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This monthly Tarbiyyat discussion covers scenarios relating to combining prayers and the correct etiquette for such situations. In each scenario, guidance is provided on whether or not to combine prayers based on various factors. Join the discussion to enhance your understanding of proper prayer practices and etiquette. Email your questions and comments to tarbiyyat@mkausa.org. 8 Relevant
To Combine or Not To Combine Monthly Tarbiyyat Discussion Topic MKAUSA March, 2015 Instructions: request a different khadim to read or offer thoughts on each scenario slide Email questions/comments to tarbiyyat@mkausa.org
Discussion Scenario #1 • SCENARIO: Aslam comes to the mosque Friday evening as Qaid to offer congregational Isha Salat and then follow that with the monthly khuddam meeting. The Salat timings posted in the masjid say that Isha is at 7:15P. Qaid Sahib will be leading the prayer. • QUESTIONS: Should Aslam combine Maghrib with Isha as the Imam if he has not offered Maghrib?
Discussion Scenario #1 • DISCUSSION GUIDE: • Prayer should not be combined unnecessarily as was pointed out in the recent Friday Sermon of Huzur (aba). Also, the posted timings of prayers should be adhered to as much as possible. This is also mentioned in Holy Quran that prayer is to be performed at fixed hours. • So Aslam should offer his own maghrib before the Isha time, and then lead the congregation only in Isha prayer at the posted time. As a last minute exception, if there are several brothers already gathered before the posted Isha time and none of them have offered their Maghrib prayer, they could offer the maghrib in congregation and combine it with Isha prayer.
Discussion Scenario #2 • SCENARIO: Haseeb comes to the mosque for Maghrib prayer. There is a discussion before the Salat with the small group that has gathered about whether they should combine the prayer because it’s very cold outside. • QUESTIONS: -What should Haseeb say or do in this situation?
Discussion Scenario #2 • DISCUSSION GUIDE: • Generally speaking, the decision to combine prayers is decided by the Imam of that prayer. But if he opens it up for discussion or someone starts discussing it with him, Haseeb should offer that cold weather by itself is not a reason to combine prayers. If the roads are bad, or it’s actively snowing or raining, that would allow for combining prayers.
Discussion Scenario #3 • SCENARIO Shoeb is at the masjid offering Zuhr prayer in congregation. After the Imam has finished leading the Zuhr prayer, (he is not planning on combining the prayer) someone from the congregation yells out ‘jamakarlay’, meaning combine it. • QUESTIONS What should Shoeb do (knowing that there is no real reason to combine in the given situation)?
Discussion Scenario #3 • DISCUSSION GUIDE • It is not appropriate for the members of the congregation to yell out whether to combine or not combine the prayers. As we know, our role is to follow the Imam in congregational Salat. Also, another reason not to yell out is that it creates a chaotic situation; if one person yells to combine and another yells to not combine, that would become chaotic. So even if Shoeb feels differently than the person who yelled out to combine, he should not say anything and simply follow whatever the Imam decides to do.
Discussion Scenario #4 • SCENARIO: Zulfikar is leading Zuhr Salat at home with his wife and kids on the weekend and his kids want Zulfikar to combine the prayer so it’s “easier”. • QUESTIONS: What should Zulfikar do?
Discussion Scenario #4 • DISCUSSION GUIDE: • The importance of offering prayer without combining and at the proper time should be stressed by parents to their children early and often so that they get into the habit. • The importance of this habit can be seen by the hadith where Holy Prophet (saws) says ‘The best action in the sight of Allah is offering the Prayer at the proper time.’ • It’s important to remember that kids see what you do; not what’s said • In a recent Friday Sermon, Huzur (aba) mentioned that because of routinely combining prayers, when kids are asked how many prayers there are, they answer 3.
Take Home • Prayers should be combined only if there is a legitimate reason for it; it should not be done by routine. • Examples of legitimate reasons include: busy at work/school, traveling, active snow or rain or bad roads. • Examples of incorrect reasons to combine: Laziness, convenience, not being able to come to mosque for the later salat.