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Best Spine Surgery Clinic In Faridabad Top Health Care Clinic

Are you looking for Best Spine Surgery Clinic In Faridabad? Top Health Care Clinic provides top-notch solution for your sipnal ad joints issue in Faridabad.<br>

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Best Spine Surgery Clinic In Faridabad Top Health Care Clinic

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  1. ORTHOSPINETREATMENT SURGERY FromDevelopmenttoDistribution Toshapeandmaintainthehealthofall people,andavoiddisease.Rangingfrom minorailmentstomajorailments.

  2. ABOUTUS TOPHEALTHCARECLINICwas foundedbyDr.TarunKukreja(Chief Consultant-ortho Spine Surgeon) &Dr. PanktiKukreja(SeniorConsultant- Pediatric Dentist) and was established in2020withtheaimtoprovide personalized care and best treatments toallthepatientsat affordablecost.

  3. UnderstandingOrthoSpine TreatmentSurgery Ortho Spine Treatment Surgery refers to surgical interventions aimed at correcting spinal disorders, injuries, or degenerativeconditions. Thesesurgicalproceduresaredesigned to alleviate pain, restore functionality, and enhance the overall quality of life for patients.

  4. CommonSpineConditions RequiringSurgery Herniated discs: When the soft, gel-like center of a spinal disc pushes through a crack in the tougher exterior, causingnervecompressionandpain. Spinal stenosis: The narrowing of the spinal canal, leading to pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. Spondylolisthesis: The forward displacement of one vertebra over another, causing instability and nerve compression. Degenerative disc disease: The wear and tear of spinal discs,leadingtopain,inflammation,andreduced mobility.

  5. AdvancementsinOrtho SpineTreatmentSurgery MinimallyInvasiveSurgery(MIS):Theuseofsmallerincisions, specialized instruments, and advanced imaging technology forprecisesurgicalinterventions. Robotics-assistedSurgery:Theintegrationofroboticsand navigationsystems,enhancingsurgicalprecisionand reducingcomplications. Disc Replacement: A surgical procedure that involves removingadamagedspinaldiscandreplacingitwithan artificialdisc,preservingmotionandreducingadjacentlevel degeneration. Spinal Fusion Alternatives: Advanced techniques such as dynamic stabilization, artificial disc replacement, and interspinousprocessdevicesthatoffermotionpreservation whileprovidingstability.

  6. BenefitsofOrthoSpineTreatmentSurgery Reducedpain:Surgicalinterventioncanalleviate chronicpaincausedbyspinal conditions, improvingoverallqualityoflife. Restored functionality: Ortho Spine Treatment Surgery aimstorestoremobility,flexibility,and functionality,allowingpatientstoengageindaily activitieswithgreaterease. Improvedqualityoflife:Byaddressingthe underlyingissuesandreducingpain,patientscan experienceanimprovedquality of life,returning towork,hobbies,andsocialactivities.

  7. ConsiderationsandRisks As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications associatedwithOrthoSpineTreatment Surgery. Patients should have a thorough evaluation and discussion with their healthcareproviderstounderstandthe benefits,risks,andalternatives. Itisessentialtofollowpre-operative and post-operative instructions provided by the surgical team for optimalrecoveryandoutcomes.

  8. CONTACTUS 9599804848 www.tophealthcareclinic.com info@tophealthcareclinic.com 2/3DividingRoad,BlockM,NIT, Faridabad,Haryana-121001

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