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The #health benefits of #apples are strong. There are no health benefits like apples for #brain health, #heart health, or any other health starting from reducing age-related problems. Let's take a look...
Apple benefits, side effects and cultivation Apple is a kind of fruit. It belongs to the genus Malus Domestica of the Rosaceae family. The scientific name of apple is Malas domestica and this fruit is imported and exported to countries all over the world throughout the year. Apples are mainly popular for their sweet taste. Apples are cultivated all over the world and the most cultivated species is the genus Malus. Apple is thought to have originated in Central Asia, where its former wild species, Malus sieversii, is still found. Apple has been cultivated throughout Asia and Europe for thousands of years, and it was introduced to Latin America by European settlers. Apple has religious and mythological significance in many cultures, including the Norse, Greek, and European Christian traditions. Usually, apple varieties are made through the engraft of the roots, which in turn controls the size of the tree. There are more than 7,500 known varieties of apples. The apple tree is 5-12 m tall and has a broad and branched apex. Apple fruits ripen in autumn and are 5-8 cm in diameter. Apple is thought to be one of the first plants to be cultivated, and its quality has improved over the millennia. Alexander the Great is believed to have first discovered in Kazakhstan in 328 BC the short varieties of apples he took to Macedonia. According to doctors, apples are one of the vegetables or fruits that must be eaten every day. Apple has been considered an important food ingredient throughout Asia and Europe for thousands of years. Benefits, Uses, and Harms of Apples
"You don't have to go to the doctor for the rest of your life to eat an apple every day." In fact, the reason for this proverb is that Apple is a fruit that is rich in nutrients that are extremely beneficial for the body. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, this apple is easily available in the market and its price is nothing more than nutrition. The benefits of apples have been proven time and time again in various ways for the heart, brain, stomach, bones, and eyes. There is less to be said about the benefits of apples. In today's post, we will describe in detail the benefits of apples. First of all, let's take a look at the health benefits of apples. Health Benefits of Apple The health benefits of apples are strong. There are no health benefits like apples for brain health, heart health, or any other health starting from reducing age-related problems. Let's take a look at:
Weight Loss: A slice of apple with a bowl of peel contains 2.6 grams of fiber. Fiber slows down the process of digestion so that your stomach stays full for a long time. As a result, if you do not get hungry quickly, you will easily avoid overeating and lose weight easily. The glycemic index of a raw apple is 36 and that of apple juice is 41. These help lower blood sugar and prevent recurrent hunger pangs. Apples have also been shown to be quite effective in reducing fat. Cancer: Eating apples every day can prevent about 80% of diseases likecancer, especially lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and stomach cancer. Even some experiments have shown that apples are very effective in preventing breast cancer. Apples are also rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants eliminate radicals that destroy the body's cells and help build new DNA. The number of tumors can be easily prevented. Increases immunity: Apples are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that easily protect the body from various diseases. As a result, playing an apple every day can get rid of various diseases in an instant. Apples are very useful to prevent colds, coughs, stomach upsets, heart problems, or so on. Whiter Teeth: The delicious sweet juice of apples is great for dental health. This helps to prevent tooth decay easily. The high amount of fiber in the apple regulates the amount of acid in the mouth so that the mouth does not dry out and the mouth retains moisture. Even cavities can be prevented when you eat apples by chewing apples. Anti-Cholesterol:
Various scientific studies have shown that the flavonoids in apples can prevent manyheart diseases. Especially for women, it is 35% more effective. Even problems like a stroke can be prevented with the help of apples. Both apple peel and fruit contain special ingredients to prevent cholesterol. Prevents Asthma- Everting Asthma: Apples, especially red apples and their peels, are very useful for people suffering from asthma. The main reason for this is the antioxidants that act as natural antihistamines. Apples also contain anti-inflammatory ingredients that help reduce asthma allergies. Preventing Alzheimer’s: The polyphenols in apples can prevent brain-damaging diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's or any brain disease caused by aging. It also contains folate, which further prevents nerve damage in the brain. Apples easily prevent the amyloid-beta protein that accumulates in the brain and causes Alzheimer's to grow. Neutralize Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The polyphenols, carbohydrates, and fiber in apples clean the colon and improve digestion. As a result, the amount of water in the body remains correct and the stomach is cleansed. The pectin and hemicellulose in apples turn into essential fatty acids in the stomach which can easily cause intestinal microbes to grow. Detoxify Your Liver: It has already been said that apples are rich in antioxidants which can easily prevent liver poisoning or fatty liver. Liver and pancreatic problems can lead to various diseases such as gall bladder stones, jaundice, etc. These can be easily avoided with the help of apples.
Aid Digestion: The high amount of fiber in apples is very good for digestion. With the help of this fiber, the juice is produced to increase the digestive function, as a result of which food is digested very easily and slowly and complete nutrition is used by the body. This can prevent blood sugar or weight gain. Aid Blood Circulation: Apples protect the heart and blood vessels from unnecessary radicals and protect them from various diseases. As a result, blood circulation is very accurate. Although there is still a lot of research going on with this information. Promote Bone Health: Apples are a rich source of minerals and contain boron, potassium, calcium, and zinc which are very beneficial for bone health. Women need to eat one apple a day before menopause and older people must. It can be used to prevent osteoporosis, arthritis, or other bone diseases. Improve Night Vision: The vitamins A and C in apples help to keep the eyes and eyesight alive. Apples can be used to prevent eye cells from becoming damaged or causing infections, especially in old age. The carotenoids in apples such as lutein and xanthine are essential for clear retinal color. As a result, night vision can be easily kept clear. Treatment of Puffy Eyes: Red apples and their peels contain lutein, carotene, vitamin A and vitamin C. This can prevent cataracts, swelling of the extra muscles, swelling of the eyes, etc. So make it a habit to eat an apple every day as a rule. Source Of Vitamin C.
Apples are a storehouse of vitamin C. The amount of vitamin C that the body needs is probably less than it should be. This vitamin C helps the heart, liver, lungs, stomach, teeth, kidneys, or women to fight any problem. This is why it is said that eating one apple a day can prevent thousands of diseases. Skin Benefits of Apple You have seen the health benefits of apples. Let's take a look at how apples help the skin. Is discussed in detail. Brighten And Lighten Complexion Apples contain high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C, which are extremely beneficial for the skin. Antioxidants help keep the liver and stomach clean and vitamin C helps regenerate cells. As a result of these two living processes, the skin does not have any problem and the skin color starts to look brighter and clearer day by day. Even acne or blackheads can be cured in a blink of an eye. Prevent enhancing impressions: Apples contain flavonoids such as fluorine, silymarin, and genistein. All this is very beneficial for the skin. With this, the cells that are responsible for giving the impression of aging to the skin, slowly start to break down and the skin looks radiant and taut for many years. Without eating apples, you can mix milk, honey, and apple paste together and leave it for half an hour. Then wash it well with water. If you follow this process three days a week, you will get very fast results. UV Protection: The apigenin, genistein, and other polyphenols in apples easily protect the skin from the sun's intense heat and harmful ultraviolet rays. This produces a lot of sebum on the skin which prevents sunburn very easily. You can enjoy these benefits by eating an apple every day.
Removes acne and dark spots: Apply a pair of apples to remove acne or black spots. Various scientific experiments have shown that vitamin C, which is found in apples, is needed to remove acne or dark spots on the skin. Even Apple has a very effective role in reducing sunburn. Mix a few drops of lemon juice and honey between apple and Amalaki paste, apply it on the face, leave it for half an hour and wash it off with water. Doing this every day removes dark spots on the face very quickly. Prevent Skin Cancer: One cup of a raw apple contains 5 mg of vitamin C. This vitamin replenishes the skin with antioxidants and helps the skin to regenerate cells. It is full of moisture in the skin and can prevent skin cancer. Hair Benefits of Apple Apart from health and skin, the benefits of apples for hair have also been strongly proven. Let's see how: Hair growth: Apples contain a polyphenol called prokandin B2 which helps in lengthening hair. This strengthens the hair follicles and produces keratin, the protein needed for hair. Prevent Hair Loss: Apple cider vinegar is made from apples that are used for various hair problems. One of them is hair loss and dandruff. Use this hair pack three days a week if you have problems with excess hair loss. How to make it?
Mix a few drops of lemon juice, egg white and apple cider vinegar in a bowl of yogurt and apply on hair. As a result, the problem of hair loss will gradually stop. You May Like: ★ Coronavirus Live Update ★ Food to get rid of gastric or acidity ★ 7 easy ways to keep the body healthy What are the health benefits of apple cider vinegar? A lot of apple cider vinegar works. This apple cider vinegar can be seen in the kitchen of many homes with white vinegar. However, not only in cooking, there are many other benefits of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is the most popular among health-conscious people. Some people use it regularly to maintain health, such as diabetes, cancer, heart problems, high cholesterol, and weight loss. But you know what? Apple cider vinegar made with apples has many more benefits. Let's find out today how to use apple cider vinegar. 1. As a skin toner: Apple cider vinegar will come in handy as a skin toner. Mix one tablespoon of vinegar in one cup of water. Now soak cotton in this mixture and apply it on the face and wash it after thirty minutes. In addition to tightening the skin, it will also lighten the skin. 2. As a sunscreen lotion: Apple cider vinegar helps to maintain the pH of the skin. So you can mix apple cider vinegar in water before going out in the sun. Or if you forget, you can come back from the sun and apply it. This will reduce sunburn on the skin.
3. To remove black spots on the feet: To remove black spots on the feet, take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one liter of water. Then pour this mixture in a pot and dip your feet in it for a while. You will see that the black spots on the feet will slowly rise. 4. To remove the impression of age: Apply this apple cider vinegar on the skin if you have age marks or wrinkles on the skin. For this, mix this vinegar with onion juice. If you apply it once a week, as a rule, you will notice changes in the skin within a month. 5. As a mouthwash: This apple cider vinegar can kill bacteria. This natural ability kills the bacteria that cause bad breath. So mix apple cider vinegar in water and cool it with this water. It will act as a kind of mouthwash. As a result, bad breath will be removed and teeth will be whiter. 6. Aftershave lotion: If the skin is rough after shaving, apply apple cider vinegar on the skin. The skin will feel soft like children. Apple cider vinegar will reduce the infestation of dead skin by exfoliating the skin. It also has other uses such as ● To eliminate the problem of dandruff. ● As a general cleaner. ● Get rid of mosquito flies. ● To eliminate the funny smell. ● To make nail polish lasting. ● Solve acne problems. ● To boil the eggs well. Treatment Of Dandruff: Apple cider vinegar is equally effective in removing dandruff. How to use it?
In a bowl, take a few drops of ginger juice with apple cider vinegar and rub it well on the hair. Then wash your hair well with shampoo. Dandruff will go away soon. Is green apple better or red apple better? Who hasn't heard of eating an apple every day to stay away from doctors! And from this, we can understand the benefits of apple. Its high fiber, easy-to-digest ability, rich in antioxidants and nutritional value make apples the king of fruits. You can have apples for breakfast or a light meal in the afternoon. But the question is which apple to eat, green or red? The first green apple cultivation began in Australia. This type of apple is also called Granny Smith apple because a woman named Maria Ann Smith cultivated the first green apple. The first green apple was produced in 1868 by hybridizing French crab apples and Rome Beauty. The nutritional value of green and red apples is almost the same. However, in some cases, green apples have more nutritional value. Green apples are low in sugar and carbs. On the other hand, it is high in fiber, protein, potassium, iron, and vitamin K. Vitamin A differentiates red apples from green apples. Green apples contain twice as much vitamin A as red apples. However, red apples contain much more antioxidants than greens. The nutritional value of green apples Green apples have more quality than red apples. Although green apples do not taste as good as red apples, these apples have many benefits. Fiber: Green apples contain fiber. Fiber helps indigestion. It keeps bowel movement right, prevents constipation.
Strengthens bones: Green apples contain iron, copper, calcium, zinc, manganese, potassium, etc. These minerals keep bones strong. It helps in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Prevents Colon Cancer: Green apple fiber works to prevent colon cancer. Increases metabolism: Green apple fiber improves digestion. Bowl movement does well. For this, it helps to increase metabolism. Reduces bad cholesterol in the blood: Green apple reduces the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood. Increases the amount of good cholesterol. Prevents Alzheimer's disease: The ingredients in green apples are good for mental health. It works to prevent Alzheimer's disease in old age. Keeps the liver healthy: The ingredients in green apples keep the liver healthy. It prevents various types of liver problems. Increases immunity: Green apples contain vitamins and minerals. These prevent various types of infections. So keep green apples on your regular diet. Due to its high content of vitamin A, green apples improve eyesight, increase bone strength, and increase immunity. However, red apples are more available than green, so it is eaten more. And even if you eat red apples, you will not get less benefit. The nutritional value of apples
Every 100 grams of apples with peel is edible - apples contain about 80% water, which is essential for the body. Food energy ----- 52 kcal Sugar ----- 10.39 grams Dietary fiber ----- 2.4 grams Fat ----- 0.17 grams Non-vegetarian ----- 0.26 grams Aqueous portion ----- 85.56 grams Vitamin A ----- 3 IUBita Carotene ----- 27 IU Lutein ----- 29 IU Thiamine ----- 0.017 mg Riboflavin ----- 0.026 mg Niacin ----- 0.091 mg Pantothenic acid ----- 0.061 mg Folate ----- 3 IU
Vitamin C ----- 4.6 mg Vitamin E ----- 0.18 mg Vitamin K ----- 2.2 IU Calcium ----- 6 mg Iron ----- 0.12 mg Magnesium ----- 5 mg Manganese ----- 0.035 mg Phosphorus ----- 11 mg Potassium ----- 107 mg Sodium ----- 1 mg Zinc ----- 0.04 mg Fluoride ----- 3.3 IU How to keep apples safe for a long time Apple is a very hard ripe and fresh fruit that can be kept fresh effortlessly for quite a long time. However, some small rules need to be followed. Take the apples home and actually put the apples in a dry and cold box in the fridge. In this way, apples stay fresh for about a month. Apples emit a substance called ethylene which helps the apples to ripen day by day. As a result of refrigeration, this ethylene is released slowly and the apples ripen late. As a result, you can keep it safe for a long time. However, do not keep all the apples in one place, all the apples ripen together. Put one in a separate place. How to Use Apple You probably understand how useful apples are. Now take a look at the use of apples, that is, how to eat apples or when you eat apples, you will get the most benefits, etc.
Exactly how many apples should be eaten in a day? The amount of apple consumption also varies according to age in different people. If a child is under 4 years of age, it is enough to eat 1.5 to 2 bowls of apples. Adults need about 25-30 grams of fiber a day. In this case, 2-3 small apples can be easily eaten with other vegetables and fruits. If the apple is large in size, then eating 1 is enough. Safe way to eat apples It is scientifically said that eating apples with peel is the most beneficial. But now with the use of various pesticides, it has become quite harmful. Should apples be peeled and eaten? Not really. See how you can make apples fresh from this harmful pesticide? Buy fresh apples from the market and rub them on the skin with a brush. Do not use any soap. Water is enough to clean the apples. However, it is better if it is warm water. If you want, you can soak the apples in a pot of water with a teaspoon of baking soda for 10 to 15 minutes. In the market, you can buy about a thousand varieties of apples, 50% of which are chemical fragrances and dyes. So if you want to buy a good looking apple, choose the perfect way and see. You can eat this apple whole or as a juice or sauce or custard, etc. But to get the most benefit, make it a habit to eat it whole. You May Like: ★ Benefites, side effects of guava and cultivation ★ Benefits and side effects of banana ★ Benefit And Disadvantages Of Potatoes
Side Effects of Apple Apples are usually a fruit that has no harmful side effects. But in some cases, it is very important to remember a few things in particular. Let's take a look: ● If you are allergic to fructose, eating apples can cause stomach problems. This can lead to diarrhea, nausea, or discomfort. ● If you are allergic to certain fruits such as plums, pears, apricots, etc., then you should also avoid apples. Because scientifically all these fruits belong to the same group. ● In the case of pregnant and lactating women in general, be sure to consult your doctor before eating an apple. ● Be very careful with apple seeds as it can act as a drug i.e. cyanide. Various drugs are made from apple seeds. However, there is no denying that the quality of apples is proven and that apples are one of the best-selling fruits in the world today. Apple Cultivation
Many varieties of apples grow easily from seed. However, many perennial fruits are sweeter than the mother plant. That is why the seedling produced from the seed is called zygosity. The seedlings that are made from the mother plant are genetically modified. In fact, seedlings do not reproduce well when planted from apple seeds, new apple trees usually have to be produced by engrafting. The rootstocks used for the lower part of the engraft can be selected to produce different types of tree size. , Which is why different types of sizes can be selected to produce trees. Also, to protect from the cold, it is necessary to select soil for insects, disease control, and nutritious plants. From the history of Iran and Asia Minor up to 300 BC, it is known that apple saplings were made from dwarf roots. Alexander the Great sent samples of the dwarf apple tree to Aristotle's lithium. Dwarf rootstocks or root systems
became prevalent in the fifteenth century and later gained popularity around the world and spread through various cycles. You will choose the apple variety considering the quality of the soil in your area, the amount of rainfall, the average temperature, the humidity. Apples need winter weather. Where it is winter most of the year. If there are 500-1000 hours in a year between 7 ° Celsius, then there is an apple harvest. This is called chilling hour. The chilling hour may be more or less depending on the variety. However, apples can also be grown in tropical countries, and agricultural scientists have developed improved varieties of apples that can be grown in tropical countries. Apples do not grow in soils with high clay content. Water freezes there. Silt soil is good for apple cultivation. Where apples are grown, there should be a drainage system. Soil pH should be 5.5–6.5 and silt should be up to 45 cm deep. It is not possible to cultivate apples in hard soil. Apples are naturally pollinated trees. So men and women should keep apple trees in the garden. Otherwise, the fruit will not come. But some apple tree varieties are self-pollinating. Where a tree is pollinated. Other trees are needed. SSP - 600g, MOP-500g, gypsum 300gm during the first generation. When making Jaimi, it should be mixed with the soil and dried cow dung or organic manure should be mixed with it. The dung must be dry Later Furadan pesticide should be applied on the soil and the prepared land should be kept uncultivated for 20 days. Then you have to plant apples. If
the seedlings are one meter big, 500 gms in the first phase should be given 1 kg after 15 days. Pollination The process by which pollen is transferred from the anther of a flower to the uterus of a flower or another flower or of another plant of the same species is called pollination. Apple pollination is inconsistent. Fruits must be cross-pollinated for growth and production. During flowering each season, apple growers often use pollinators for pollen (especially bees). Special types of flies are also used in the garden to increase the yield commercially. There are two main types of pollination in plants. E.g .: Self-pollination, and Cross-pollination. Self-pollination When the pollen of a flower is transferred to the uterus of the same flower or another flower of the same plant, it is called self-pollination. Namely- Sandhyamalati, Bean Tomato, etc. Benefits ● Self-pollination preserves the purity of plant species. ● Pollination is almost certain. ● Pollen loss is very low. ● In this case, the need for carriers is very low. Disadvantages Usually, no new traits appear in the lineage. Decreased ability of new offspring to adopt or adapt to new ones. If this breeding continues, the extinction of the species may occur at some stage due to loss of adaptation. The tree produces less tolerant and less vital seeds.
Cross-pollination Cross-pollination is when the pollen from the anther is transferred by a medium or carrier to the flower head of another tree of the same species. Notable among the carriers are air, insects, etc. In this case, the flowers have different genotypes, so the genotype also changes in the seeds that are produced from the fruit. As a result, the plant that grows from this seed does not have the same characteristics as the mother plant; New varieties or new species may emerge among later generations. For example mustard, jaba, pumpkin, dhutra, tomato, bean. Benefits ● A combination of new features occurs. ● Different varieties or different species may be created. ● The seeds produced in the fruit are more tolerant. ● Increases the adaptability of new offspring or the ability to adapt to new ones. Disadvantages ● Cross-pollination depends on the carrier. ● This pollination is almost uncertain due to carrier-dependent pollination. ● Most pollen is lost. ● The purity of the species is not preserved. Buzz pollination Sonication or buzz pollination is a technique used by some bees to scatter pollen that contains more or less of the pollen-producing organ of the flower,
the stamen, and this process makes the pollination more effective in those plants. In the case of tomatoes and eggplants, beetles can pollinate best. The body of the downward flower is grabbed by the beetle from below. Then his flight muscles or flight muscles start to vibrate very fast like a laboratory tuning fork. It seems that the bumblebee flew away realizing this. In fact, in this tremor, pollen drops fall on her body, some of which accumulate in the hair follicles of her feet, and some of the pollen sticks to the cervix. This leads to proper pollination, increases the yield of tomato eggplant. This type of pollination is called vibrational pollination in the language of botany. There is a saying about apples, An Apple a Day, Keeps the Doctor Away: - Eat an apple a day, get a disease-free life. Diseases of Apple/Tree
Venturia inaequalis: Symptoms The dead stalks of the main stems and branches show round or dingy submerged spots. The infection often spreads in the form of red soaked sores on young stalks, affected areas, and young branches. These spots later grow and cause wound disease and block the branches of the tree in one season and kill it. The larger ridges contain brownish-red, concave, gray submerged shapes that are later exposed on the outside and deadwood in the center. The dead bark lasts a long time and the edges are raised to form a concentric ring. The upper branch of the wound gradually weakens and dies. Occasionally there is a dry "eye-like rot" around the stem when the growing fruit is attacked. Trigger The fungus Venturia inequality is responsible for the scab disease of apples. They mainly survive the winter on the affected leaves on the ground but also survive on the bud fibers and the wound part of the wood. In early spring the fungus starts to grow and the fungus cocoons come out which later spread to different distances through the air medium! The cocoon falls on new leaves and fruits and starts a new infection. The closed buds on the outside of the fruit are very sensitive to scab. However, as the fruit ripens, the sensitivity to the fungus decreases greatly. A humid environment, a wet period of leaves, or fruits are essential for infection. Alternative resident trees include the shrub Cottonister, Pyracantha, and the sapwood. All apple varieties are susceptible to scab, with Gaila being more vulnerable or sensitive.
Biological control If the disease level is high in the previous season, then liquid copper fungicide should be applied to prevent the growth of fungi on the tree during winter. Sulfur is partially effective against apple scab. However, the disease can be biologically controlled by applying sulfur and pyrethrin containing ingredients during plant growth. Chemical control Take precautionary measures through biological control under integrated pest management as much as possible. Prevent disease by applying Dean, Kaptan, or Dinathione as a resistant pesticide to the cracked part of the stem. Once the scab is detected, prevent the growth of the fungus by applying difenoconazole, myclobutanil, or sulfur-containing ingredients. Prevent fungus tolerance by using scab resistant pesticides from different chemical groups. Preventive measures ● Use resistant or tolerant varieties, ● Observe the garden for signs of disease, ● Pick up damaged leaves, shoots, and fruits, ● After collecting the fruit, but all the fallen leaves around the tree, ● Alternatively, apply 5% urea on the leaves in autumn so that they decompose easily and disrupt the fungus life cycle. ● Prune trees to ensure more ventilation, ● Avoid watering and overhead in the evening or morning, ● When watering, make sure that the leaves do not get wet. ● Apply lime to increase soil pH after leaf fall,
● Cover the ground under the tree, but keep it away from the main stem. Neonectria Ditissima Trigger The fungus Nectria galigena is responsible for the disease which attacks the bark of many trees, of which apples are one. In summer, the fungus spreads through water, and in winter and spring, the fungus spreads on apple trees with the help of wind. These are two types of fungi pawn disease starts when they fall into the infected cells. Wounds that contribute to plant infections include pruning, frostbite, scab disease, and jab infestation. Attacks are more intense in acidic, moist, and heavy soils. The optimum temperature for the outbreak of the disease is 14-15.5 degrees Celsius. Long-term moisture of the plant is also an important factor (6 hours or more). The size of the wax and flour at the wound site depends largely on the strength of the plant and also on the ability of the bark to grow on the affected cell. Biological control To date, no biological control measures have been reported to control the fungus. Fruit lesions can be reduced by covering the affected area with copper-containing material. Chemical control Take preventive measures through biological control under integrated pest management. Cover the wound with a protective seal product after pruning.
Covering the affected area with copper hydroxide or Kaptan can reduce the incidence of fruit tree disease. The buds can be cleaned with copper during swelling and leaf fall. Preventive measures ● If available, be sure to use resistant varieties. ● When working in the field or collecting fruit, make sure that the tree is not injured. ● Be sure to use cutting and moderate fertilizer. ● Complete pruning with a clean pruning machine and in the dry season. ● Regularly supervise the garden and remove infected young stalks and branches. ● Cover the wound with a protective seal product. ● Ensure a good drainage system in the land. Glomerella Cingulata Symptoms Symptoms such as small, gray, or brown pores appear on the first fruits in spring. In summer, small, submerged brown lesions surrounded by a red color ring appear on the fruit with increased symptoms such as small, gray, or brown pores. When the weather is favorable, a few wounds grow and look like small black spots in the middle. Gradually, the brown decaying part of the skin spreads inside the fruit, giving it a v-shaped structure. In this wound, the apple rots and dries and hangs on the branches of the tree, which looks like wax fruit. The leaves show signs of small brown spots which later grow and cause irregular dead cells. When there is a heavy attack on the leaves, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. If any stem is affected by the disease the next season bears fewer flowers. All varieties of apples are susceptible to bitter rot disease.
Trigger Leaf and fruit symptoms are caused by two different sexual stages of the same bacterium This spot is seen after colonization on the leaves and fruits during the sexual stage of Glomerela cingulate. The fungus Coletotricum grasperidis reproduces asexually and is responsible for scarring. Infected wax-like fruits and wood serve as a wintering ground for the fungus. In the spring, the fungus begins to grow and the fungus forms cocoons that are released into the rainwater and spread by the wind. The warm temperature (25 C) and long wet conditions of the leaves are conducive to the life cycle and infection of the fungus. The fruit can be infected by the fungus at any time of maturation. However, the attack is more in the last half of the fruit can be seen. If wet, warm weather persists during fruit growth, the fungus attacks in an epidemic proportion and can cause extensive damage. Biological control The "Golden Delicious" apple is used as a good antagonist to control the bitter disease of apples under controlled conditions. Chemical control Take preventive measures through biological control under integrated pest management. Good results are obtained by using pesticides containing elements like dimethicone, copper, or sulfur every fortnight while maintaining cleanliness. Warm and during wet weather, it must be sprayed repeatedly within 14 days. Preventive measures ● Keep the land clean, ● When the infestation is low, observe the garden and remove the infected fruit.
● Remove infected wood and tree residues and after harvest ● Destroy these. ● Alternatively, cut off the branches of infected trees to increase the rate of digestion. ● Use resistant stimulants to make the plant resistant to infection. ● Apply moderate fertilizer. How many hours of cold weather is needed for the apple tree to bear fruit? After the apple trees need a colder and more humid environment. As well as the need for plenty of sunlight for the color of apples. Different species of apple trees require different temperatures. The "chill hours" are some of the times when the ambient temperature must be below 43 ° F (7 ° C) for the apple tree to bear fruit. This time can range from 500 to 1000 hours. Apples need to be stored at a temperature of -1 ° C to 4 ° C. However, some species of apple trees also grow in the tropics. Anna apple, Eva apple, Julieta apple species can survive 22 ° C - 24 ° C. Why do apples turn brown when cut? In addition to apples, bananas, guavas, pears, potatoes, etc., cut into brown. These fruits or vegetables contain up to 0.3-0.8 mg of iron per 100 g. Interestingly, raw coffee beans are white or light green in color before processing. If you cut or crush it, it gradually turns brown! But the amount of iron in coffee is zero percent.
Most plant cells contain an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase (tyrosinase in animal cells). And inside the cell, there are various by-products of an organic compound called phenol. These are used in various metabolic reactions of plants. But when the plant cells are damaged and come in contact with air, the phenolic compounds in the cells are oxidized to oxygen under the influence of the polyphenol oxidase enzyme. They also combine to form a polymer called polyphenols. Melanin is formed from this polymer by going through some stages of spontaneous reaction. Yes! That's right — melanin. All the soaps, beauty creams, and facewash companies are working day and night to get rid of the melanin that makes you look whiter. The brown color of the cut apple is also made of melanin. The reaction of polyphenols protects plants. The melanin layer is waterproof. So it reduces the evaporation of water from the cell with the damaged part. This protects the cells from drying out. It also protects against bacterial infections. In addition to plants, various animals contain melanin. Here too his main job is to provide security. For example, melanin protects human skin from harmful ultraviolet rays. Melanin protects the insect from dehydration by preventing water from evaporating from its body. Melanin is different. Although plant and animal melanin differ, all melanins are derived from phenol polymers. Apples float in water but why don't apple seeds float? You are all familiar with the famous event of the scientist Archimedes. The fact is, once King Hiero II ordered the goldsmiths of his kingdom to make a
crown for him with pure gold. The goldsmiths crowned him with gold in that way. But why did the king suspect that the goldsmiths might have mixed the silver alloy with the gold? But what is the way to understand that? No one but the goldsmiths had time to make the crown. What to do now? So the king did one thing. He entrusted the scientist Archimedes to find out if there was any adulteration in the crown. He also said that the crown should be kept as it is, no harm should be done to it while testing for adulteration. Archimedes fell into a deep slumber. It was not a matter of finding adulteration. The density would come out only if the crown was melted and brought to a certain shape and the volume was taken out. If we compare the density of pure gold with that density, we can tell whether the crown actually had alloy or not. But this crown can not be melted, the king's order! What to do now? The scientist Archimedes frowned several times at the thought. At one point in the thought he went down to take a bath in the bathtub (yes, the ancient bathtub). While taking a bath, he saw that the water level was rising for him to get into the water. That is, his body is removing or removing water. Immediately an intellect played on Archimedes' head. He got his solution. Overjoyed, he got up from the bath, ran naked through the streets of Syracuse, and said, "Eureka! Eureka!" Eureka !! ” (Meaning, I got it, I got it) What did you get? Archimedes realized that when an object is completely submerged in water, it removes exactly the same amount of water as its own volume. Archimedes determined the size of the crown by dipping it in water. Then he calculated the mass in Nikki.
Then he determined the density by dividing the mass by volume. It was found that the density of the substance of the crown and the density of pure gold are not the same. Yes, it is understood that the crown has been adulterated. So a formula of Archimedes related to this famous phenomenon has been used in physics for ages. This is called Archimedes' Principle. According to this formula, when an object is immersed in water/liquid, the mass lost is equal to the mass of water/liquid removed by it. Now let's talk about apples, Some parts of the inside of the apple are hollow. And in the hollow part, there is wind and a few seeds. While the apple may seem solid in its entirety, it is not. The air in the hollow part helps the fruit to float in the water. Not just apples, many fruits can float in the water for this reason. Apples contain a wealth of nutrients that are great for everything from your immune system to your eyesight, physical strength, and brain development. So, you must add an apple to your daily food list from today. Let us know in the comments how you like this post. Also, if you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. Stay healthy and safe. Thanks Top Pure Health