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Privacy Activity

Privacy Activity. By: Martin Duchnak , Paula Nunez, Karly Butler, Bryan M. Opinions on our own Private Rights. Me? A “Legalize Marijuana” Activist?.

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Privacy Activity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Privacy Activity By: Martin Duchnak, Paula Nunez, Karly Butler, Bryan M. Opinions on our own Private Rights

  2. Me? A “Legalize Marijuana” Activist? A company who contracts with the federal government doesn’t want to hire you because a Facebook friend leaves a lot of enthusiastic “legalize marijuana” postings on your wall…

  3. Right to Use Information…? Q: In your scenario, did the people have the right to use the information they did or should it have been private? Why? A: NO! This problem involves an individual’s private life. Work and personal life should have no BOLD connection.

  4. Are YOU at Fault? Q: Are the people who were affected by the use of this information at fault? A: No. I strongly believe that the the employer does not need to take any blame.

  5. Shared Information…Disastrous…

  6. Judging A Book By its Cover • Q: Think about the data you’ve made available in different places/spaces such as Facebook, Twitter, texting, Netflix, etc. What might other people think about who you are based on this data? Is it an accurate impression of who you are? • A: Sometimes, I do share information that relates to my personal beliefs and likes, but I also share things I just find funny or interesting even if it’s not what I believe in. So it depends on the information they look at.

  7. Availability of DATA • Q: Consider each of the following broad categories of societal change: • Privacy • Safety • Globalization • Connectivity • Permanence of historical information • Discuss whether availability of data has had a positive or negative impact on each aspect of society and, if negative, how these consequences can be minimized.

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