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洞悉现在 发现未来 – 借助 SCI 进行创新性研究,提高文献检索效率. 汤森路透北京代表处 沙立洲. 浙江农林大学 Web of Science 收录情况. 纲要. 如何快速获取和筛选有价值的科学信息 借助 SCI 提高科研效率 如何实现文献情报实时跟踪 参考文献的管理和格式化 借助 ResearchID 连接全球科技工作者,交流、共享科研成果. Synthesis of Amino Acids. 1 JACS 1995 2JOC 1987. 科学研究过程. 如何快速获取有价值的科学信息. Synthesis of Amino Acids.
洞悉现在发现未来 –借助SCI进行创新性研究,提高文献检索效率 汤森路透北京代表处 沙立洲
纲要 如何快速获取和筛选有价值的科学信息 借助 SCI提高科研效率 如何实现文献情报实时跟踪 参考文献的管理和格式化 借助 ResearchID连接全球科技工作者,交流、共享科研成果
Synthesis of Amino Acids 1JACS 1995 2JOC 1987 科学研究过程 • 如何快速获取有价值的科学信息 Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis of Amino Acids 成果 发现 (Discovery) 实验 论证 (Test) 1JACS 1995 2JOC 1987 寻找 思路 (Find) 想法(Idea) 确定 方法 (Way) 实践 (Practice)
如何快速获取有价值的科学信息 数据来源: (NSF)美国科学基金会统计数据
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…引文索引的历史… Dr. Eugene Garfield Founder & Chairman Emeritus ISI, Thomson Scientific “Our ultimate goal is to extend our retrospective coverage of the scientific literature back to the twentieth century. The Century of Science initiative makes that dream come true.” • 如何快速获取有价值的科学信息 • Dr. Garfield 1955年在Science发表论文提出将引文索引作为一种新的文献检索与分类工具,将一篇文献作为检索字段从而跟踪一个“Idea”的发展过程 • SCI(自然科学)- 1963年出版 • SSCI (社会科学)- 1973年出版 • A&HCI (人文艺术)- 1978年出版 9
…引文索引的今天… • 如何快速获取有价值的科学信息 • Web of science • SCI (自然科学引文索引) 1900- • SSCI (社会科学引文索引) 1900- • A&HCI (人文艺术引文索引) 1975- • CPCI (原ISPT, 会议录) 1990- • CCR (化学反应) 1840- • IC (化学元素) 1993- 10
案例: 注意力缺失/多动症 (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,ADHD) 尽管关于ADHD的研究由20世纪90年代兴起的,但ADHD这个名词在首次被规范定义之前曾有很多不同的名称,在进行主题/关键词检索的时候很难追溯研究历程和发展,其实这个领域内的最早研究可以追溯到1902年。 • 借助Web of Science 提高科研效率 11
我们能够利用WoS中建立起来引文序列,揭示该研究领域的发展历程我们能够利用WoS中建立起来引文序列,揭示该研究领域的发展历程 1966 儿童多动综合症 (Hyperactive child syndrome) 1978 多动症与轻微脑功能损伤 (Hyperkinetic Minimal Brain Dysfunction) 1984 注意力缺失 (Attention Deficit Disorder) 2000 注意力缺失/多动症 (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) 12
从1902年Still的开创性研究以后,ADHD经历了很多术语名称的变化。从1902年Still的开创性研究以后,ADHD经历了很多术语名称的变化。 通过WoS特有的引文索引,我们可以从不同年代追溯Still这篇文章的引文,从而了解有关行为障碍的研究领域的发展历程。 1997年 注意力缺失 (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) 1973年 脑功能轻微失调 (Minimal Cerebral Dysfunction) 1930年 慢性流行性脑炎 (Chronic epidemic encephalitis) 13
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Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. 如何理解Web of Science中的相关记录 论文乙 论文甲 Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. A B C D E F
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