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Date: 2014-01-18

PHY Simulations and Methodology. Date: 2014-01-18. Presenter:. Authors/Supporters List. Authors/Supporters List.

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Date: 2014-01-18

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PHY Simulations and Methodology Date: 2014-01-18 Presenter: Bo Gao

  2. Authors/Supporters List Bo Gao

  3. Authors/Supporters List (This will grow to reflect those providing explicit contributions/review comments and support of this document. Please feel free to let author know if any name is missing from this list.) Bo Gao

  4. This document is part and is in support of the complete proposal described in 802.11-13/1301r2 (slides) and 802.11-13/1302r1 (text). This document contains physical layer (PHY) simulation results for new MCSs for the TGaj complete proposal(60GHz). Abstract Bo Gao

  5.  Except as noted below, the following general conditions were employed for the PHY simulations: • Channel Model: • 802.11ad Channel Models Channel LOS: Conference room, directional TX, directional RX, LOS Channel NLOS: Conference room, directional TX, directional RX, NLOS Simulation Conditions Bo Gao

  6. Ctrl PHY CMCS Bo Gao


  8. MR SC PHY CMCS Bo Gao

  9. HR SC PHY CMCS Bo Gao

  10. CMCS 10 CMCS 11 CMCS 12 CMCS 13 Bo Gao

  11. CMCS 10 CMCS 11 CMCS 12 CMCS 13 Bo Gao

  12. CMCS 14 CMCS 15 CMCS 16 CMCS 17 Bo Gao

  13. CMCS 14 CMCS 15 CMCS 16 CMCS 17 Bo Gao

  14. Thanks! Bo Gao

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