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你能随时做到的环保. 饮食简单,尽量不要吃野生动物、保护动物 早睡早起,充分利用自然光,节约能源 尽量安步当车,既锻炼身体,又缓解交通堵塞、减少汽车尾气污染 去食堂尽量用消毒餐具或自带餐具,少用一次性用品,既健康有环保 随身带个塑料袋,以备超市等购物、装物用 尽量用手帕,因为餐巾纸有漂白剂污染环境。此款特别适用于女士,显得古典、优雅 勿随意丢弃废旧电池,一个 5 号电池可将 5 平方米土地重金属污染达 50 年 ……. Consumer Surplus 消费者剩余. Zhang Yan Guang Dong University of Finance
你能随时做到的环保 • 饮食简单,尽量不要吃野生动物、保护动物 • 早睡早起,充分利用自然光,节约能源 • 尽量安步当车,既锻炼身体,又缓解交通堵塞、减少汽车尾气污染 • 去食堂尽量用消毒餐具或自带餐具,少用一次性用品,既健康有环保 • 随身带个塑料袋,以备超市等购物、装物用 • 尽量用手帕,因为餐巾纸有漂白剂污染环境。此款特别适用于女士,显得古典、优雅 • 勿随意丢弃废旧电池,一个5号电池可将5平方米土地重金属污染达50年…… Zhang Yan---GDUF
Consumer Surplus消费者剩余 Zhang Yan Guang Dong University of Finance 2007-2008 First Semester Zhang Yan---GDUF
几个消费者剩余度量尺度 • 价格变动的补偿CV • 等值变动EV • 马歇尔的消费者剩余Consumer Surplus • 补偿剩余CS • 等值剩余ES • 价格变化的Laspeyre成本差 • Paasche成本差 Zhang Yan---GDUF
价格变动的补偿CV • 常被称为补偿变化compensating variation:为使某人保持变化以前的福利水平,应该从他那里取走的补偿金的数额。 • 回想卡尔多补偿 • 对良种农产品的补贴,对农民养猪的补贴 Zhang Yan---GDUF
价格变动的补偿CV • Pertaining to Price Reduction • The Compensating income variation (shown as CV in the followed figure) equals the amout of a lump-sum tax which the consumer, after a reduction in the price of X has caused him to purchase a larger quantity of X at the lower price, would have to pay in order to be pushed back the same indifference level that he had attained when he purchased a smaller quantity of X at the higher price… • ---Fritz Machlup”Professor Hicks’ revision of Demand Theory” P122 Zhang Yan---GDUF
价格变动的补偿CV • Pertaining to Price Increases • The Compensating income variation equals the amout of a lump-sum subsidy which the consumer, after an increase in the price of X has caused him to purchase a smaller quantity of X at the higher price, would have to pay would have to receive in order to be lifted back to the same indifference level that he had attained when he purchased a larger quantity of X at the lower price… • ---Fritz Machlup”Professor Hicks’ revision of Demand Theory”P122 Zhang Yan---GDUF
价格变动的补偿CV • 补偿变化衡量的是一个计划者的净收入。这个计划者必须在价格变化发生之后,对消费者进行补偿使消费者的效用恢复到初始效用水平。 • 它可以设想为计划者为使消费者同意价格发生变化而必须向消费者支付的金额的负数。补偿变化与可以表述为: Zhang Yan---GDUF
价格变动的补偿CV Zhang Yan---GDUF
希克斯需求函数 马歇尔需求函数 价格变动的补偿CV Zhang Yan---GDUF
等值变动EV • 等值变化equivalent variation:在没有变化发生的情况下,为了使某人达到变化发生后他可能达到的福祉水平而应给予他的补偿金的数额。 • 与补偿变动的区别? • 回想希克斯补偿标准 • 向农民征地前政府承诺的补偿 Zhang Yan---GDUF
等值变动EV • Pertaining to Price Reductions • The equivalent incomevariation(shown as EV in the followed figure) equals the amount of a lump-sum subsidy which the consumer, after purchasing a certain quantity of X at a given price, would have to receive in order to be lifted up to the same indifference level that he would attain if a reduction in the price of X at the lower price… • ---Fritz Machlup”Professor Hicks’ revision of Demand Theory”P123 Zhang Yan---GDUF
等值变动EV • Pertaining to Price Increases • The equivalent incomevariation equals the amount of a lump-sum tax which the consumer, after purchasing a certain quantity of X at a given price, would have to pay in order to be pushed down to the same indifference level that he would attain if an increase in the price of X caused him to purchase a smaller quantity of X at the higher price… • ---Fritz Machlup”Professor Hicks’ revision of Demand Theory”P123 Zhang Yan---GDUF
等值变动EV • 关于等价变化说明 • 等价变化可想象为一笔金钱,消费者在接受这一笔钱和接受价格变化间是无差异的,也就是说,就对福利的影响而言,这笔钱和价格变化等价的。 Zhang Yan---GDUF
等值变动EV Zhang Yan---GDUF
等值变动EV Zhang Yan---GDUF
A B 马歇尔的消费者剩余Consumer Surplus Zhang Yan---GDUF
补偿剩余CS • 补偿剩余Compensating Surplus:当某人被限制以变化后的新价格购买如果没有补偿他所购买的物品的量时,为使他保持变化以前的福利水平,而应该从他那里取走的补偿金的数额。 • 与补偿变化CV的区别? • 变化后的价格 • 没有补偿的数量---变化后的数量 Zhang Yan---GDUF
补偿剩余CS • Pertaining to Price Reductions • The compensating consumer’s surplus (shown as CS in the followed figure) equals the amout of a lump-sum tax which the consumer, after a reduction in the price of X has caused him to purchase a larger quantity of X at the lower price, would have to pay in order to be pushed back to the same indifference level that he had attained when he purchased a smaller quantity of X at the higher price… • ---Fritz Machlup”Professor Hicks’ revision of Demand Theory”P123 Zhang Yan---GDUF
补偿剩余CS • Pertaining to Price Increases • The compensating consumer’s surplus equals the amout of a lump-sum subsidy which the consumer, after an increase in the price of X has caused him to purchase a smaller quantity of X at the higher price, would have to receive in order to be lifted back to the same indifference level that he had attained when he purchased a larger quantity of X at the lower price… • ---Fritz Machlup”Professor Hicks’ revision of Demand Theory”P123 Zhang Yan---GDUF
X 价 格 降 低 补偿剩余CS Zhang Yan---GDUF
希克斯需求函数 马歇尔需求函数 补偿剩余CS Zhang Yan---GDUF
等值剩余ES • 等值剩余Equivalent Surplus:在没有发生变化的情况下,如果某人被限制以旧的价格来购买如果没有补偿金他可能购买的物品的量,为使他能够达到变化发生后他可能达到的福祉水平而应该给予他的补偿金数额。 • 与EV的区别? • 变化前的价格 • 没有补偿的数量(---变化前的数量) Zhang Yan---GDUF
补偿剩余ES • Pertaining to Price Reductions • The equibalent consumer’s surplus (shown as ES in the following figure) equals the amout of a lump-sum subsidy which the consumer, after purchasing a certain quantity of X at a given price, would have to receive in order to be lifted up to the same indifference level that he would attain if a reduction in the price of X cause him to purchase a larger quantity of X at the lower price… • ---Fritz Machlup”Professor Hicks’ revision of Demand Theory”P124 Zhang Yan---GDUF
补偿剩余ES • Pertaining to Price Increases • The equibalent consumer’s surplus equals the amout of a lump-sum tax which the consumer, after purchasing a certain quantity of X at a given price, would have to pay in order to be pushed down to the same indifference level that he would attain if an increase in the price of X cause him to purchase a smaller quantity of X at the higher price… • ---Fritz Machlup”Professor Hicks’ revision of Demand Theory”P124 Zhang Yan---GDUF
X 价 格 降 低 补偿剩余ES Zhang Yan---GDUF
等值补偿ES Zhang Yan---GDUF
价格变化的Laspeyre成本差 • 价格变化的Laspeyre成本差:为使消费者刚好能够购买变化前他所能购买的物品量而从他那里取走的补偿金的数额。 • 变化后的价格 • 价格变化前的商品量 Zhang Yan---GDUF
价格变化的Laspeyre成本差 • Pertaining to Price Reductions • The cost difference L[for Laspeyre] equals the amout of a lump-sum tax which the consumer, following a reduction in the price of X, would have to pay in order to be able to purchase just the same quantities, and no more of X and of all other goods that he purchased before the price reduction… • ---Fritz Machlup”Professor Hicks’ revision of Demand Theory”P122 Zhang Yan---GDUF
希克斯需求函数 马歇尔需求函数 价格变化的Laspeyre成本差 Zhang Yan---GDUF
X 价 格 降 低 Laspeyre成本差 价格变化的Laspeyre成本差 Zhang Yan---GDUF
Paasche成本差 • Paasche成本差:为使消费者刚好能够有足够的钱来以原来的价格购买新的物品量时,所应该给予他的金额。 • 原来的价格 • 价格变化后的商品量 Zhang Yan---GDUF
Paasche成本差 • Pertaining to Price Increases • The cost difference P[for Paasche] equals the amount of a lump-sum subsidy which the consumer, following an increase in the price of X, would have to receive in order to be able to purchase just the same quantities, and no less, of X and of all other goods that he purchased before the price increase. • ---Fritz Machlup”Professor Hicks’ revision of Demand Theory”P122 Zhang Yan---GDUF
希克斯需求函数 马歇尔需求函数 Paasche成本差 Zhang Yan---GDUF
X 价 格 降 低 Paasche成本差 Paasche成本差 Zhang Yan---GDUF
参考文献 • Fritz Machlup, 1957, “Professor Hicks’ Recision of Demand Theory”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 47, 119-135 • Fritz Machlup, 1940, “Professor Hicks’ Statics”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.54, 277-297 Zhang Yan---GDUF