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Training for the Georgia Performance Standards. Day 5 & 6: Teaching Strategies for the Performance Based Classroom. Getting Acquainted. Marlo Mong Social Studies Program Specialist 1754 Twin Towers East Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Office phone: 404-463-5024 Email: mmong@doe.k12.ga.us.
Training for theGeorgia Performance Standards Day 5 & 6: Teaching Strategies for the Performance Based Classroom
Getting Acquainted Marlo Mong Social Studies Program Specialist 1754 Twin Towers East Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Office phone: 404-463-5024 Email: mmong@doe.k12.ga.us
Our AgendaIn the next two days, we will cover: • Content Integration • This will be sprinkled throughout these next two days! • The Precision Review • Using the Social Studies Frameworks • The Importance of Unit One • Making Sense of the Content • Foundations of Democracy • Using History to Teach Geography • Understanding Elementary Economics • Reading in the Content Area • Differentiation and Response to Intervention
Housekeeping • We will let you eat lunch. We promise. • If you must answer personal phone calls, please do so out of the training room. • Generally, we will take a break during group activities to maximize our time together. • ASK QUESTIONS! ASK QUESTIONS! ASK QUESTIONS!
Professional Learning Units (PLUs) • Local systems award PLUs • MUST bring form to sign FROM SYSTEM • DOE does not provide PLU forms • Trainer will ONLY sign forms at end of day • If you need to leave early for any reason, trainer will only sign for time you were actually in training • CANNOT sign forms retroactively
Teaching the SS GPS • How is it going? • What are your needs now that your are fully implementing the GPS in all subject areas? • What do you need from the DOE? At your tables, discuss these three questions. Try to think of at least one positive story, question, or idea that has come from your redelivery experience(s).
Using Primary Sources • Find a partner or 2 (no more than 3 to a group). Then, pick 1 of the pictures on your table. • Look at your group’s picture and discuss what you think this picture is about. Write your thoughts on the Photo Analysis Worksheet: Part 1 on pg. ???. • After you have finished your discussion, find other groups that have a picture similar to yours. Discuss as a larger group what your pictures have in common. Complete Part 2 of the Photo Analysis Worksheet. • This is a unique way to get students up and moving in a meaningful way to form cooperative groups.
Making It Integrated How can I connect these pictures to the Enduring Understandings and GPS? • Think about: • Technological Innovations and Time, Change, and Continuity • Describe the impact of the steamboat, the steam locomotive, and the telegraph on life in America. • Using different size objects, observe how force affects speed and motion; demonstrate the effect of gravitational force on the motion of an object • Balanced vs. Unbalanced forces • Informational reading and writing strategies; compare/ contrast
Your turn… • Working with your “big” group, compare all the pictures you have. • What enduring understandings and essential questions can you use to teach these pictures? • What other standards besides the Social Studies can you incorporate? • Use the other content standards on your table. • Are your essential questions broad enough to teach more than one content? • What other resources can you think of that supports this integrated lesson activity? • Post your ideas on chart paper to share with the group using the next page in FG as your guide.
Think About It: • At your table, answer these questions in a quick group discussion. Then, choose the most SURPRISING answer to share with the whole group. Be ready to explain why it surprised you. • Why is it valuable to align essential questions from more than one content area? • How is this best practice? • How can it help your students?
What changed? • On the next page of your Facilitator’s Guide, you have a copy of the Elementary Precision Review. • Includes the original standard and the changes that were approved at the August 14, 2008 State Board of Education meeting. • Approved changes will not be part of this year’s CRCT. • However, there will be field test items bases on these changes. • Please take the next 15 minutes to review and discuss the changes with your table. • We will have a brief Q & A session when you are finished review the revisions.
GettingStarted Using the Social Studies Frameworks
Out with the old. In with the NEW!!! In the days of QCC • The text book tells me what to teach. • Day 1=Chapter 1=page 1 • Endless vocabulary lists and multiple choice or matching tests, then move on to the next chapter. NOW!!! • Start with introducing concepts so students can build important schema • Design an authentic activity/task that will demonstrate student understanding • Think about trade books that will enrich the content being taught.
Where do I begin? Start with the GaDOE Curriculum Maps and Frameworks!www.georgiastandards.org
What am I going to find when I get there? As units are completed, they will continue to be posted to the website. All units will be completed and on the web in September. This is a great resource to help teachers understand the background knowledge necessary to teach the content in elementary Social Studies. We are creating more reference guides to assist teachers with the historical domains and will have them posted as soon as they are complete.
Goals for Unit One • Provide students with the schema they will need to understand later content • Provide students with a common language & set of experiences regarding upcoming material • Provide students with an organizing structure for everything they will learn throughout the year.
Teaching Unit 1 • Think about all you do to teach routines and procedures at the beginning of the year…this is unit 1! • Lasts about 2 weeks • Introduces all the Enduring Understandings that will be used in Social Studies • Accesses students’ prior knowledge • Builds the scaffolding needed to understand historical, geographic, government, and economic concepts. • A great way to integrate reading strategies and good literature in this unit and beyond!
If I’m not teaching content, what am I teaching? The Enduring Understandings you’ll use during the year – explicitly – by: • Making the EUs relevant to students • Helping see relationship of EUs to their lives • Giving examples • Personal experience • Historical events • Current events
Introducing Economics and Establishing Community in Your Class The Great Fuzz Frenzy by Janet Stevens and Susan Steven Crummel Connecting Theme: Scarcity Enduring Understanding: The student will understand that because people cannot have everything they want, they have to make choices.
The Great Fuzz Frenzy • Give students good mentor texts that help them make connections to their lives. • Engage students and activate prior knowledge by doing pre-reading activities. • Discuss with students any new concepts and vocabulary that reflect why you chose the story. • Scarcity, interdependence, opportunity cost • Tie more than one EU with a story if possible. • What else could we teach in this story? • Integrate reading, writing, and social studies whenever possible! • What is Violet’s next adventure going to be? • What will the prairie dogs do with the tennis ball this time?
Unit One and real, live, honest-to-goodness students! • As you watch these video segments, think about the following questions: • How do these activities lay a foundation for the rest of the school year? • What do you see Mr. Forehand doing that would work at other times of the year? • How is meaningful curriculum integration demonstrated?
Introducing Distribution of Power and Establishing Routines and Prodcedures • When Owen’s Mom Breathed Fire • By Pija Lindenbaum • Connecting Theme: Distribution of Power • Enduring Understanding: The student will understand that laws and people's beliefs help decide who gets to make choices in government. • AND • Connecting Theme: Rule of Law • Enduring Understanding: The student will understand that laws are made to keep people safe and explain what the government can and cannot do.
Your turn! • Now that you’ve seen an example of a lesson and watched the video, what lesson and task can you create to teach students about these Enduring Understandings? • Think of the following things to include in your lesson. • What will be your pre-reading activity to activate prior knowledge? • What new vocabulary will you need to discuss with your students? • Are there any other EUs besides these 2 that you can use with this story? • What are some essential questions you could ask? • How are you going to integrate reading and writing into this activity?
Now what do I do? • Introduce a “Concept Wall” to your students • Visual reference to help students organize their learning • Bulletin board, permanent marker on white board, Smart Board flipchart, interactive notebook • Connecting Theme and Enduring Understandings listed at the top • Include broad essential questions • SS GPS listed under appropriate Enduring Understanding • Examples from lessons, important vocabulary, student work, book covers
…Sometimes seeing is believing! When we talk about the concept wall…
Or it could look like this! Photo courtesy of Yvette Welch, Gilmer County Schools
Foundations of Democracy • Teaching Greece…it’s not that scary • SS3H1 The student will explain the political roots of our modern democracy in the United States of America. • Identify the influence of Greek architecture (Parthenon, US Supreme Court building), law, and the Olympic Games on the present. • Explain the ancient Athenians’ idea that a community should choose its own leaders. • Compare and contrast Athens as a direct democracy with the United States as a representative democracy. Think • Abstract • Ideas • Law • Democracy • Direct • Representative • Concrete • Ideas • Olympics • Architecture
Concrete Ideas • Your students can make immediate connections to these ideas! • We borrow from others all the time. • Engage students in an activity that discusses why we do this. • We participate in the Olympics. • Share background info about the ancient Games. • http://www.museum.upenn.edu/new/olympics/olympicorigins.shtml • http://multimedia.olympic.org/pdf/en_report_658.pdf • Compare ancient Olympics with modern Olympics. • Why do we continue this tradition? • http://multimedia.olympic.org/pdf/en_report_668.pdf • http://teacher.scholastic.com/ACTIVITIES/athens_games/modern.htm
Concrete Ideas • We build buildings like ones from ancient Athens • Show pictures of the Parthenon and US Supreme Court. • What do they have in common? COLUMNS! • Explore buildings in your community that have columns. • What is special about these buildings, the Supreme Court, other monuments in Washington DC, and the Parthenon? • Help students think about the kind of activities that would be done in these buildings. • Why is this important to students? Look within our own communities to see the influence of others.
Concrete Ideas • more Vanishing Georgia http://dlg.galileo.usg.edu/vanga/html/vanga_homeframe_default.html Sandersville, before Feb. 13, 1921. Masonic hall located on Haynes Street at the southwest corner of the square was built ca. 1855-1856. It was the only public building spared from burning by General William T. Sherman during the Civil War. About 1909 the lower floor was utilized as the public library begun by the Transylvania Club. On Feb. 13, 1921 the structure was destroyed by fire and about 7000 volumes in the library were lost, too. Macon, ca. 1935. City Hall, located at 511 First St., was erected in 1836 by the Monroe Railroad for use as a bank. Over the years it has been used as a warehouse, hospital, Georgia Capitol toward end of Civil War. It has been renovated several times. It has been used as the City Hall since 1860. Its architecture is Greek Revival. Athens, early 1900s. University Chapel on University of Georgia campus Identify the influence of these ideas on the present!
Abstract Ideas • Athenian democracy • Demokratia = people-power • “Citizens” of Athens were allowed to participate in government. • A radical idea of the time • Official and jurymen were selected by “lot” to serve on Council of 500 or participate in Assembly • More fair manner of representation by ordinary people • Elections were thought to be corrupted by the wealthy • Members of the Council or Assembly voted directly on laws • http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/greeks/greekdemocracy_03.shtml
Abstract Ideas • We vote in order to make decisions about our government. • Hold a mock election to make a decision about something important to the class. • Everyone has an opportunity to vote which is a direct democracy. • We choose our own leaders. • Discuss why we can’t all go to the Capitol in Washington, DC to vote on all our laws. • Explain we vote on a person who has the same beliefs and ideals and are experts on what makes a good law to vote on laws for us. • Because we choose someone to represent us, we are a representative democracy.
Abstract Ideas • We live in a democracy. • Explain to students we have a voice in the laws our government makes by voting on the right person to represent our beliefs. • Our voice is heard most in making community laws. • Help students decide what to do if their chosen representative doesn’t listen to their voice. • Choose another representative or run for office • We have a government that shares powers. • Teach about the three branches of government. • Discuss what checks and balances mean. • Why do we need these? • How does this protect our voice?
Understanding Key Vocabulary Target Word • Help students understand important economic concepts and learn a new strategy for teaching vocabulary! • How would you teach the key content vocabulary for 3-5 Economics? • Productive resources • Market economy • Interdependence • Trade • Voluntary exchange • Opportunity cost • Specialization • Productivity • Price incentive • 4 sectors of the economy • Households • Private business • Banks • Government Context Plus Chart I associate this word with… What I know… Structural Analysis Prediction for meaning Information from context Target Word Definition Beers, Kylene, Robert E. Probst, and Linda Rief. Adolescent Literacy: Turning Promise into Practice. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2007.
Econ Lesson Activities! • Alexander Who Used to Be Rich Last Sundayby Judith Viorst • Use this story to teach students about saving, opportunity cost, voluntary exchange, and price incentives. • Activity: Four Corners • Play four corners but instead of calling out numbers, students will go to a corner after choosing from one of four options. Students will keep track of their choices on a chart they take with them from corner to corner. • After playing several rounds, students will return to their seats and look at the choices they made. For each choice, the student will identify two benefits for that choice and one cost (what they gave up) for that choice.
What is opportunity cost? • Opportunity cost is understanding the gains of choosing one object over the cost of giving up the next best alternative.
Econ Lesson Activities! • Clementineby Sara Pennypacker • Use this story to teach students more about opportunity cost! • Activity: Picking Your Picture • Every one knows how students like to draw pictures and color. • Students will have a drawing contest with themselves. After drawing a picture on each side of a sheet of paper, the student must pick which picture to hang. • Once the choice has been made, students will do a quick write and explain why they picked the picture they did and how it felt to choose one picture over the other. http://missrumphiuseffect.blogspot.com/2008/05/opportunity-cost-with-clementine.html
Excellent Economic Resources • http://www.kidseconbooks.com/index.html • http://www.e-connections.org/ • http://ecedweb.unomaha.edu/lessons/lessonsK-5.cfm • http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.cfm • http://www.federalreserveeducation.org/teachers/ • http://www.free.ed.gov/ *** • https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html *** • http://www.fte.org/
In geography and civics, students are asked to: • Identify important topographical, physical, and man-made features and explain why these are important • Describe how physical systems affect human systems • Identify significant locations to the life and times of historical figures • Explain social barriers, restrictions, and obstacles that these historical figures had to overcome and describe how they overcame them. • Explain spatial patterns of economic activities • Trace examples of travel and movement across time Why is this considered geography and how do I do this?
Teaching Native Americans • When teaching Native Americans think about the following: • Avoid stereotypes and trivializing sacred artifacts • Like all cultures, Native Americans have beliefs common with each other, but each Native American nation is still a unique group of people. • Present Native Americans in contemporary context and avoid using the past tense when referring to Native Americans. • Choose literature wisely. • Brother Eagle, Sister Sky • Great resource for how to teach Native Americans to your students. • http://www.ericdigests.org/1996-4/native.htm • http://www.native-languages.org/ymca.htm • http://www.oyate.org/catalog/poster_to_do_not.html