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Fall 2011. Pieces Pilot Linköping, Sweden. The Target group (19-55 years, 3 men 9 women).
Fall 2011 Pieces Pilot Linköping, Sweden
Ämne The Target group (19-55 years, 3 men 9 women) Situation NeedsExcluded from the society Habits/Roles - affinityand the labour market (12) activities, self-esteemSocialy challeged) (12) coachingFinancial assistance (12) Own economy = a job/studiesDyslexia (2) Assistance Neuropsychiatric challenges (5) Psychological and occupational inquiry (activities and tests) Find tools/methods Immigrant background (4) Knowledge about the Swedish society and requirements
Ämne Existing resources and systems • Social Servicies (Team Utreda and coaching, economy service, Social care system- a priority group) • Nursing college (knowledge and experience of teaching adults, students with dyslexia, immigrants) • Employer (In need of a ”new staff”, willing to try and provide with intrerested Work Place Mentors) • Unions
Pieces The Structure The SwedishrepresentativesPieces Co -ordinator Social DeptTeam Utreda Education DeptBirgittaskolan EmployerLean Link EmployerCarema Care EmployerAttendo Care Recruit Coach Economy DoA PromotorGroupactivities EducateFollow upMentor The Union Work Place WP Mentors Work PlaceWP Mentors Work Place WP Mentors
Pieces Process Oct-Dec 2011 Timeline RecruitParticip(OT PT Ps LMC) Educate WP Mentors Preaparatory Course(OT PT PS LMC) DoAFollow up/ individualcoachingwhenneeded Team UtredaSocial Dept Birgitta schoolEducation Dept Employers Co – meetings continuously Excursion at school Educate Super-visors Educate WP Mentors Education block Part 1 TutorsFollow up Recruit WP Mentors WP Mentorsprepaired Recruit/”Job interviews Practice Block Part 1WP Mentors
Pieces Innovations PathwaysResults: Team UtredaLabour market administrationEmploymentStudies
Pieces Dialog om Aktivitet/Arbete (DoA) Activities/ Work Participation in The Model of Human Occupation 34 Claims (Self knowledge, intrerests, values, roles, habits, physical skills, ability to organise and solve problems, interactions and communication skills) skattning The client´s view DialogueThe supervisors view Development areas Twice during the pilot (Beginning and end) Team Utreda will continue the same structure after the end of the pilote - in cases where the participant did not get an employment
Ämne To make the pilot work……. • ToolsLog bookPromotionObstructionSupporting - Group membership- Education Material- Education aids- Coaching methodology • Key factorsInterplay Social commitment RelationsRecruitGroup
Pieces Voices Participants Work Place Mentors ”This is my chance” ”A challenge beyond every day” ” Is this really an offer to ME?” ”I have to use both my skills ” It´s amazing – to get this chance as a mentor – but most of all whitout several years of studies!” my skills as a human”
Pieces Workplace mentor Supervisionsupervision of someone checking that the task is made correctly Tutoring someone leading another “by the hand” of a common journey somewhere Mentor experienced colleague who will serve as a support and advise difficult situations for the young professional Promoter a person who push someone forward in the right direction Pilot a person that you trust and who helps you to pass a particularly difficult situation. Pilot’s responsibility is limited
Pieces Develop an own way of thinking Trust create a trusting climate Stimulate creativities stimulate to other ways of thinking based on different levels, have an interest in how the student think Preserve the curiosity – to lead the process forward Commitment – time Awareness of the one’s own personality
Pieces Work satisfaction ”A state of balance between the needs and expectations people have in different situations and the satisfaction he or she achieves” Individual responsibility and self-control Experience your work in a meaningful way The organisation uses a significant part of the employee’s knowledge, skills and dispositions
Pieces Models The tutor is: Active retelling, encourage, analyses... Passive student is active and motivates Supportive in the beginning and in certain situations
Pieces Phases in the learning process First phase: Self-centeredness What can the workplace mentor do? Give assurance Discuss schedule, expectations Plenty of time Planning work Shadow supervisor
Pieces Second phase: Stand or fall What can the workplace mentor do? Dare to let the student try Appropriate tasks Give feedback Process impressions
Pieces Third phase: An understanding of the situation without always being able to act on the understanding What can the workplace mentor do? Encourage to own initiatives Step down Give and take criticism Relationship, as a possible colleague
Pieces Fourth phase An ability to both understand and act according to understanding Fifth phase Express of your own professionalism
Pieces Attendence: Date:___________________ Supervisor:________________________________ Student:___________________________________ Contact teacher:____________________________ Number of absencehours:__________ Numbers of occassions:__________ Final Assessment Name:__________________________________________ National ID number :________________________________ Trainee job :______________________________________ TrainingCourses:__________________________________ Training Course Objectivessee attachment The student has fullfilled his APU according to the goals of the course? Yes__ No__ Justification: The justificationshallincludesuitability for the profession by the courseobjectives, customer and employerperspective. The justificationshallalsoreflect the student’sability to independentlyperformtheirowncaringresponsibilities by planning, implementing, monitoring/documentation. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Pieces Appendix 1 Course: Health and social care Goal for APU During your education within the workplace you shall: Get knowledge about basic health care work by: Plan, conduct, evaluate nursing action based on the individual’s needs and resources. Work according to ergonomic and hygienic principles. (from the course of Health and social care)
Pieces Education within the workplace Assessment of the education within the workplace (APU) Health and Social care, komvux Student’s name:______________________________________________ Personal ID number____________________Class:__________________ APU-place:_________________________________________________ Supervisor:________________________________________________ Supervisor:________________________________________________ Contact teacher:_____________________________________________ Period of APU:_________________________________________________ We are grateful that you take care so well care of our students at your workplace.We provide course objectives and a contact teacher will contact you at the beginning of the period. Contact teacher will also visit the student.The student will do approximately 175 hours during 5 weeks and if possible, follow supervisor's / supervisor's schedule, which also involves weekend and evening service.The supervisor / supervisors are responsible for the assessment together with the contact teacher. The assessment should be done continuously, half time and at the end of the work placement.Students are entitled to be kept being assesst of their contributions after completed tasks. During half-time the student shall to a self assessment according to their contributions and the supervisor assesses by making comments to clarify areas of development. The final assessment will be based on training objectives and suitability for the profession from a customer and employer perspective. The final assessment will also evaluate the student's ability to independently perform a caring contribution according to the planning, implementing, monitoring/documentation. Please contact us at Ph. 013- 263074 Appendix 1 goal of course and appendix 2 bilaga 2 absence report