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What did the Pilgrims wear??. by Betty Huang 7A4 ID1. the Women and Girls wore. Skirts- with wide hips. It was fashionable for women to have little waists. Bum roll- Padding around the hips. Petticoats- sometimes three or more layers depending on the weather!.
What did the Pilgrims wear?? by Betty Huang 7A4 ID1
the Women and Girls wore... • Skirts- with wide hips. It was fashionable for women to have little waists. • Bum roll- Padding around the hips • Petticoats- sometimes three or more layers depending on the weather! • An apron- Always! The women cook food so they keep the apron on. it also protects their dress from getting dirty. • A colf- Like a hat. 2 1
the Men and Boys wore... • Doublets- Jackets. The men sometimes had slashes in the sleeves. • Lace and cuffs- The lace is worn at their collars • Buttons- Only very, very wealthy people can wear buttons. They were rare. • Socks/stockings- They don’t stay up! So the Pilgrims tied them at the top! • Hats-the hats were part of their outfit. They were usually worn. 3 4
They colored their clothing with • There are pictures of Pilgrims dressed in black. But they dress in other colors too! They would make dye from flowers, berries, even bugs! Some examples are: Ragweed (green) Marigold Mulberry (yellow) (pink) Goldenrod Elderberry (blue/lavender) (yellow) 5 6
How was Clothing made? • Clothing was made from either wool, flax, or leather. • Wool was gotten from sheep sheep!!!! • Flax was gotten from a kind of plant that is used to make linen. leather!!!! • Dirty clumps had to be pulled out of wool, then combing it until it got long and stringy. This is called carding wool. • Flax is prepared by soaking it. Then it is beaten until it got long and stringy. flax!!!! • Clothing took weeks to make, so many people don’t have much. 7 8
Did you know?? • Not only girls wore skirts- boys did too! They would wear them until they turned seven, then wear what men wear. • Their shoes had no left or right. They would just slip them on! • Their pockets were not attached. They were tied onto their waists. Usually, women have them under the dress. skirts- boys too!! • The Pilgrims wore a long linen shirt. This was called a shift. They wore them to sleep, then just put their clothing over it! 9 10
There were no buckles!! • The Pilgrims did not wear buckles. They did not have them on their hats, shoes, or clothing. In fact, buckles weren’t invented yet!! • When you learned about Pilgrims, you see that their hats had buckles attached. But really, there were none. 12 11
sources • SLIDE ONE- • 1) http://mrscjacksonsclass.com/pilgrims2.gif • 2) http://www.cumbavac.org/images/Pilgrims3.gif • 3)http://timezone67.weebly.com/uploads/2/8/0/3/2803280/1561590.jpg?362x81 • 4) http://mymcbooks.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/pilgrims.gif • PILGRIM WOMAN PICS- • 1) http://web.ccsd.k12.wy.us/techcurr/social%20studies/images/pilwom.jpg • 2) http://ed101.bu.edu/StudentDoc/current/ED101fa10/hsong43/images/Pilgrimwoman.jpg • 3) http://mrscjacksonsclass.com/pilgrims2.gif (just cropped) • PILGRIM MAN PICS- • 1) http://web.ccsd.k12.wy.us/techcurr/social%20studies/images/pilman.jpg • 2)http://www.familybooksandcds.com/coloring/thanksgiving/pilgrim_man.jpg • MARIGOLD PIC- http://www.hiren.info/desktop-wallpapers/flowers-pictures/yellow-marigold • GOLDENROD PIC- http://flowerinfo.org/wp-content/gallery/goldenrod-flower/goldenrod-flower-12.jpg • RAGWEED PIC- http://static6.depositphotos.com/1015060/669/i/950/depositphotos_6696788-Ragweed-plant.jpg • MULBERRIES PIC- http://www.getinthegarden.com/wpcontent/uploads/2010/06/mulberries-ripe-for-picking.jpg • ELDERBERRIESPIC- http://pickmeyard.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/ripe-elderberries-in-mi-yard.jpg • SHEEP PIC- http://www.pamsclipart.com/clipart_images/cartoon_sheep_leaping_0515-1003-2807-5126_SMU.jpg • FLAX PIC- http://www.yosemitehikes.com/images/flowers/blue-flax-plant-450w.jpg SOURCES SOURCES
SOURCES • PIC OF LADY WITH POCKETS-http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_THKFDRmiBAs/SzLsvO- p36I/AAAAAAAAANM/fMJXc3spXdk/s320/Colonial.jpg • PILGRIMS LANDING AT PLYMOUTH PIC- http://www.theholidayspot.com/thanksgiving/graphics/history.jpg • HAT WITH BUCKLE PICS- • 1)http://districtcommunications.brevardschools.org/pn/2008-1115/j0411558[1].gif • 2) http://comps.canstockphoto.com/can-stock-photo_csp4982522.jpg • INFO WEBSITES- • 1) http://web.ccsd.k12.wy.us/techcurr/social%20studies/05/0101pilcloth.html • 2)http://www.plimoth.org/learn/just-kids/homework-help/what-wear • 3)http://www.sail1620.org/history/articles/106-pilgrim-clothing.html • BOOK USED- Colonial Times by Joy Masoff SOURCES SOURCES