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What is CAS?

What is CAS?. CAS is experimental education CAS is DOING! Min. 150 hours (~2,5 h. per week). What is CAS?. A – Action Team sports, bike riding, golf, tennis. C – Creativity Drama, music, artwork, sculpture, writing. S – Service Social unpaid service. Aim of CAS (I).

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What is CAS?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is CAS? CAS is experimental education CAS is DOING! Min. 150 hours (~2,5 h. per week)

  2. What is CAS? A – Action Team sports, bike riding, golf, tennis... C – Creativity Drama, music, artwork, sculpture, writing... S – Service Social unpaid service

  3. Aim of CAS (I) That students GROW AS COMPASSIONATE AND AWARE CITIZENS BY learning FROM their own personal CAS experience THROUGH ongoing reflection

  4. Interpersonal qualities e.g. Respect Personal qualities e.g. Humility • CAS • Student Self-Development • Socially aware • Healthy, active life • Creative International awareness e.g. Other cultures Personal skills e.g. Planning Personal achievement, e.g. Learn new skills Aim of CAS (II)

  5. CAS.... • ...is learning FROM experience • Learning from experience is only possible THROUGH reflection

  6. Reflection • BEFORE: Setting goals • DURING: Monitoring, assessing • AFTER: Evaluation, improvement HOW? By using diaries

  7. Important: You should ENJOY the activities Try something new and challenging HAVE FUN

  8. What is CAS about? • Education of the whole person • Experiential Learning • Learning by doing • Setting goals • Ongoing reflection • CAS without a goal is not good CAS • CAS without reflection is not CAS

  9. ATTITUDE is what counts, not hours. CAS is about real commitment, being involved with others, and giving of your time and talents. It’s not about counting. It’s doing it because you want to, not because you have to. OR…

  10. A Good CAS Project • as a new role for the student • is a real task with set goals • it does have consequences • there is Learning by Doing • there is ongoing, guided Reflection

  11. How to start • Find an interesting activity • From the school or chosen by you • Find a supervisor • Teacher at the school, CAS coordinator, sport trainer etc. • Neither friends nor close family members • Start your reflection • Make plans • Start your activity Action

  12. Possible projects at MH (courses) • P.E. (leikfimi, LÍK) (A) • The school choir (kór, KÓR151) (C) • Theatre (leiklist, LEI103) (C) • NFMH (C,A,S) • IB representative • IB Gathering in september – introduction to Pre-IB (C,S) • Lagningadagar (next semester) • IB trip next semester (C,S) Creativity

  13. Possible service projects • The Red Cross (several projects) • UNICEF • Association of the Blind (Blindrafélagið) • Rescue teams • Other? Service

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