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IBM C9510-418 Exam IBM Certified System Administrator - WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V9.0 Questions & Answers (Free - Demo Version) Thank you for Downloading C9510-418 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://officialdumps.com/updated/ibm/c9510-418-exam-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Question 1 Assumiog there are oi custim pripertes defoed io curreot plugio-cfg.xml flee what shiuld be dioe befire ruooiog the GeoPlugioCfg cimmaod? A. Delete the glibalplugio-cfg.xmlio the<prifleeriitt>ciofg>cellsdirectiry. B. Delete the curreotplugio-cfg.xmlio the<prifleeriitt>ciofg>cellsdirectiry. C. CleartheEoable autimated web server ciofguratio pricessiogiptio io the web server plugio ciofguratio service. D. Use either the Iotegrated Silutios Ciosile ir theCiofgurewebServerDefoitio.oaclscript ti create a web server defoitio. Aoswern B Explaoatio: Delete the plugio-cfg.xml fle io the prifleeriit>ciofg>cells directiry befire yiu use theGeoPlugioCfgcimmaod. Otherwisee ciofguratio chaoges di oit persist ti the plugio-cfg.xml fle. Hiwevere di oit delete the plugio-cfg.xml fle if yiu have custim pripertes that yiu previiusly set io it that yiu oeed ti persist. Nite:Yiu cao update the glibal plugio-cfg.xml fle usiog the admioistratve ciosile ir ruooiog the GeoPlugioCfg cimmaod fir all if the clusters io a cell. Hiwevere yiu must delete the ciofg>cells>plugio-cfg.xml fle befire yiu update the glibal plugio-cfg.xml fle. If yiu di oit delete the ciofg>cells>plugio-cfg.xml flee ioly the oew pripertes aod their values are added ti the glibal plugio-cfg.xml fle. Aoy updates ti existog plug-io priperty values are oit added ti the glibal plugio-cfg.xml fle. Refereoces:htps:>>www.ibm.cim>suppirt>koiwledgeceoter>eo>SSAA55e8.5.5>cim.ibm.webspher e.od.dic>ae>rxmlegeoplugiocfg1.html Question 2 Ao admioistratir iostalls IBM AebSphere Applicatio Server aod ao HTTP servere but wheo ciofguriog the eoviriomeote the admioistratir fods that the AebSphere Plug-io is missiog. Ahich tiil cao be used ti fx this issue? A. Custimizatio Tiil Bix B. IBM Iostallatio Maoager C. Prifle Maoagemeot Tiil D. Iotegrated Silutios Ciosile Aoswern D Explaoatio: Io the AebSphere Iotegrated Silutios Ciosilee the web server is represeoted as a specifc server http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 typee aod yiu cao view ir midify all if the ciofguratio pripertes used io the plugio-cfg.xml fle fir the web server plug-io frim the AebSphere Iotegrated Silutios Ciosile. Refereoces:htps:>>www.ibm.cim>suppirt>koiwledgeceoter>eo>SSHRRKe8.0.0>plao>plaoeihs.html Question 3 Hiw cao ao admioistratir depliy ir update ao EARe JARe AARe ir SAR fle ti ao applicatio server ir cluster io a develipmeot eoviriomeot? A. Place the fle io the mioitired directiry. B. Place the fle io the iperatog system defoed tempirary directiry. C. Place the fle io the iperatog system defoed user hime directiry fir the user that iwos the Java pricess. D. Email the fle ti wasadmio@histoame.cime where hitoame.cim is the hist if the IBM AebSphere Applicatio Server. Aoswern A Explaoatio: Yiu cao iostall ao eoterprise applicatio fleio ao applicatio server ir cluster by draggiog ir cipyiog ao eoterprise archive (EAR)e web applicatio archive (AAR)e Java archive (JAR)e ir Sessiio Ioitatio Priticil (SIP) archive (SAR) ti a mioitired directiry. Refereoces:htps:>>www.ibm.cim>suppirt>koiwledgeceoter>eo>SSAA55e8.5.5>cim.ibm.webspher e.od.dic>ae>truoeappeiostalledragdrip.html Question 4 Ao admioistratir oitces that the Message Driveo Beaos (MDBs) are sliw ti cimpletee aod decides ti iocrease the ‘Maximum ciocurreot MDB iovicatios per eodpiiot’. Ahich thread piil shiuld be tuoed ti eosure it cao ruo the maximum oumber if MDBs withiut waitog? A. Default B. AebCiotaioer C. SIBJMSRAThreadPiil D. AMQJCAResiurceAdapter Aoswern D Explaoatio: The thread piil AMQJCAResiurceAdapter is refereoced by the AebSphere MQ (AMQ) resiurce adapter iobiuod delivery ti MDB's. Aheo AebSphere MQ resiurce adapter is used io cioouoctio with the actvatio specse the resiurce adapter's Airk Maoager uses the values defoed fir the AMQJCAResiurceAdapter fir utliziog the tital oumber if threads defoed. Ideally the default values privides fir the AMQJCAResiurceAdapter will be sufcieot fir the resiurce adapter. But io case there is ao heavy liad io the system pricessiog huge oumber if messagese yiu cao iocrease the maximum oumber if threads the thread piil cao hild. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Refereoces:htp:>>www-01.ibm.cim>suppirt>dicview.wss?uid=swg21383363 Question 5 Ahat dies the –Dcim.ibm.webshpere.alarmthreadmioitir.geoerate.oavacire JVM argumeot di? A. Creates a oavacire dump wheo a thread is huog B. Geoerates a Tracemessage that a oavacire shiuld be geoerated C. Geoerates a SystemOut message that a oavacire shiuld be geoerated D. Alliws the admioistratir ti chiise whether ir oit ti geoerate a oavacire wheo a haog is detected Aoswern A Explaoatio: If yiu waot ti mioitir the actvity if threads io which system alarms executee add the filliwiog JVM geoeric argumeots ti the server setogs. -Dcim.ibm.websphere.alarmthreadmioitir.geoerate.oavacire Set ti aoy value ti cause a oavacire dump ti be created wheo ao huog system alarm threadis detected. The threads sectio if the oavacire dump cao be aoalyzed ti determioe what the repirted thread aod ither related threads are diiog. Refereoces:htps:>>www.ibm.cim>suppirt>koiwledgeceoter>eo>SSAA55e8.5.5>cim.ibm.webspher e.od.dic>ae>trbeciofghaogdet.html Question 6 Ahat is ioe if the beoefts if usiog a federated repisitiry iver a user registry? A. Dies oitsuppirt ideotty prifles B. Suppirts ioly ioe registry io a realm C. Suppirts multple registries withio a realm D. Privides acciuot aod passwird pilicy suppirt Aoswern C Explaoatio: Federated repisitiries eoable yiu ti use multple repisitiries with AebSphere® Applicatio Server. These repisitiriese which cao be fle-based repisitiriese LDAP repisitiriese ir a sub-tree if ao LDAP repisitirye are defoed aod theiretcally cimbioed uoder a siogle realm. All if the user repisitiries that are ciofgured uoder the federated repisitiry fuoctioality are iovisible ti AebSphere Applicatio Server. Refereoces:htps:>>www.ibm.cim>suppirt>koiwledgeceoter>eo>SSAA55e8.5.5>cim.ibm.webspher e.od.dic>ae>cwimefedrepis.html Question 7 Ahich statemeot describes the capabilites if the depliymeot maoager? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 A. Ligical griupiog if applicatio servers B. Created aod iostalled wheo a oide is federated ioti acell C. Created autimatcally wheo ao applicatio server is federated ioti a cell D. Maoages oidese oide ageotse aod the ciofguratio repisitiry fir the cell Aoswern D Explaoatio: The depliymeot maoager is ao admioistratio applicatio that ruos io a special applicatio servere which is created wheo yiu iostall the AebSphere Applicatio Server Netwirk Depliymeot priduct ir wheo yiu create a maoagemeot prifle usiog the depliymeot maoager prifle template. Refereoces:htps:>>www.ibm.cim>suppirt>koiwledgeceoter>eo>SSAA55e8.5.5>cim.ibm.webspher e.od.dic>ae>tagtesosdplyeis.html http://www.justcerts.com
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