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Equinet Training on Access to Rights

Equinet Training on Access to Rights. Dublin April 28-29, 2009 Anette Sjödin, RFSL anette.sjodin@rfsl.se. The Swedish System. The Swedish antidiscrimination legal system (in 60 seconds):

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Equinet Training on Access to Rights

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  1. EquinetTraining on Access to Rights Dublin April 28-29, 2009 Anette Sjödin, RFSL anette.sjodin@rfsl.se

  2. The Swedish System The Swedish antidiscrimination legal system (in 60 seconds): • New legislation (seven grounds: sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation and age) • The new Equality Ombudsman • Employers • Trade unions

  3. The Role of RFSL • Actingtowardsexternaltargetgroups (society as a whole) • Actingtowardsinternaltargetgroups(the LGBT community)

  4. The Role of RFSL External target groups: to raise awareness about rights and obligations… • …on a structural and organisational levelfor example politicians, national level representatives of employer organisations and trade union organisations/federations • …on an individual levelfor example teachers, personnel in the care system, goods and services providers and employees

  5. The Role of RFSL Target group: The LGBT community • Raise awareness about rights and obligations • Build self-esteem by providing networks and social activitiesdone by local branches • Support people exposed to discrimination, harassment and violencecounselling service, crime victims’ hotline

  6. OurApproach • Focus on the norm itself, not the person who goesagainst it • Focus on preventativemeasures in workinglife,school, service providers, the caresector and so on

  7. Our Approach Conclusion: Externaltargetgroupsare veryimportant. • Theyneedto see thattheyhave a responsibility to act. • Theywillinfluenceothers who “speak the same language”. • Theyneedmoreknowledge – trainingisveryimportant.

  8. SoWhatDoes RFSLDo? A fewexamples of activities…

  9. Beneath the Surface • EU project (in Swedish: Under ytan) • Focus on preventive measures and awareness raising regarding sexual orientation • Targeting teachers and school personnel • Cooperation between employers, trade unions, the (former) ombudsman on sexual orientation, researchers, NGOs • www.ytan.se

  10. Beneath the Surface Products: a training tool consisting of two books and a DVD (DVD available in English) And together with transnational partners: “Norms at Work” and “Open Up Your Workplace”

  11. All Clear • EU project (in Swedish: Fritt Fram) • Focus on preventive measures and awarenessraisingregardingsexualorientation • Targetingworkinglife in general • Cooperationbetweenemployers, trade unions, the (former) ombudsman on sexualorientation, researchers,NGOs • www.frittfram.se

  12. All Clear Product: the training tool “All Clear”, consisting of a booklet and a DVD (available in English)

  13. Access to Justice • EU project • Focus on antidiscriminationlegislation and access to rights, includingawarenessraising on the EmploymentDirective • Age, disability and sexualorientation • Sweden, Romania, Great Britain • With NGOs, ombudsman, tradeunions • www.accesstojustice.se

  14. Access to Justice Products: booklet describing the significance of the EU Employment Directive “Equal at work” and…

  15. Access to Justice …booklets adjusted to national circumstances. The Swedish booklet is called “Everybody’s Equal Rights” (Allaslikarätt)

  16. Ongoing Training sessions, training sessions and moretraining sessions… • Externaltargetgroups • Focus on norms and attitudes

  17. Summary How to achieve access to rights? We all know that discriminatedpeople… • …don’tknowtheir rights • …don’t trust the system • …are invisible anddifficult to target.

  18. Summary …and the solution? Actbefore it happens! • Prevention instead of just taking action whenit’salreadytoolatefor example: awarenessraising and training sessions for stakeholders • NGO involvement is essential • Different stakeholders play different roles – cooperation is the key

  19. Finally Nothing of this will work, if we don’t have basic legal protection, covering all grounds and all sectors of society: The proposed horizontal antidiscrimination EU Directive needs to be adopted!

  20. www.rfsl.se Anette Sjödin anette.sjodin@rfsl.se

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