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Introduction to Standards-based Curriculum Integration Part I and II

Introduction to Standards-based Curriculum Integration Part I and II Dr. Penni Hudis - Director of Pathway and Curriculum Development, ConnectED Kathleen Harris - Director of Coaching and Technical Assistance, ConnectED Rob Atterbury- Director of Professional Development, Connect Ed.

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Introduction to Standards-based Curriculum Integration Part I and II

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  1. Introduction to Standards-based Curriculum Integration Part I and II Dr. Penni Hudis - Director of Pathway and Curriculum Development, ConnectED Kathleen Harris - Director of Coaching and Technical Assistance, ConnectED Rob Atterbury- Director of Professional Development, Connect Ed

  2. www.connectedcalifornia.org 510-849-4945 Partnering with NAF, NCAC, CASN, EDC

  3. Objectives • Recognize quality curriculum integration • Identify levels and types • Describe teacher roles • Surface obstacles and explore solutions • Access key resources 3

  4. Why integrated curriculum? • Tap motivation FORCED TO…....NEED TO…….WANT TO You push…..They comply…..They seek • Engage in meeting standards that are aligned with assessment expectations 4

  5. Why project based learning? PBL engages students in complex, real-world problem solving …is Academically Challenging …is Relevant …uses Active Learning PBL

  6. Integration Continuum Single Subject Paired Interrelated Conceptual BASIC INTERMEDIATE COMPLEX 6

  7. Activity 1 Review and critique a curriculum sample using the Integrated Lesson and Project Quality Criteria 7

  8. Integrated curriculum design • Curriculum/Performance mapping • Connecting concept or theme • Essential questions • Performance assessments • Industry partners • Reflection and revision 8

  9. Integrated planning in action 9

  10. Integrated projects should be • Standards/performance driven – • Inquiry based • Authentic • Personalized

  11. ACTIVITY 2: Reflection Question 1 11

  12. Begin with the end in mind ”All things are created twice:first mentally and then physically.The key to creativity is to begin with the end in mind, with a vision and a blueprint of the desired result.” Stephen R Covey

  13. What is the end? • The project or activity • The content topics • Performance of standards 13

  14. Curriculum maps – How it is Identifying fomites lab Tracking an epidemic classroom simulation and computer simulation Disease agents Chain of infection Clinical epidemiology lab 6.2 6.3 1.1 (1.3) 1.2 (10.c) 1.2 (10.a) 1.2 (10.d) 6.2 6.3 B3.1 B4.0 E1.0 E2.0 Demonstrate proper experimental procedure Draw conclusions from data regarding prevalence of bacterial contamination Explain how different factors influence the spread of disease Analyze and evaluate symptoms to determine patient health status Identify various modes of transmission for common pathogens 14

  15. Unpacking the standards Uncover to determine: • Standard • Content/application • Skills to master (action verbs) • Demonstration of mastery

  16. Unpacking the standards Verbs matter! Verbs establish the level of learning and drive the assessment methods Activities in the project should require students to acquire and/or demonstrate the desired level of mastery

  17. Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy

  18. Mapping time units can vary: • Days • Weeks • Months 18

  19. Curriculum map – how it should be 6.2 6.3 1.1 (1.3) 1.2 (10.c) 1.2 (10.a) 1.2 (10.d) 6.2 6.3 B3.1 B4.0 E1.0 E2.0 Demonstrate proper experimental procedure Draw conclusions from data regarding prevalence of bacterial contamination Explain how different factors influence the spread of disease Analyze and evaluate symptoms to determine patient health status Identify various modes of transmission for common pathogens ? ? ? ? 19

  20. Demonstrate proper experimental procedure Draw conclusions from data regarding prevalence of bacterial contamination Identify various modes of transmission for common pathogens Explain how different factors influence the spread of disease Analyze and evaluate symptoms to determine patient health status Paraphrase the research into your own words. Formulate a preliminary thesis statement to reveal the specific point of the paper. Find information on the topic using a minimum of five sources Evaluate the credibility and reliability of resources. Prepare a formal outline using proper outlining form. Distinguish between active and passive transport along concentration gradients. Compare and contrast viral replication and cellular division Analyze structural differences between cells and viruses 20

  21. Demonstrate proper experimental procedure Draw conclusions from data regarding prevalence of bacterial contamination Identify various modes of transmission for common pathogens Explain how different factors influence the spread of disease Analyze and evaluate symptoms to determine patient health status Paraphrase the research into your own words. Formulate a preliminary thesis statement to reveal the specific point of the paper. Find information on the topic using a minimum of five sources Evaluate the credibility and reliability of resources. Prepare a formal outline using proper outlining form. Distinguish between active and passive transport along concentration gradients. Compare and contrast viral replication and cellular division Analyze structural differences between cells and viruses 21

  22. Connections across subjects come from both verbs (skills) AND applications (content) 22

  23. The goal of performance mapping is to create integrated lessons or projects that are standards-based and reflect and aligned to scope and sequence 23

  24. ACTIVITY 3Practice building performance maps and finding connections 24

  25. Getting started on performance mapping • Agree on the level of granularity (week vs. month) of map • Establish the time spans for your maps • Decide on the physical format

  26. Getting started on performance mapping • Determine the means for sharing the maps • Schedule curriculum design meetings • Establish a strategy for providing technical assistance

  27. Mapping time units can vary: • Days • Weeks • Months 27

  28. Curriculum map – how it should be 6.2 6.3 1.1 (1.3) 1.2 (10.c) 1.2 (10.a) 1.2 (10.d) 6.2 6.3 B3.1 B4.0 E1.0 E2.0 Demonstrate proper experimental procedure Draw conclusions from data regarding prevalence of bacterial contamination Explain how different factors influence the spread of disease Analyze and evaluate symptoms to determine patient health status Identify various modes of transmission for common pathogens ? ? ? ? 28

  29. Demonstrate proper experimental procedure Draw conclusions from data regarding prevalence of bacterial contamination Identify various modes of transmission for common pathogens Explain how different factors influence the spread of disease Analyze and evaluate symptoms to determine patient health status Paraphrase the research into your own words. Formulate a preliminary thesis statement to reveal the specific point of the paper. Find information on the topic using a minimum of five sources Evaluate the credibility and reliability of resources. Prepare a formal outline using proper outlining form. Distinguish between active and passive transport along concentration gradients. Compare and contrast viral replication and cellular division Analyze structural differences between cells and viruses 29

  30. Demonstrate proper experimental procedure Draw conclusions from data regarding prevalence of bacterial contamination Identify various modes of transmission for common pathogens Explain how different factors influence the spread of disease Analyze and evaluate symptoms to determine patient health status Paraphrase the research into your own words. Formulate a preliminary thesis statement to reveal the specific point of the paper. Find information on the topic using a minimum of five sources Evaluate the credibility and reliability of resources. Prepare a formal outline using proper outlining form. Distinguish between active and passive transport along concentration gradients. Compare and contrast viral replication and cellular division Analyze structural differences between cells and viruses 30

  31. Idea/Concept/Skill Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject Student Performances Essential Question Project Description

  32. Online Tool http://devconnectedstudios.org/

  33. 33

  34. 34

  35. 35

  36. 36

  37. Multiple roles for industry 37

  38. Rubrics • STANDARD: uses verbs that imply level of performance • CRITERIA: describes competence • SCALE: rates student performance in relationship to competence

  39. Building the lesson or project • Find the link—concept, idea, and/or skill in common • Determine authentic context for performance measures • Align the appropriate activities to the context and performance measures 39

  40. Getting Started

  41. Resources • Integrated Curriculum Design Manual http://www.ConnectEdCalifornia.org • George Lucas Education Foundation http://www.edutopia.org • Buck Institute of Education http://www.bie.org • What Kids Can Do http://www.whatkidscando.org • Adria Steinberg’s Real Learning, Real Work and Schooling for the Real World: The Essential Guide to Rigor and Relevant Learning

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