1. Inoculation Injury Management Community Infection Prevention and Control Team 2011
2. Definition of Sharps
“Sharps are anything that penetrates the skin to cause injury”
3. Types of Inoculation injuries Percutaneous
Teeth, bone
Glass / ampoules
Human bites and scratches
4. Types of Inoculation injuries Mucous membrane
Contamination or splashing of the mucous membrane with blood or body fluids
eyes, nose, mouth or
conjunctiva with blood or body fluids
Contamination or splashing with blood or body fluids of
any open wound or
skin lesion e.g. eczema
5. Inoculation Injuries in General Dental practice (Safer Needles Network 2006a) Large number of injuries occur during administration of anaesthesia
However , many injuries occur after the injection has been carried out
6. Common Injuries in Dental Practice
During needle re -sheathing / removal
During Surgery decontamination
During Instrument tray clearing
Incorrect placement of syringes
7. Blood Borne Viruses
Blood borne viruses (BBV) are viruses that some people carry in their blood and which may cause severe disease in certain people and few or no symptoms in others. The virus can spread to another person, whether the carrier of the virus is ill or not.
8. Blood borne Viruses
Hepatitis B (HBV)
Hepatitis C (HCV)
9. Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Blood-borne viral infection that can be prevented through vaccination.
The hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes hepatitis (inflammation of the liver)
Can also cause long-term liver damage
10. Hepatitis C (HCV)
Virus that can cause long-lasting infection and can lead to liver disease.
There is no vaccination to prevent HCV.
11. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
HIV destroys the body's ability to fight infection by attacking the immune system.
This results in infected individuals becoming susceptible to opportunistic infections.
12. Risk of BBV transmission
How much blood is required to transfer a blood-borne virus?
As little as 0.00004 ml from an infected patient
A blue needle holds 0.1ml
15. Body Fluids High risk
Amniotic fluid
Vaginal secretions
Breast milk
Cerobrospinal fluid
Peritoneal fluid
Pericardial fluid
Synovial fluid
Saliva - dentistry
16. Increase risk of transmission depends on: How deep the injury is
Visible blood present
Needle from source patient’s artery/vein
Terminal ill HIV related illness in source patient
High Risk Activities:
IV drug users
Blood transfusion pre-1991
Residence in Sub Sahara Africa/Far East
Detention in Prison since 1980
Male homosexual/bisexual
Sexual partners of listed
Babies of high risk mothers
18. Sharps/ splash injury: prevention
19. Sharps/ splash injury: prevention
20. Sharps/ splash injury: prevention Never attempt to separate a needle and syringe; discard as one unit*.
Store sharps containers at waist level or above, NEVER on the floor or above shoulder level, and
ALWAYS out of reach of children and vulnerable adults.
Use temporary closure mechanism when container not in use.
Complete location sticker on sharps container and sign and date at assembly, locking and disposal.
21. Sharps/ splash injury: prevention
If a needle and syringe must be separated, the appropriate slot on the sharps container should be used to remove the needle from the syringe. Needle forceps can also be used.
If recapping a needle is absolutely unavoidable, a needle guard should be used.
The one-handed technique can be used if staff are trained and competent to do so.
22. Policy and Procedure Each practice should have clear guidelines including :
Inoculation injury management policy
Flowchart for assessing and dealing with needlestick injury
Programme for Hepatitis B immunisation
Appropriate PPE
23. Scenario
A dental nurse whilst cleaning instruments prior to autoclaving cuts her finger on a periodontal scaling instrument
How will you manage this situation ?
24. Identify the wound
Instigate basic first aid
Assess the significance of the injury
Risk assessment
Hepatitis B status
Seek expert guidance - Occupational health / A & E
25. Its 5 pm , Friday afternoon and leading to a bank holiday weekend.
Following an inferior dental block a dentist accidentally sticks the needle into his thumb and notices blood accumulating under his glove . The patient is a 28 year old male on his second visit to the practice
How will you manage this situation ?
26. As before but ensure
All operative procedures are stopped
27. Individuals Exposed To Blood Borne Viruses in Health Care Settings
Any person exposed to the risk of blood borne viruses in any healthcare setting (including a domiciliary care situation) should be assessed and managed according to the principles laid out in the guidance provided by Occupational Health or A & E department at Doncaster Royal Infirmary.
Support will be available to the individual during and after the incident. This support can be accessed through several sources including line management, Human Resources or Occupational Health.
28. First Aid Percutaneous injury Aim to reduce bio burden
Wash under running water
Apply downstream pressure to help extrude infectious material
Apply waterproof dressing
Report and document incident to manager
Seek advise from Occupational health
Do not squeeze , suck or scrub area
29. First Aid Mucous Membrane
Flush affected area with copious amounts of cold water
Report and document incident to manager
Seek advise from Occupational Health
information that may be required at Occupational Health or A&E
31. Details of injury
Patient’s name
Patient’s date of birth
Any known history of BBV’s
History of high risk activities
Who should arrange for source patient blood testing?
33. Source patient testing should NOT be carried out by the injured member of staff
Blood can only be taken & tested with consent
Sample is saved and stored for 10 years
Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) may be recommended if the injury is high risk and the source patient is known to be HIV positive