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Fa cts versus. fiction. Arturo Soto, MBA - Riga, May 2006. F acts versus. fiction. 1. Introduction 2. The N ew Testament 3. J esus and the Church 4. Other arguments on various issues 5. Opus Dei. BROWN ’s “Real ” history of J es us.
Facts versus fiction Arturo Soto, MBA - Riga, May 2006
Facts versus fiction • 1. Introduction • 2. The New Testament • 3. Jesus and the Church • 4. Other arguments on various issues • 5. Opus Dei
BROWN’s“Real” history of Jesus • He was a teacher and a philosopher of peace and love • He wants to reestablish devotion to goddesses • His wifewas Magdalene (Holy Grail), He entrusted to her his new movement and she gave birth to his offspring • Thirsty for power Peter from envy took control of the Church • Magdelene has to flee to France, where her child grows and begins the secret family of Jesus, which is constantly persecuted by representatives of “Peter’s Church”
BROWN’s“Real”history of Jesus The Prioiry of Sion saved the true story of Jesus: Merovingai, Da Vinci (saved the secret in pictures),famous scientists, knights templar Opus Dei is currently the Church’s tool for destroying the secret
Other arguments onDa Vinci • Until now“history is written by the victors” – the Church from the time of Constantine. “All for power” • Constantine forced bishops to accept a list of books of the Bible (the canon) and gave all power to Peter’s Church • The dominant church condemned other viewpoints • Discrimination against women also started within the church, against the will of Jesus
What documents does Brown use for support? • The cup of the Holy Grail: 1981 „Holy Blood and Holy Grail“. M. Baigent (psychologist), R. Leigh (author), H. Linoln (TV director). • „Templar Revelation“ L. Pichnett ir C. Prince (parapsychologist and alien specialist) • Goddess andSaint Mary Magdaliene: „The Woman With the Alabaster Jar“ M. Starbird: „it’s a fiction“ he admitted himself. • GnosticGospels IN COURT FOR PLAGIARISM
FACTSThe Gnostic“Gospels” • Gnosticismwas a complex philosophy, a fashion on some intellectuals: Sincretism Dualism Ocult Antifeminist viewpoint. • The “gospels” of Thomas ir Phillip: II-V century texts,written not by direct witnesses of Jesus . • Jesus’s words were adapted according to gnostic ideas. • There is no hint of a marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdelene.
From the gospel of Phillip • From the parchment: “And the friend (...) Maryof Magdalene (...) shemore than (...) the disciples kissed him (...)” • Da VinciCodedistortion : “Andthe Savior had afriend Mary Magdalene. Christ gave her priority, often kissing her on the lips”
„Peacefully, its only a novel, nothing to worry about“ • The author said, “all the art,architecture, documents and secret rituals described in this novel are real ir exact.” • He wants to “reveal the true history of humanity • (www.danbrown.com)
2. The New Testament Da Vinci code: • In the beginning there were about 80 gospels and thousands of texts about Jesus. • „Goddidn’t send the Bibleby fax...“ • The victors chose the gospels they preferred most
FACTS 2. The New Testament The faith of the Church: • God didn’t leave books. He left people • The first five decades Christians lived out their faith without writings, for them the Old Testament and apostles examples and teachings were sufficient • Revelation of God were transferred from time to time from one community to another. • With the passage of time some documents were considered authoritative sources: • they appeared at the time of the Apostles or first witnesses of Christ; • they were used everywhere in liturgical rites;
FACTShistory says... 4 Gospels 32 years 33 years after Ch. 65 100 150 122 years Are the Gnostic gospels more believable than the New Testament? NO Gnostic gospels
FACTS 2. New Testament • 100 ADthere is already rules of faith everywhere • Most of the Christian writers are cited • Used everywhere in liturgy • It’s the best remaining and best documented collection of ancient texts • There are more than 5400 handwritten copies saved in various libraries of the world • 98 % of the New Testament handwritten documents are identical to the current
FACTS 2. The New Testament About 150 AD: • All bishops recognised 4 gospels • Only when the freedom to meet came about, 393 ADHippo meeting (and not 313 AD as stated by Brown) the bishops decided officially which Bible books are inspired by God according to tradition. • Gnosticbooks denied Jesus’humanity.
According to Brown • Until 313 AD. Nobody believed in Jesus' divinity • Current Christianity was thought up by the Emperor Constantine. • Jesus was a clever teacher. • There were thousands of texts about His humanity spread everywhere. • Constantine brought together the bishops in Nicea so that they would pronounce Jesus’ divinity, though none believed it.
Did no one believe in Jesus’s divinity until313 AD?
FACTS persecutions until 313 AD • Pagan documents of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd centuries: Tacit, Svetonijus Celsas. Romanempire’s acts of martyrs. Witnesses ofPassiones. • „Dark witnesses of Christians“, „hatedpeoples’relations“, „disastrous superstition“, „they have their god and don’t want to sacrifice to the gods of the Roman Empire “
FACTSthe Paganswrote: 108 AD Plinijus wrote for the Emperor Trajan “They usually come together and pray to Jesus as God on the established day before dawn. They also pledge themselves...”
FACTSFrom Neron’s (54-68 AD) Religio illicita What awaitedthe “first victors”? Peter, PhillipandAndrewwere crucified. Paul was beheaded, Jacobwas chopped up, Johnwas sent into excile and thrown into a boiling vat of oil, Thomaswas killed with a spear in a stove, Jacobwas beaten to death with a stick and stones, Baltram’s skin was pierced, Mattwas killed with a sword, Judas Tadaswas beaten with a stick,Simonwas cut in half with a saw, Mattiaswas killed with an axe.
FACTS persecutions until 313 AD • Domicion (81-96 AD) • Trajan (108 AD) Here 10,000 died. • Antonin Pijus (138-161 AD) • Marcus Aurelijus (161-180 AD) • Komodas (180-192 AD) • Septimijus Severas (193-211 AD) • Maksimas Traksas (235-238 AD) • Especially Rome’s 1000 aniversary (248 AD) people’s energetically raised against them. • Decijus (249-251 AD) • Valerijonas (253- 260 AD) • Diokecianas (284-305 AD)
Why didn’t it tolerate them when Rome tolerated all philosophies and religions? Why kill worshipers of goddesses if this was accepted in ancient Rome? Why would people gives their lives for the “teacher” of this movement? Other questions:
From the resurrection of Christ Christians believed that Jesus is both God and man. Due to that: Through 11 persecutionperiodsseveralhundred thousandpeople were discriminated against, tortured in stadiums, thrown into boiling old, killed…
FACTSConstantineand Niceameetings • Constantine, from 313 AD, seeking to strengthen the Roman Empire,was favourable to Christianity • Therefore he called the Council of Nicea • The Council of Nicea officially and philosophically confirmed the original faith: “true God from true God,begotten not made, one in being with the Father,...”. • The bishopsdidn’t create anything new • The vote wentfor: 298, against: 2 • According to Brown “hardly 51 percent were for”
Da VinciCode “Jesus inspired millions of people to overthrow the king from the throne, ...“ FACTS Only half a million people lived in Palestine In the neighbouring kingdoms of Palestine there are no historical writings about a Jewish leader overthrowing their kings... 4. Other arguments
Da Vinci Code „The Gospels showed a too divine Jesus, seeking to create a myth of divinity” FACTS He was born, ate, drank, cried, made merry, got angry, suffered, died… The disciples are described as cowards, selfish, egoists... 4. Other arguments
Da VinciCode „It’s clear that He was married“ FACTS The Gospels weren’t quiet about Jesus’s other relations: friendships, family. Why would they be silent on this? Rabbis certainly married. He wasn’t a rabbi.. Celibacy, although seldom, was practiced: Essenians, John the Baptist, Paul... 4. Other arguments
Da Vinci Code “the Church condemned Mary Magdalene and maintained that she was a demonic prostitute” FACTS Why is she always and everywhere mentioned as Saint Mary Magdelene? Why leave her in the Gospel as the first witness of Jesus’s ressurrection? 4. Other arguments
Da Vinci Code „The Church, fighting against goddess worship, discriminated against women...“ FACTS There is a special devotion to the Virgin Mary, Mother of God. How many female saints are there in the Church? 4. Other arguments
4. Other arguments FACTS The most recent research shows that witch hunts: - took place in 1550-1630 AD, and not many centuries - killed 40,000 people, and not millions - 20 percent of them were men - 98 percent of cases were in France (Catholic), Switzerland andGermany (protestant) - They were carried out byCatholics and protestants. 50 percent were the states themselves. Da Vinci Code „ Through many centuries, on a global scale witch-hunt burned 5 million innocent women“
Da Vinci Code The Priory of Sion Established in 1099 AD „Les Dossiers Secrets“ Parchments, 1975 AD. Found in the Paris National Library. FACTS „Les Dossiers Secrets“ (Tuscan du Plantier 1967)wasforged 1967 ADfraudently placed in the Library The forgers confessed that the “Priory” was established in 1956 AD. 4. Other arguments
Da VinciCode Organisation of monks Power hungry sect Masochism practicing people FACTS A Church approved lay organisation The whole of Opus Dei is equal to Hobart(Tasmania) city diocese Penitence practice is exaggerated in the book Opus Dei according to Brown
Dr. Ernesto Cofino, Guatemala Family father Tony Zwiefel, Switzerland. Engineer Montse Grases, Spain. Pupil Isidoro Zorzano, Argentina
Means? Sacraments Prayer The sacrifice of work Repentence andsubjugation of the body There is an old tradition of the Church. There are many saints. To suffer together with Jesus and all humanity. To repent your own and other’s sins. Self control and restraint No pain, no gain. St. Josemaria EscrivaSoughtholinessandapostolate in the everyday
Conclusions • Faith in Christ is scientifically based on the Gospels. • The Church never received “benefit” from faith. • There are a lot of gaps in the faith of believers. • The Church respected women more than others, since it respected their dignity. • If you want to know about the Church and Opus Dei, it’s better to turn to trustworthy sources.
Literature • Da Vinci Code. Dan Brown • De-coding Da Vinci. Facts behind the fiction of the Da Vinci Code.Amy Welborn. Our Sunday Visitor. Hintington IN, USA 2004 • Dictionnarie de la Bible, Supplement. Letouzey et Ane. Paris 1988 • Conocer la Biblia, J. Montforte, 39-42. RIALP, Madrid • Katalikų Bažnyčios Katekizmas n. 120 • Reasonable Faith, W. Craig, p. 194 • Kleine Kirchengeschichte, Herder Taschenbuch Verlag, 1988, p. 45 • Geschichte der Katholischen Kirche. Leipzig 1989. p. 51-59 • Šventieji. Fernando ir Gioia Lanzi, Alma Littera. P. 53.. • The Scholar and the Godess, Charlotte Allenn, Atlantic • Witches and Neighbors, R. Briggs, Oxford University • Gli illuminati e il Priorato di Sion. Massimo Introvigne, Piemmpe Spa, Italia 2005