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Celebrating Sabantuy: Ancient Bashkir Traditions

Explore the ancient Bashkir celebration of Sabantuy, rooted in pagan rites and now a joyful holiday with competitions, music, and traditional cuisine. Discover the history and cultural significance of Sabantuy.

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Celebrating Sabantuy: Ancient Bashkir Traditions

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  1. Sabantuy

  2. History Sabantuy is one of the most ancient Bashkir celebration. It has been held for 15 centuries. we do not know when the Bashkir people began to celebrate the Sabantuy. The holiday originated in times when the Bashkir people have not converted to Islam, and was a supporter of the pagan rites. In pagan traditions, the need was to worship before sowing and harvest. Even after accepting Islam, Bashkirs did not want to forget pagan holiday Sabantuy.

  3. Time of celebration The Sabantuy is selebrated in June after the completion of the work in the field. However, before the feast was celebrated in late April before beginning field work. So people celebrate the end of the tedious work. But Sabantuy was a simple ceremony, which was considered mandatory, now Sabantuy is a real holiday for children and adults to go with their families to enjoy time.

  4. Types of competition Every year people hold Kurash competitions in celebration of this feast. This is a traditional Turkish wrestling on belts. The winner of the competition receives a prize of a real sheep! There are many other competitions and games in celebration of this feast. You can take part at traditional running the distillation in bags, running with an egg in a spoon, etc. the winners are awarded prizes and certificates for each competition.

  5. In addition to recreation, on the feast awaits mandatory representation in which different Bashkir ensembles sing folk songs and dance traditional Bashkir dance and play traditional Bashkir musical instrument kurai.

  6. Children's Sabantuy For the youngest participants of the festival organizers prepares special feast, so-called "children's Sabantuy A children's version of the holiday does not differ from the adult, only contests and competitions simplified and adapted so that the kids could cope with them. However, children also awarded diplomas and valuable prizes.

  7. National dishes And after all the entertainment organizers offer their guests to try the national Bashkir cuisine. There is a large selection of national dishes on the Sabantuy. On the feast you can see many dishes such as besbarmak, dumplings, rice, kazi and many others.

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