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Key management in wireless sensor networks

Key management in wireless sensor networks. Kevin Wang. About WSN. What is wireless sensor networks? Definition Inexpensive, limited resources … Constraints Limited power, computing ability, memory size and communication protocol Application Military or hospital …. For example.

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Key management in wireless sensor networks

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  1. Key management in wireless sensor networks Kevin Wang

  2. About WSN • What is wireless sensor networks? • Definition • Inexpensive, limited resources… • Constraints • Limited power, computing ability, memory size and communication protocol • Application • Military or hospital…

  3. For example • Berkeley-designed MICA2 • 8 Mhz Atmel CPU • Instruction memory size is 128 kb • Data usage is 4 kb of RAM • Flash memory size is 512 kb • 19.2 kbps application bandwidth up to a range of 10–20 meter • At full power the MICA2 will run for about two weeks before exhaustion and up to one year using sleep modes • Tiny OS

  4. K K K K Adversary Security Risks in Wireless Sensory Networks • Eavesdropping • Confidentiality • Packet Injection • Access control • Integrity • Jamming • Replay • Denial of Service

  5. Problems • Focus on • Key management • Clustering and Routing problem • Power consumption • Handoff problem • Mobile node

  6. Key management for WSN 1/4 • Models • Hierarchical and Distributed WSN

  7. Key management for WSN 2/4 • Communication types • Unicast • Nodes to headers • Nodes to nodes • Header to header • Multicast • Header to nodes • Broadcast • Server to nodes • Server to headers

  8. Key management for WSN 3/4 • Key predistribution types • Deterministic • Probabilistic • Hybrid

  9. Key management for WSN 4/4 • Dynamic key generation algorithms for distributing • Pair-wise • Group-wise • Network-wise

  10. Clustering problem • Cluster problem • Random deployment • Need an efficient algorithm to cluster • Use deployment knowledge • Impracticable or infeasible: DDHV-D scheme

  11. Routing problem • Routing problem • Shortest path is good? • Find dynamic paths to reach max-life of WSN • Solution: • Static • GA, NN, … • Mobile • Dynamic tiny GA…

  12. Power consumption • In WSN, the energy is an important dominated factor • Deliver messages will consumption much energy • Deliver one bit : execute one instruction = 200~2900 : 1 • But if fix the key function then the entire WSN will be weakness. • So we consider power constraint and propose a novel scheme • Dynamic key-generation function • And the key function fulfill the power constraint

  13. Handoff problem • No move no handoff • Mobile nodes • Headers verse nodes • In mobile WSN, as nodes moving, then the secure problem will be more important. ?

  14. Question

  15. Our scheme

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