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Building Sandbox Solutions for SharePoint 2010

Building Sandbox Solutions for SharePoint 2010. Scott Jamison Managing Partner, Jornata LLC scott.jamison@jornata.com. Session Info. Part 1: Why Sandboxed Solutions? Part 2: Building and Deploying a Sandboxed Solution Part 3 : Managing Sandboxed Solutions.

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Building Sandbox Solutions for SharePoint 2010

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  1. Building Sandbox Solutions for SharePoint 2010 • Scott Jamison • Managing Partner, Jornata LLC • scott.jamison@jornata.com

  2. Session Info • Part 1: Why Sandboxed Solutions? • Part 2: Building and Deploying a Sandboxed Solution • Part 3: Managing Sandboxed Solutions

  3. Part 1: Why Sandboxed Solutions?

  4. Issues With SharePoint Solutions • Non-code solutions (SPD, Lists) are easy to deploy but are limited • Code-based solutions require either: • Lengthy deployment process (not agile), or • Developer access to production (not safe)

  5. Sandboxed Solutions – Why? Security & Stability BusinessAgility Totally Agile Business • Simple deployment model • Limited restrictions on developer access to farm • All resources are available to solutions • Iterative development process

  6. Sandboxed Solutions – Why? Security & Stability BusinessAgility Totally Stable & Secure • ‘Clean Room’ Datacenter • 3 week change control process • Formal code review • Severe restrictions on resource access

  7. Sandboxed Solutions – Why? Security & Stability BusinessAgility Essential Agility Essential Stability • Easy deployment • Iterative development • Safe • Limited API Access • Monitored

  8. Farm Solutions vs User Soluitons • Farm Solution: Code is deployed in the solution store via stsadm –o addsolution, just like in MOSS 2007 • User Solution: Code is uploaded via the solutions gallery directly by the user/developer • a.k.a. ‘Sandboxed Solutions’

  9. Part 2: Building and Deploying a Sandboxed Solution

  10. What is a ‘Sandbox’? • A separate process for the Sandboxed solutions • Limited functionality: • Subset of Microsoft.SharePoint API • Code Access Security policy • Gallery for deployment • Site Collection Solution Gallery • Administration for managing/monitoring solutions • Central administration

  11. A Separate Process • User Code Service(SPUCHostService.exe) • Sandbox Worker Process(SPUCWorkerProcess.exe) • Sandbox Worker Process Proxy(SPUCWorkerProcessProxy.exe)

  12. A Subset of Microsoft.SharePoint API In concept: From the site collection down • Microsoft.SharePointExcept • SPSite constructor • SPSecurity object • SPWorkItem and SPWorkItemCollection objects • SPAlertCollection.Addmethod • SPAlertTemplateCollection.Add method • SPUserSolution and SPUserSolutionCollection objects • SPTransformUtilities • Microsoft.SharePoint.Navigation • Microsoft.SharePoint.UtilitiesExcept • SPUtility.SendEmail method • SPUtility.GetNTFullNameandEmailFromLogin method • Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow • Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPagesExcept • SPWebPartManager object • SPWebPartConnection object • WebPartZone object • WebPartPage object • ToolPane object • ToolPart object

  13. Code Access Security Policy • SharePointPermission.ObjectModel • SecurityPermission.Execution • AspNetHostingPermission.Level = Minimal Note: A fully-trusted “proxy class” can be created to gain access to additional resources

  14. Solution Gallery • Site Collection library located at /_catalogs/solutions • Upload, delete, activate, deactivate, upgrade solutions

  15. DEMO Building and Deploying a Sandboxed Solution

  16. Supported Solution Types • Content Types, Site Columns • Custom Actions • Declarative Workflows • Event Receivers, Feature Receivers • InfoPath Forms Services (not admin-appr)JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, Silverlight • List Definitions • Non-visual web parts • Site Pages • SharePoint OnLine

  17. Part 3: Managing Sandboxed Solutions

  18. Central Administration • Farm ManagementManage User Solutions • Block Solutions • Configure Load Balancing

  19. Central Administration • Farm ManagementSite Collection Quotas • Quotas • Locks

  20. Load Balancing Partial Trust can run in one of two modes • Local Mode • Execute code on WFE • Low administration overhead • Lower scalability • Remote mode • Execute on back-end farm machine • Load balanced distribution of code execution requests • Create custom Load balancers

  21. Solution Monitoring • Farm Administrators • Set absolute limits • Site Administrators • Identify expensive solutions SharePoint Tracks Server Resources: CPU, Memory, SQL, Exceptions, Critical Errors, Handles, Threads, …

  22. Resource ‘Quota’ Points • AbnormalProcessTerminationCount • CPUExecutionTime • CriticalExceptionCount • InvocationCount • PercentProcessorTime • ProcessCPUCycles • ProcessHandleCount • ProcessIOBytes • ProcessThreadCount • ProcessVirtualBytes • SharePointDatabaseQueryCount • SharePointDatabaseQueryTime • UnhandledExceptionCount • UnresponsiveprocessCount

  23. Resource Quotas Central Admin Solution Gallery Measured in ‘Resource Points’

  24. DEMO Managing Sandboxed Solutions

  25. Summary • Sandbox Solutions… • Balance agility and stability • Run in a separate process • Are built using Visual Studio 2010 • Use a subset of the SharePoint API • Are now the preferred solution type • Contact Info: • Scott Jamison • scott.jamison@jornata.com

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