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BMW Academy: Candidates for Greatness. Mission: To educate, motivate, and activate the potential for excellence that lies within every African American male. . 911. HURRICAINE KATRINA. TITANIC. Creating A Sense of Urgency Why African American Males?. PROBLEM
BMW Academy: Candidates for Greatness Mission: To educate, motivate, and activate the potential for excellence that lies within every African American male.
Creating A Sense of Urgency Why African American Males? • PROBLEM • By 2020 70% of all Black males will be unavailable to Black women • 85 percent of African-American children in special education are male • 1.5 million African-American males in prison (Kunjufu, 2005)
“The educational achievement of Black boys is the litmus test for the quality of public education.” Dr. Rosa A. Smith
The national graduation rate for African American males is almost less than 50%. In many urban school districts, its less than 40%.
The School District Fayette County Public Schools Our students 2009-2010 Total number of students enrolled: 38,865 Kindergarten through Grade 5: 17,856 Grades 6-8: 8,005 Grades 9-12: 10,542 Diversity 2009-2010 White: 59.1 percent African-American: 23.2 percent Hispanic: 9.3 percent Asian: 3.8 percent Native American: less than 1 percent Other: 4.5 percent Native languages spoken by students: 72 Students enrolled as English Language Learners: 3,118 Our schools Total number of schools: 56 Elementary schools: 33 Middle schools: 12 High schools: 5 Technical schools: 2 Alternative programs: 4
BMW Our History In 2005, Leestown Middle School African American males were academically the lowest performing student population according to the KCCT assessment and had the highest number of office referrals. There was very limited representation of African American males on the Honor Roll and this population seemed to be socially focused rather than academically focused. Disturbed by the data, Mrs. Roszalyn Akins founded the BMW Academy as a way to reach, teach and keep this population of students from failing. First Baptist Church Bracktown had an established relationship with Leestown Middle School through the African American Coalition “Adopt A School” program. Mrs. Akins extended this relationship into a partnership with the Fayette County Public Schools that focused on student achievement and academic success. Mrs. Roszalyn Akins
HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Mrs. Rozalyn Akins: Dean of Students (Leestown Middle School) Made a discovery Made us aware Made some calls Made a decision Made an opportunity Made a program And making a difference
Need and Purpose for the Program • Leestown African American males were the lowest performing academically (CATS) • They had the highest number of office referrals • Limited representation on the Honor Roll • Socially focused rather than academically focused • Purpose of the Program: • To educate, motivate and activate the potential for excellence that lies within every African American male
High Expectations for BMW • Parent Must: • Parent must ensure • son is reading daily • Limit TV and video games • make sure son attends weekly Saturday sessions • make 2 positive visits to school during year • participate in fundraisers • Student must: • read 60 minutes/day • complete a summer research project • attend weekly Saturday sessions • maintain 2.5 GPA to participate in activities • have a 3.0 GPA to attend week long college tour • constantly improve academically and
Saturday Academy At A Glance: Academic Activites • Literacy • Math(Algebra, Algebra II & Geometry) • Leadership • ACT Prep • Open Response Questions • German/Spanish • Science • Book Study (Junior & Seniors) • Social Studies
Saturday Academy At A Glance: Non-Academic Activities • Social Skills • Effective Communication • Leadership • Problem- Solving • Decision Making Skills • Motivational Speakers • Dare To Be A Daniel • 40 Developmental Assets Inventory • Chess • Etiquette
Student Creed I promise to give my very best to achieve my every goal To be disciplined with everything in my control. Learning as much as I can for knowledge is the key There is nothing I cannot do, but the first step starts with me. I represent my family, even my community as a whole And I refuse to let negativity keep me from my goal. I will exceed and excel if I just have faith and believe I am a future Black Male Working and there is no limit to what I can achieve! I will arise above all prejudices and stay positive the whole way through. For I am a future Black Male Working and you can be one too!!
Parent Creed For my son, I promise to stand by his side And support him with a positive voice I will encourage him to be the best he can be And trust him to make the correct choice. Together we can defeat all odds We can overcome all negative statistics I vow to lead by example Modeling for him responsible characteristics Our relationship will continue to grow No matter what obstacles we go through My son is a Future Black Male Working And there is no limit to what he can do!
“Pull Through” Scholarships • Georgetown College • Morehead State University • Murray State University • Centre College • University of Kentucky • Magic Johnson
Building Community Partnerships FAYETTE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Past Summer Programs • Georgetown College Robotics Camp • Kentucky State Univ. Pathways and Access to Careers in Technology and Entrepreneurship Camps • Morehead State Univ. Summer Enrichment • Murray State Univ. Rising 10th Graders Enrichment Camp • Tennessee State Univ. Minority Introduction to Engineering • Western Kentucky Univ. Gifted Summer Program
Summer Camps KSU Financial Literacy One Day Camp UK BEST Engineering Camp KSU Entrepreneurship Camp Murray State Univ. Rising 9th Graders African American Juniors & Seniors Proficient Conference Morehead State Univ. Summer Enrichment WKU Gifted Program National Bar Assoc. Crump Law Camp The Piney Woods School
BMW: Candidates for Greatness BMW staff and students receiving the Samuel Robinson Education Award. This award is given to a organization committed to youth and education.
“ Show Momma Some Love” Valentines Day Breakfast
ACADEMIC OUTCOMES: Approximately 60% of the young men have a 3.0 GPA or higher Approximately 74% of the young men have a 2.5 GPA or higher All of our seniors are on track to graduate The suspension rates for our BMW students have decreased over 120% since the program started in 2005
ACADEMIC OUTCOMES: 90% of our seniors are college eligible The average ACT score for African American males in Kentucky is 15.7. The average ACT score for BMW participants is 21.4 We get 90% attendance on Saturday mornings
KENTUCKY ACT Composite Scores by Race & Ethnicity 2009 Data All Students 19.4 African Amer. Students 16.3 White Students 20.0 Hispanic Students 17.3 Asian Amer. Students 21.3 African American Males 15.7 Source: Kentucky Department of Education
Kentucky African American Males Compared to White Males: Student Achievement White Males ACT Scores 2008 Reading Math 20.3 24.9 ACT Benchmarks: Reading 18 Math 22 College Readiness African American Males ACT Scores 2008 Reading Math 15.7 17.8
ACT Profile Report Kentucky State Testing 2010 – Grade 11 Tested Students
Kentucky: 2009 Disaggregated ACT Results. All Students 18.2 African American/Black 15.6 American Indian/Alaska Native 15.9 Caucasian American/White 18.6 Hispanic 16.8 Asian American/Pacific Islander 21.3 Other/No Response College Course/Course Area ACT Test Benchmark Score: English Composition English 18 Algebra Mathematics 22 Social Sciences Reading 21 Biology Science 24
Table 2.5. Average ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity Student Group Race/Ethnicity English Mathematics Reading Science Composite All Students 17.8 18.3 18.9 18.7 18.5 African American 14.4 16.2 15.9 16.2 15.8 American Indian 15.6 17.0 17.4 16.7 16.8 White 18.3 18.6 19.4 19.1 19.0 Hispanic 15.2 17.3 17.2 17.1 16.8 Asian American 20.6 22.5 21.4 21.5 21.6 Other/No Response 17.1 17.8 18.3 18.0 17.9
What’s on the horizon? • $500,000 grant proposal submitted to United Way and Chase Bank. • BMW is partnering with Fayette County Public Schools to create the • Carter G. Woodson Academy. We have submitted a 5.5 million dollar • grant to the U.S. Department of Education to support the magnet school • program. • 3. Developing partnerships with local universities to research and evaluate • the program.
BMW Academy’s Average ACT Scores (2009-2010) 21.4 “ENTER TO LEARN” LEAVE TO SERVE
Pair & Share At your tables discuss how your school district and community are collaborating to increase the graduation rates for African American males.
TAKE AWAYS 1.Commitment, Commitment, Commitment 2. Get the parents, You get the students 3.Consistency, Consistency, Consistency
Dr. Roger Cleveland, Asst. Professor Eastern Kentucky University College of Education Dept. of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies Office:859-622-6678 Cell: 859-420-8032 E-mail: Roger.Cleveland@eku.edu BMW Academy: www.bracktown.org PowerPoint: millenniumlearningconcepts.org