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Aerosol Sampling and Analysis for GEOTRACES: Bill Landing Department of Oceanography Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-4320 850-644-6037 wlanding@fsu.edu.
Aerosol Sampling and Analysis for GEOTRACES: Bill Landing Department of Oceanography Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-4320 850-644-6037 wlanding@fsu.edu GEOTRACES Atlantic Basin Workshop September 2007
Shipboard aerosol sampling and satellite imagery show good agreement for mineral dust concentrations (field calibration important if we want to use satellite imagery). GEOTRACES Atlantic Basin Workshop September 2007
Two days later……~100x lower in qualitative agreement with TOMS imagery. GEOTRACES Atlantic Basin Workshop September 2007
Imprint of Atmospheric Dust Input on Upper Ocean Chemistry A16N, North Atlantic: High aerosol Fe is expressed in high dissolved Fe (8x) and particulate Fe (20x) in surface waters. Residence times with respect to atmospheric deposition range from 3-10 days. GEOTRACES Atlantic Basin Workshop September 2007
A16N, North Atlantic: Soluble aerosol Fe in size-fractionated samples is dominated by >1um particles. Fractional Fe solubility (blue symbols) in fine particles is not significantly enhanced. GEOTRACES Atlantic Basin Workshop September 2007
Water column dissolved: Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb by isotope dilution ICPMS; Mn and Co by std adds ICPMS Rainfall and DI solubility leaches: HR-ICPMS (47 elements) Aerosol and TSM EDXRF (Joe Resing; PMEL/UW) GEOTRACES Atlantic Basin Workshop September 2007
NSF Proposal August 15, 2007 (US and International participation being actively sought). GEOTRACES: Intercalibration for Aerosol Sampling and Analysis 1. acquire high-volume sampling equipment to be made available for deployment on GEOTRACES research cruises for the collection of total aerosols (TSP) and size-fractionated aerosols on low-blank filter matrices that can be subsampled and shared with colleagues around the world. 2. acquire automated rainwater sampling equipment to be made available for deployment on GEOTRACES research cruises for the collection of large volumes of unfiltered and filtered rainfall that can be subsampled and shared. GEOTRACES Atlantic Basin Workshop September 2007
3. Test and intercalibrate the equipment during two field experiments (2008 on the RSMAS-University of Miami roof and 2009 on the Tudor Hill Marine-Atmospheric Observatory Sampling Tower in Bermuda). 4. Invite collaborators from the US and elsewhere to participate in sampler intercalibration during the field experiments. 5. Distribute aerosol and rainwater subsamples to collaborators from the US and elsewhere for the purposes of intercalibrating analytical methods. 6. Collect intercalibration data from the various collaborators and produce an intercalibration document (for journal publication). 7. Prepare “handbooks” describing the atmospheric sampling and analytical protocols for use on GEOTRACES cruises; to be shared with our US and international GEOTRACES colleagues. GEOTRACES Atlantic Basin Workshop September 2007
Email list Brief summaries of ongoing aerosol and rainfall projects Cruise sampling and island sites Collect references and anecdotal information on methods, cleaning, etc. Sensors: optical depth, CCN, others Rainfall sampling, filtration TSP, size fractionated aerosols Marine Chemistry special issue What to measure? TEIs, exotic isotopes GEOTRACES Atlantic Basin Workshop September 2007