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Introduction to Innovative Design Thinking

This lecture delves into the application of Tao's thinking in education, emphasizing the use of nothingness to spark creativity and innovation. Unravel the concepts of Tao, nothingness, and knowledge formation. Discover how to design engaging projects that stimulate independent and innovative thinking in students. Explore the importance of perception, concept formation, and experience in education. Learn how to nurture a creative educational environment that encourages fun, challenges, and meaningful learning experiences. Challenge yourself to embrace emptiness and unlock boundless creativity in education.

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Introduction to Innovative Design Thinking

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Innovative Design Thinking CDI

  2. Lecture 7 • Tao’s Thinking • The use of nothingness • Application of Tao in Education • To Design a project • Cultural barriers

  3. Tao’s thinking in Education What is Tao (道)? 2. What is Nothingless“Wu”(無)? 3. Application of Tao in Education

  4. Tao’s thinking in Education 文字 創意 圖象 美學 文化 老莊

  5. Tao’s thinking in Education 學會學習 學會學習

  6. Tao’s thinking in Education WHY Perception WHAT Concept HOW Idea

  7. Tao’s thinking in Education Concept formation Knowledge Concept Experience

  8. Tao’s thinking in Education Knowledge formation Personal Knowledge Codified Knowledge Tacit Knowledge

  9. Tao’s thinking in Education New Perception Perception Concept Idea Heritage

  10. Tao’s thinking in Education New Perception Proficiency of Languages Perception Concept Idea Heritage

  11. Tao’s thinking in Education Lo-gy (老子) has many off springs: Archaeo-logy Bio-logy Crimino-logy Dermato-logy Eco-logy Geo-logy Horo-logy Ideo-logy Limno-logy Metro-logy Numero-logy Onto-logy Psycho-logy Socio-logy Techno-logy Ultra-logy Zymo-logy Archeo-logy Methodo-logy Termino-logy ………………………………………

  12. Tao’s thinking in Education 道 = 無

  13. 道 = 無 Tao’s thinking in Education 無 有

  14. Tao’s thinking in Education 道生一 , 一生二 , 二生三 , 三生萬物

  15. 文字 老莊 文化 創意 圖象 美學 Tao’s thinking in Education

  16. 文字 老莊 文化 創意 圖象 美學 Tao’s thinking in Education

  17. Tao’s thinking in Education 合一

  18. Tao’s thinking in Art & Design Education 合一 無

  19. Tao’s thinking in Art & Design Education 有 無

  20. Tao’s thinking in Art & Design Education 有 有 無 無

  21. Tao’s thinking in Education 吾生也有涯 , 而知亦無涯 , 以有涯隨無涯 , 殆而已矣 .

  22. Tao’s thinking in Education 學會學習 學會學習

  23. Tao’s thinking in Education 知其不知 不知所知

  24. Tao’s thinking in Education 有 = 有

  25. Tao’s thinking in Education

  26. Tao’s thinking in Education 無 = 有

  27. Tao’s thinking in Education

  28. Tao’s thinking in Education 無中生有

  29. Tao’s thinking in Education

  30. Tao’s thinking in Education 文字=無名 創意=無知 圖象=無物 美學=無心 文化=無識 老莊=無

  31. Tao’s thinking in Education 有意栽花花不發 無心插柳柳成蔭

  32. Use of Nothingness You know everything, you are nothing! You know nothing, you are everything!

  33. Use of Nothingness Imagine: A white board is useful when it is empty. Once it was filled with scribbling, it is useless.

  34. Use of Nothingness One can eat because one is hungry. One can learn because one is empty!

  35. Use of Nothingness One can be creative because one knows nothing about what s/he is doing. And once you don’t know, there you have room to grow.

  36. Use of Nothingness To be creative….. = To be empty!

  37. Use of Nothingness As an educator, we are trained to “feed” students and make them full.

  38. Use of Nothingness As a creative educator, we are trying to “feed” them with knowledge and then empty them out.

  39. Use of Nothingness To empty your students, empty yourself first. The greatest enemy in creativity is always you – yourself!!!!

  40. Use of Nothingness Enjoy knowing nothing, then you will know everything out of nothing; and then empty out and being nothingness again.

  41. References • 吳汝鈞, 老莊哲學的現代析論, 文津出版 1998

  42. Design a project To design a design project, there are some points we teachers need to pay attention into.

  43. Design a project We have to find a theme suitable for students. How can we find this? Ask the student. Treat yourself as a student.

  44. Design a project We have to find the NEED suitable for design activity. But, what is the Need?

  45. Design a project The NEED can be at different levels: • To student • To teacher • To school

  46. Design a project • To parents • To Education Department • To society • To China • To mankind

  47. Design a project To me, the NEED is to stimulate students independent and innovative thinking, to develop confident and to self-transcend.

  48. Design a project There is a well known problem in Design education issued by ED????(Not sure) The ill-defined design problem.

  49. Design a project To me, there is NO ill-defined design problem, there is only ill-conceptual and “lazy” thinker.

  50. Design a project A design project should be full of fun, challenges, interesting and worth learning. If most of the students do not like the project, it is a poor project. Fun is the key in Creativity.

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