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Agenda. 8:30 9:00 Executive Session NSF/consultants 9:00 9:30 Overview of SB group Grannis 9:30 10:00 Atlas overview, HV system, outreach McCarthy 10:00 10:30 Atlas calibrations, software, grid Engelmann 10:30 11:00 break 11:00 11:20 Atlas commissioning Rijssenbeek
Agenda 8:30 9:00 Executive Session NSF/consultants 9:00 9:30 Overview of SB group Grannis 9:30 10:00 Atlas overview, HV system, outreach McCarthy 10:00 10:30 Atlas calibrations, software, grid Engelmann 10:30 11:00 break 11:00 11:20 Atlas commissioning Rijssenbeek 11:20 11:50 Video with CERN Yurkewicz, Thioye, Tschann-Grimm 11:50 12:20 lunch 12:20 1:05 Tour of facilities 1:05 1:35 DØ calorimeter, Layer 0 Schamberger 1:35 2:05 DØ physics prospects Hobbs 2:05 2:35 Video with FNAL Tsybychev, Hu, Guo, Strauss et al 2:35 3:00 break 3:00 3:25 NN group; K2K, T2K McGrew 3:25 3:45 SuperK, UNO Yanagisawa 3:45 4:20 MARIACHI Takai 4:20 5:00 Executive session NSF/ consultants 5:00 5:30 Closeout NSF/ consultants/ PIs ATLAS DØ n, p decay, DUSEL Mariachi
The Stony Brook Group makeup – three NSF grants, two DOE tasks: Seen from within, the boundaries between grants are highly permeable. We are one unified HEP group. • NSFa – DØ, Atlas, ILC (senior PIs Grannis, Engelmann, McCarthy, Schamberger) • NSFb – Mariachi (senior PIs Marx, Takai) • NSFc – DUSEL (senior PIs Jung, McGrew, Paul, Yanagisawa) • DOEa – DØ, Atlas (senior PIs Rijssenbeek, Hobbs) • DOEb – SuperK, K2K, T2K, UNO (senior PIs Jung, McGrew, Paul, Yanagisawa) • Shared resources: Elect. Engineer – Manzella (NSFa); Technician – Steffens (State, NSFa, NSFb, DOEa, DOEb); Computing – Ng (State); Administration – Napolitano, Dugan (1/2 time) shared on all HEP and XRay grants.
Stony Brook Grant support (approximate yearly totals): Current base grants: NSFa $982K NSFb $486K NSFc $500K ($80K stays at Stony Brook) DOEa $486K DOEb $403K ATLAS MoU support: ~$80K/yr SuperK MoU suppport: ~$80K/yr
Evolution of Stony Brook experiments UNO/DUSEL SuperK K2K – T2K AGS Direct electrons ILC ISR DØ DØ CUSB ATLAS SSC/ GEM FNAL Dileptons/ dihadrons KOPIO MARIACHI 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015
Some notable Stony Brook physics achievements: FNAL E288/E605: Discovery of Upsilon (Upsilon’ and ’’) CUSB: Upsilon 4S discovery, bottomonium spectroscopy ISR 801: rising total pp and ppbar cross sections, high pTp0 AGS E650: anomalous high pT e- and e+e- production DØ: top discovery, cross section & mass; W boson mass; high pTg, W/Z; high pT jet production; BS mixing; trilinear gauge boson coupling; BFKL pomeron … SuperK: atmospheric neutrino mass and mixing discovery K2K: mixing in accelerator neutrinos
Some major Stony Brook hardware fabrication: CUSB: crystal calorimeter electronics, DAQ E605: first ring imaging Cerenkov detector ISR: p0 spectrometer AGS electrons: electron/photon calorimeters DØ: central drift chamber, LAr calorimeter electronics, forward preshower, silicon vertex displaced vertex trigger, Layer 0 silicon strips SuperK: outer detector construction K2K: 1 kton veto detector, scintillating strip near detector ATLAS: calorimeter HV feedthroughs
*Ties Behnke – Central drift chamber tests (faculty, Univ. Hamburg/DESY) *Domenic Pizzuto – drift chamber performance (financial industry) Jim Cochran – top cross section (em channel) (faculty, Iowa State) Joey Thompson – top cross section (m+jets channel) (Photo-optics industry) *Terry Heuring – electrons in central calorimeter (Defense Dept) Marc Paterno – squark gluino search (Fermilab staff) *Paul Rubinov – direct photon angular dist. (Fermilab staff) *Dhiman Chakraborty – top production (faculty, No. Illinois Univ.) *Jaehoon Yu – jet production/aS (faculty, Univ Texas Arlington) *Scott Snyder – top quark mass (BNL staff physicist) Hailin Li -- W→ t and lepton universality (software industry) *Ting Hu – W width (software industry) *John Jiang – pT distribution of Z’s (Industry) *Greg Landsberg – Trilinear ZZg, Zgg couplings (faculty, Brown Univ.) *Wei Chen – direct diphoton production Dennis Shpakov – W/Z mass ratio (Fermilab staff) *Slava Kulik – W mass (financial industry) Marian Zdrazil – doubly charged Higgs search (postdoc LBNL) *Zarah Casilum – Z+jets production (via SUNY Buffalo) Abid Patwa – forward preshower and J/y trigger (BNL staff) Zhong Min Wang – jet production *Yildirim Mutaf – Zb production (Mayo clinic postdoc) *Satish Desai – technicolor search in W(m)bb (Fermilab postdoc) (August 2006) Where do our students go? An example - Stony Brook PhDs from DØ (* = NSF support) 23 PhDs – 12 now in HEP
Current PhD students: Dmitri Beznosko – T2K Ilektra Christidi – K decay Huishi Dong – DØ Jet Goodson – ATLAS Feng Guo – DØ Jun Guo – DØ Ken Herner – DØ Tokofumi Kato –SuperK Glenn Lopez – T2K Emanuel Strauss – DØ Ryan Terri – K2K Mustapha Thioye – ATLAS Le Phrouc Trung – T2K Katy Tschann-Grimm – ATLAS Lisa Whitehead – K2K
NSFa Group profile: Before ~1985 two NSF groups with senior personnel: (a) Lee-Franzini, Engelmann*, McCarthy*, Schamberger* working at CUSB, Fermilab dihadrons/dileptons (b) Good, Finocchiaro, Grannis* (Fermilab dihadrons/ISR/DØ) Amalgamated by NSF in 1980’s into one group with these 7 senior physicists all working on DØ (and some remnants of other expts). Today, 4 senior physicists (*) on NSFa grant (recent new faculty joined the DOE grants). • The university recently approved a new hire in HEP (ATLAS) – we propose that this person will join the NSFa grant. • Grannis to retire from teaching faculty to become research professor Jan. 2007 (summer support from grant).
NSFa Group profile: Current students: Jun Guo – DØ calorimeter, W mass in electron channel Emanuel Strauss – DØ, data quality Katy Tschann-Grimm – ATLAS calorimeter, g production Mustapha Thioye – ATLAS calorimeter (shared with DOE) Jet Goodson – ATLAS calorimeter, missing ET Current postdocs: Yuan Hu – DØ preshower, t trigger, ttbb final states Dmitri Tsybychev – DØ Si Vtx leader, B physics Adam Yurkewicz – ATLAS calorimeter/ missing ET, DØ W mass New (replacement for N. Parua) – ATLAS
Physics Questions • Particle physics has not had such exciting prospects for many years. There are many fundamental problems on which it seems possible to make real advances with the next round of experiments: • What are the small neutrino masses and large mixings telling us? Are neutrinos Majorana or Dirac? Do they imply a new high energy scale? • What generates the flavor matrices? Is there new physics in the flavor loops? Why baryon-antibaryon asymmetry in the universe? • Are there baryon lepton couplings? Is the proton stable? • What is origin of ultra-high energy cosmic rays? Our colleagues in DOEb, NSFb, NSFc groups are addressing many of these questions; we benefit from our close interactions. See talks by Clark McGrew, Chiaki Yanagisawa, HelioTakai.
Questions, cont’d. • How can we characterize dark energy? Are there insights that could come from particle physics (e.g. study of spin 0 fields)? • What is dark matter – are WIMPs the whole story? Does it connect to new physics in the EWSB sector? • What generates the Electroweak symmetry breaking? Does the Higgs field exist? • How is the EW scale stabilized with respect to the GUT scale? What is the new non-SM physics that accomplishes this? • Is QCD unified with the EW interaction? Those of us in the NSFa and DOEa groups have primarily focussed on the last four questions for the past 20 years, and see great opportunity to make substantial progress in the coming years. Our past studies position us well to lead in these studies.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 The DØ Program Tevatron will run through FY2009; goal is 8 fb-1 accumulated by end of run. Now have ~2 fb-1. Tevatron is performing very well. ratio Integrated luminosity Mean initial luminosity design ratio Integrated luminosity (fb-1) base FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 Primary goals for remaining DØ run: Search for Higgs; constrain SM through top and W mass; find evidence for new physics; explore the heavy b-quark states and rare decays. Dean Schamberger, John Hobbs will discuss in more detail.
SM Higgs boson search From 2006 summer conferences: within factor ~5 of SM rate. 95% confidence exclusion at Higgs mass: < 185 GeV By end of run, DØ/CDF combined can rule out (95% CL) Higgs up to 185 GeV. 5s discovery for mH < 120 GeV. < 160 GeV 115 GeV Discover Higgs at 115 GeV SB involvement in Higgs search will continue – Grannis, Hobbs, Hu, students.
First definitive breakdown of EW Standard Model? Measure W mass to 40 MeV in each experiment (McCarthy, J. Guo, Hobbs, Zhu, F. Guo). Expect each experiment to measure top mass to 2 GeV. (Note that improvement on dmW is even more important than dmt.) The combination of decreasing errors on W and top masses, and extending the Higgs mass exclusion to higher mass can lead to a clear violation of the SM. W mass: Hobbs, J. Guo, F. Guo, McCarthy Observing the Higgs would be even better! 185
b-quark states – heavy systems, rare decays, Bs mixing D. Tsybychev is a primary player in B physics studies. New b state spectroscopy First limit on Bs mixing (CDF did better) Bs → mm search DØ strengths are in lepton decay modes, larger acceptance, forward decays.
ATLAS Program Bob McCarthy, Rod Engelmann, Michael Rijssenbeek will discuss in more detail. • Our ATLAS group is relatively not as large as Stony Brook was in DØ, so we will focus more tightly. • Our primary technical responsibilities: • Design, construction, installation of the liquid argon calorimeter HV feedthroughs • Calorimeter commissioning • Calorimeter tests & calibrations Stony Brook now in CERN to commission, ATLAS – Rijssenbeek, Yurkiewicz, Tschann-Grimm, Thioye (Goodson) + 1 new postdoc. Weekly meetings by video.
Formulating Stony Brook/ATLAS physics program • Physics program will follow our belief that EWSB is the most important broad topic and will connect to our calorimeter responsibilities. • Early analysis efforts will center on topics that develop key competencies: • Direct photon production. These extend QCD tests, help develop the EM object algorithms, and provide the data sample for jet energy scale calibration (g + jet transverse momentum balance). • Jets + missing ET. This aims at the first order SUSY search (cross section for scalar sum of jet ET + MET). Also an opportunity for calibrating and optimizing MET resolution. • Lead to longer term possibilities, e.g.: • H → WW* → qq ln • H → tt (mnmnt + p/r nt) • Squark/gluino search in multijets + MET • Extra dimensions in qq/gg → jets + MET due to graviton into bulk etc.
International Linear Collider • We expect that the Tevatron and LHC will make dramatic discoveries that extend our understanding of the Electroweak scale and its connection to the GUT/Planck scales. We should also expect that these discoveries require more precise studies to understand what they mean. • The ILC can provide new discoveries and illuminate those from LHC. e.g. LHC will not measure Higgs branching ratios accurately. Deviations of these BRs from SM prediction can tell us whether it is SM Higgs or some other model. ILC can achieve the required precision. String inspired supersymmetry 1.2 SM prediction Coupling to Higgs → 1 0.8 Ratios of Higgs BRs to SM
dimuon mass prouction rate ILC Another example of LHC – ILC synergy: Suppose LHC sees a heavy Z’ state decaying to dileptons. It could be Kaluza Klein state from extra dimensions, or one of many variants of new strong coupling models. ILC can determine what it is through accurate measurement of V and A couplings. LHC discovery axial coupling + + vector coupling + ILC error
ILC detectors: ILC detectors are challenging in complementary ways to LHC; need to identify quarks (high quality pixel vertex detectors) and give very good resolution for jet energy (goal is dE/E = 30%/√E). This may be achieved with ‘particle flow calorimetry’ with very fine segmentation and new pattern recognition algorithms for clustering deposits. e+e-→ ZZ x e+e-→ WW x These calorimetric techniques have not yet been demonstrated – they need test beam validation, software development, benchmarking of full simulation Monte Carlos. We expect to contribute to this program with supplemental funding from ILC detector funds.
ILC engagement • Grannis has been broadly involved in ILC for years: • Co-chair of Americas Linear Collider Physics Group (physics and detectors) • International LC Steering Committee regional representative • Scope & Parameters specification subcommittee • International Technology Review Panel (technology choice) • Chair, GDE Director search committee • ILC Program Manager for ILC: responsible for Americas region accelerator and detector oversight; developing budget; liaison within US government • FALC (Funding Agencies Large Colliders) and FALC Resource Group; subgroup to document technological benefits from ILC R&D.
Bob McCarthy, Helio Takai will talk more on educational outreach efforts. We have also given numerous talks to describe our science to public audiences.
Proposed disposition of effort DØ ATLAS ILC Mariachi Senior PIs postdocs Individual postdocs may leave; replacements fill in as shown. Grad students now 50% DØ, 50% ATLAS; will become predominantly ATLAS at end of 3 yr period. Expect new students to work on ILC R&D during first two years while taking courses.
NSFa 3 year budget proposal: Yr 1: $1.23M Yr 2: $1.31M Yr3: $1.37M (add new faculty summer salary in year 2) Salaries, fringe benefits are ~80% of direct costs Net overhead rate (weighted on/off campus rates): 40.5% Equipment: $15K, $15K, $22K (1 new analysis desktop/yr; upgrade video conference equipment; spectrum analyzer for LHC upgrade design work) Travel: ~$32K/yr domestic; $45K →$58K/yr foreign (including station allowance for students/postdocs at CERN) Maintenance contracts, supplies, Lab accounts, publication charges, shop charges, services, software licenses: ~$100K/yr
The voyage of discovery begins … Grand Unification Gondwandaland EWSB- land Bay of SUSY Cliffs of Dark Matter Stony Brook Beagle Straits of extra dimensions Planck Dragon n Oscillations Dark Energy Maelstrom quark mixing Mare SM n CP B≠B e→m Leptoquark The Flavor Archipeligo GZK Atolls Gravitational Wave tsumani Quark-gluon plasma volcano (to boldly go… )
Agenda 8:30 9:00 Executive Session NSF/consultants 9:00 9:30 Overview of SB group Grannis 9:30 10:00 Atlas overview, HV system, outreach McCarthy 10:00 10:30 Atlas calibrations, software, grid Engelmann 10:30 11:00 break 11:00 11:20 Atlas commissioning Rijssenbeek 11:20 11:50 Video with CERN Yurkewicz, Thioye, Tschann-Grimm 11:50 12:20 lunch 12:20 1:05 Tour of facilities 1:05 1:35 DØ calorimeter, Layer 0 Schamberger 1:35 2:05 DØ physics prospects Hobbs 2:05 2:35 Video with FNAL Tsybychev, Hu, Guo, Strauss et al 2:35 3:00 break 3:00 3:25 NN group; K2K, T2K McGrew 3:25 3:45 SuperK, UNO Yanagisawa 3:45 4:20 MARIACHI Takai 4:20 5:00 Executive session NSF/ consultants 5:00 5:30 Closeout NSF/ consultants/ PIs ATLAS DØ n, p decay, DUSEL Mariachi