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How to Construct a Project Proposal. Laureen A. Fregeau , Ph.D. Introduction. The first step in your Final Project is the proposal In this session we will review the steps and parts of a project proposal for each Final Project Option
How to Construct a Project Proposal Laureen A. Fregeau, Ph.D.
Introduction • The first step in your Final Project is the proposal • In this session we will review the steps and parts of a project proposal for each Final Project Option • Before we begin, read your Final Project Options instruction sheet
Topics We Will Cover • Selecting a Final Project Option • Selecting a topic • Narrowing your topic • Parts of the proposal • Examples
Selecting a Final Project Option • If you are a currently employed teacher, you should select either the Reform Project Option or the School Analysis Tasks • If you are not currently employed as a teacher you should select the Cultural Study, however, if you are also a parent and have access to a school you might select the School Analysis Tasks • If you are an active PTO member, you might selectthe Reform Project Option
Purpose of Each Project Option • Reform Project Optionshould be selected if you know of a sociological/multicultural problem/issue which needs to be addressed to improve your classroom or school. • School Analysis Tasksshould be selected if you know there are several multicultural topics/issues you would like to explore at your school. • Cultural Studyshould be selected if you will/might be/are working with a population whose culture you are unfamiliar with and you are unable to do a Reform Plan.
Selecting a Topic: Reform Plan • Your topic will depend on what sociological/ multicultural problems you perceive as needing attention in your school or classroom. For ideas: talk to other teachers at your school for ideas; look through the syllabus at topics we will cover this semester; and, check the list of sample topics[link] to help with ideas. Your topic may be a modified version of one of these topics as it needs to fit your school situation. • Decide if you want a topic which involves the whole school, the community and the school, your grade level, or is limited to your classroom. • Look at past Reform Plans on reserve in the Curriculum Resource Center in UCOM.
Selecting a Topic: School Analysis Tasks • Your topic will depend on what sociological/ multicultural problems you perceive as needing exploration in your school. For ideas: talk to other teachers at your school for ideas; look through the syllabus at topics we will cover this semester; and, look in the syllabus at the School Analysis Tasks you will select from. • Decide if you the topics you are considering are really issues at your school and will allow you to collect broad information (from parents, other teachers, students). • Look at past Analysis Tasks on reserve in the Curriculum Resource Center in UCOM.
Selecting a Topic: Cultural Study • Your topic will depend on what cultures you may encounter where you will teach. For ideas: talk to teachers in local schools; ask local community centers what cultures are in your area; and, look at the topics in the syllabus which qualify as “cultures” (ethnicities, race, sexual orientation, religions). • Be sure you will have access to at least four non-related members of the culture who are willing to give you data. • Examine theCultural Study instruction sheet[link]for the areas (a., b., c., and d.) the culture must have and you must study to complete this Project Option. • Look at past Cultural Studies on reserve in the Curriculum Resource Center in UCOM.
Narrowing Your Topic • Ask yourself: • Can I cover this topic in a reasonable amount of time and complete it during the semester? • What are the sub-topics that fall under this topic? Should I focus on one of the sub-topics? • Will I find research (empirical) literature on this topic? • Am I interested enough in this topic to focus on it as a semester long project?
Parts of the Proposal • identify the culture/problem you intend to explore, • preliminary research (i.e.. identification of individuals from selected culture/poll school about problems/issues), • a summary of how you will complete your field research (include tentative interview questions, who you might interview, what types of documents you might review, observations you might do), and • include permission from the appropriate authorities if applicable. • list empirical articles in a preliminary bibliography.
Examples • Reform Project example [link] • School Analysis Tasks example [link] • Cultural Study example [link]
Summary of this Session • We have reviewed the steps in how you will select a project type and topic, and how you will construct your proposal. • Discuss your ideas with your study/support group in your group chat room. • Post questions for class input/feedback on theProposal Threaded Discussion [link]. • If you want to work with a partner post your topic and request a partner on the Proposal Threaded Discussion.
Where to Get More Information • The Curriculum Resource Center has a number of past Final Projects on reserve (library use only). Projects on reserve are not necessarily the best, some are poor, some well done. My comments are on the examples for you to use in judging the quality I am looking for. Take note of marked errors.