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The online SSC GD constable mock test series are specially designed to enhance your exam preparation. Take section-wise & full length Practice Test for SSC Constable GD to ace the exam easily. Try First Practice Set for Free.<br>https://www.toprankers.com/ssc-gd-constable/ssc-gd-constable-mock-test-series
How many days i need to prepare to crack ssc gd constable exam? SSC GD Constable 2018 recruitment online SSC GD Constable application form date will start from 24th July 2018. Initially, the exam online application was supposed to start from 21st July. SSC GD 2018 Online Application starts – 24th July 2018 [ SSC GD 2018 Application haven’t started Yet ] SSC GD 2018 Online Application ends – 24th August 2018 ( till 5pm [ 17:00hrs] ) SSC GD CONSTABLE EXAM DATE – YET TO BE ANNOUNCED From tomorrow the SSC GD Constable Application form will be available officially online on the authorized SSC portal. Total number of posts – 54953 RECRUITMENT DETAILS SSC GD Constable for BSF, CISF, NIA, CRPF, SSB, ITB, SSF, Rifleman in
Assam Rifles How many days do i need to prepare to crack SSC gd constable exam? It really depends upon the candidates to answer clearly how many days you need to prepare to crack SSC GD Constable exam. There will be three stages of selection – •CBE •PET •PST PET and PST are purely based on your physical standards and efficiency. But in order to enter into this level, you must clear the CBE test for SSC GD Exam. You can prepare for SSC GD Constable Exam’s CBE test in a week time with the help of SSC GD Constable mock test 2018and previous year question papers of SSC GD constable exam. But for most of the candidates who think less time is needed to crack down can follow this timetable for preparation in 15 days. •Read the important current affairs questions and current affairs quiz daily •Spend 5 days on General Intelligence and Reasoning and daily practice 2 hours for this section from day 6 to 15. •Spend 3 days time to brush up elementary level mathematics basics and spend 2 hours additional from day 9 to 15. •Spend 2 days on English preparation •Spend the rest 5 days to attempt the maximum number of mock test series on SSC GD constable 2018 exam. If you can spend more time then practice more to crack the exam. •TAG : • SSC GD Constable Syllabus • SSC GD Constable • CLAT video lessons • Toprankers http://www.articleweb55.com/details/-How-many-daysi-need-to-prepare-to-cracksscgd-constable- exam/49618