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WELCOME TO CAMBRIAN COLLEGE. STAY TUNED TO YOUR COLLEGE MONITORS FOR INFORMATION ON: Announcements Class Cancellations Meetings Upcoming Events Office Hours Important Dates General Information. MISSION STATEMENT. WE LEAD with our commitment to diverse learners
WELCOME TO CAMBRIANCOLLEGE STAY TUNED TO YOUR COLLEGE MONITORS FOR INFORMATION ON: Announcements Class Cancellations Meetings Upcoming Events Office Hours Important Dates General Information
MISSION STATEMENT WE LEAD with our commitment to diverse learners WE TEACH and learn through quality education that responds to the needs of the community WE BALANCE hands-on experience with the knowledge and skills essential for personal and professional success
HOW ARE WE DOING? Graduate Employment Rate = 87% Graduate Satisfaction Rate = 85.2% Employer Satisfaction Rate = 90.1% You’ve made the right choice!
CLASS CANCELLATIONS CAROL PRECHOTKO DSW2316-01 11:30 HEATHER LARSEN ENG1121-05 14:30 ____________________________________ ANTHONY BORECKI All of his classes are cancelled for today. *Check student 411 for instructions**
Cambrian College Women’s Resource Centre Presents Hemp Beading Workshop Create your own jewelry for friends, family, or yourself! Everything will be provided! Differentcolorsof beads, hemp, instructions on how to make different kinds of braids, even music! Don’t miss out and come sign up! This will be held in the Women’s Resource Centre room 2431, Starting every Wednesday 12:00pm – 4:00pm from October 31th – December 6th *Limited space offered and there is NO COST to this event!*
SERVICES AVAILABLE Physiotherapy Massage Therapy Chiropractic Treatments Counseling Orthotic Services Naturopathic Services & Supplements Tel: 705.560.4004 acclaimuniversalhealth@gmail.com
ONE-STOP ENROLMENT CENTRE Main Lobby (RM2037) OSAP, Registration, Admissions, Parking, Lockers, Photo ID, and General Information Office Hours Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
PARKING PARKING IS IN EFFECT AT ALL TIMES To purchase a 2012-13 parking permit, please go to the One-Stop Enrolment Centre Please Note: Parking is enforced 24/7 and any tickets can be paid at the Target Park Office 2415A (near the gym) between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
HEALTH AND WELLNESSCENTRE Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Doctor’s Hours Tues Dec 4/12 – 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Thur Dec 6/12 – 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Thur Dec 13/12 – 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Regular appointments will resume in January Please bring Health Card at every visit!
CAMPUS BOOKSTORE Business Hours Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m Room 1120
DESKTOP 411 ATTENTION STUDENTS! Need help with computer applications? Visit the new DESKTOP 411, now located in the Library (Room 3021).
CAMPUS WATCH Campus Watch Safety Escorts Available 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. Please call ext. 7230
Winter Driving • Make sure your vehicle is ready for winter. Check your: • Tires • Wipers and wiper blades • Fluid levels • Get any needed repairs done. Safety Office ext 7831
WinterWalking • Please stick to cleared pathways. Avoid walking over snowbanks or barricades. • Winter footwear reduces your risk! • Report any snow/ice concerns to Facilities Management - Room 1422 ext 7384 Safety Office ext 7831
Love Your BodyHealthy eating with “did you know?” tipsIs a friendship taking over your life?Want to quit smoking?Is sleep affecting your learning?PLUSDetails on the upcoming blood donor clinic on campusVisit Student Health 101 (SH101) at http://read101.ca/cambriancollege.html