Virtual Registry key key Virtual Key Virtual Key Virtual Key Virtual Key Virtual Key key Wrapper Virtual Key Virtual Key key Virtual Key key Write Virtual Keys M key File System key key COTS Application Read Real Files Read Real Keys key file key file key M M file key file key file key file Registry file file Demo file M Write Virtual Files file file Virtual File Virtual File Virtual File Virtual File Virtual File file Virtual File Virtual File Virtual File file Virtual File System file Contained Execution • Once created virtual resource used instead of real resource • Selectively Applied
Like a Virtual Machine Execution is isolated Unlike a Virtual Machine Process-Level (instead of machine-level) Selective (instead of copying entire environment) Incremental (copies created as needed) Contained Execution
Use of component contract violation exceptions… If a component violates its contract, then an exception is generated, and new data either discarded, or, if in the form of attribute-value pairs (e.g. XML) The DVF originator could also provide the exception handler?? What do we do if there is data missing (see b.)? What do we do if semantics of data are changed (see b.)? 2. Generalised “extra” parameter in all component invocations call varied( p1,p2,…pn,array_of_pointers,extra_data_flag, error_flag) Require extra data in attribute-value pairs 3. General Parameter Miss-Matches (e.g. number, type) See above… 4. Interpreting Functional variation.. See Katayama(2001) on evolution.. Dealing with DVF.. A Possible Mechanism.. (may not be original…)
Research Agenda (one component) • Study the way humans work with large systems with apparent ambiguity • Develop the operational envelope approach.. • Develop a “controlled mutant adoption” process.