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Facts & Figures 2004 / 2005 Teaching Research Budget Staff. Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public Relations Date of survey: 01.01.2005. chart 01. 14 faculties 34,575 students
Facts & Figures • 2004 / 2005 • Teaching • Research • Budget • Staff Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 01
14 faculties 34,575 students 4,232 established employees (excluding medicine) 1,891 established employees in medicine 1,877 outside-financed employees – including job-creation measures (full-time employees incl. medicine) Structure and Personnel Statistics Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 02
Dresden University of Technologyas a factor of the economy (including University Hospital) • Total budget approx. 500 mill. EUR • wages and salaries approx. 318 mill. EUR • student purchasing power over 150 mill. EUR • Stimulation of the regional industry • by outside-funded projects approx. 14 mill. EUR • by construction approx. 53 mill. EUR Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 03
Structure of the TU Dresden 14 faculties covering four science areas Engineering Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences NaturalScienes Medicine Central facilities Audiovisual Media Centre (AVMZ) Biotechnology Centre (BIOTEC) Botanical Garden Centre for Languages and Culture (LSK) Custody Media Design Centre (MDC) Institute for Central European Studies (State, Economic and Cultural Science)(MEZ) University Archives (UA) University Computer Centre (URZ) University Sports Centre (USZ) Centre for High-Performance Computing (ZHR) Centre for International Studies (ZIS) Centre for Education of Teachers and School Research Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 04
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of Mathematics Department of Physics Department of Chemistry and foodchemistry Department of Psychology Department of Biology Natural Sciences Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 05
Faculties Philosophy Literature, Linguistics and Culture Sciences Education Sciences Law Business Management and Economics Humanities and Social Sciences Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 06
Faculties Computer Science Electrical Engineering & Information Technology Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Architecture Transport and Traffic Engineering “Friedrich List” Forestry, Geo- and Hydrosciences Engineering Sciences Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 07
Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus 13 institutes (among them 1 with outpatient clinic) University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus 21 clinics and outpatient clinics with 1,246 beds and 130 outpatient clinic places 3 institutes (among them 1 with outpatient clinic) 3 independent departments 3 dental clinics Medicine and Stomatology Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 08
Scientific units Biotechnological Centre (BIOTEC) Botanical Garden Centre for Languages and Culture (LSK) Custody Media Design Centre (MDC) Institute for Central European Studies (State, Economic and Cultural Sciences) (MeZ) Centre for High-Performance Computing (ZHR) Centre for International Studies (ZIS) Centre for Education of Teachers and School Research Other facilities Audiovisual Media Centre (AVMZ) University Archives (UA) University Computer Centre (URZ) University Sports Centre (USZ) Central Facilities Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 09
Students by forms of study 90.7% 3.8% 3.5% 2,0% total number 34,575 Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.12.2004 chart 10
Students by science areas 37,7% 6,1% 44,2% 12,0% total number 34,575 Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.12.2004 chart 11
Newly-matriculated students by science areas in WS 2004 / 2005 31,6% 4,8% 50,3% 13,3% total number 7,872 Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.12.2004 chart 11a
Where the students come from Saxony: 20,842 36,5% 15.3% 9,4% 8.5% 12.4% 17.9% total number 34,575 based on the place where they passed their “Abitur” school-leaving examination (A-level) Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 31.12.2004 chart 12
Where the newly-matriculated students come from 55.2% 13,9% 19,2% 11,7% total number 7,872 based on the place where they passed their “Abitur” school-leaving examination (A-level) Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 31.12.2004 chart 12a
Where the students come from Saxony: 20,842 15.3% 55,2% 36,5% 9,4% 8.5% 19,2% 13,9% 12.4% 11,7% 17.9% all students of TUD (total number 34,575) 37.6% 15.4% newly-matriculated students (total number 7,872) 8.8% 8.5% 12.5% 17.2% Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.12.2004 chart 12 b
Students by faculties of the TU Dresden Mathematics and Natural Sciences Philosophy Literature, Linguistics and Culture Sciences Education Sciences Law Economics and Business Administration Computer Science Electrical Engineering/Information Technology Mechanical Engineering • Civil Engineering Architecture Transport and Traffic Engineering Forestry, Geo- and Hydrosciences Medicine Biotechn. Centre (BIOTEC): 69 Centre Of International Studies: 133 total number 34,575 Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.12.2004 chart 13
Outside-funded projects of the TU Dresden 1994 - 2004 Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 14a
Outside-funded projects of the TU Dresden 2004 Volume by science areas Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 14b Foto: Eckold, UJ
Allocation of outside funds by theTU Dresden 66.0% 29.0% 5.0% chapter 1209 without medicine and without authorised access to other sources Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 15a
Development of outside funding at the TU Dresden 1994 - 2004 with medicine incl. authorised access to funds of the Free State of Saxony Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 15b Foto: Eckold, UJ
Development of EU-outside funding at the TU Dresden 1995 - 2004 Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 15c Foto: Eckold, UJ
Sources of outside funding at the TU Dresden including medicine Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.03.2005 chart 16
Outside-financed employees at theTU Dresden 1994 - 2004 number of employees including medicine, outside funding (excluding job-creation measures / labour cost subsidies) Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.12.2004 chart 17
Outside funding applied for 0.70% 21.0% 7.5% 15.6% 20.5% 13.9% 12.3% 6.0% 2.4% state funds: including authorised access to other sources other: including donations Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 18
Placements for interns and graduates Research in theory-, application- and production-oriented fields Further training for economy and administration (TUDIAS GmbH) TUD Research Promotion and Transfer – Technology Transfer Office of TU Dresden Research CD-ROM “TRANSFER DIRECT” Coordination of joint exhibition stands: “Research land Saxony” and “Research for the Future” (Initiative of universities and research institutes from Saxony, Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt) Patent Information Centre (PIZ) Business start-up initiative “Dresden exists” GWT – TUD mbH (Society for Knowledge and Technology Transfer of TU Dresden Ltd.) Saxon Patent Broking Agency (SPVA), a division of GWT-TUD mbH Dresden Technology Centre (TZD) Practical Studies Committee of the TU Dresden Technology Alliance Services offered by the TU Dresden to enterprises Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 19
Patent applications (innovation promotion) at the TU Dresden 1994 - 2004 from 01.10.1993 including Medicine Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 20
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (1) Department of Mathematics Sensitivity-based target-performance comparison for hypoid gears Giant resonances and shear modes in exotic kernels Department of Physics Theoretical and experimental studies of structure gradients in ferro-electric and ferro-elastic domain walls and their influences for the nanometre scale Organic light-emitting diodes with doped transport layers Fundamental studies of the storage mechanism of nanocrystals in flash memories Selected research projects of the TU Dresden by faculties Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 21a
Selected research projects of the TU Dresden by faculties • Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences (2) • Department of Chemistry • Integrated chemistry studies (BMBF model project) • Development and characterisation of nanoscale metallopharmaceuticals for tumour targeting • Examination of hydrogen storage in carbon nanostructures • Department of Psychology • Allocating substance abuse treatment to patient heterogenity – a project of the addiction research network Bavaria/Dresden (ASAT) • Multimedia workplaces of the future – MAP (BMWi model project) • Business management with biopsychosocial ratios Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2004 chart 21b
Selected research projects of the TU Dresden by faculties • Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences (3) • Department of Biology • Competence network “Genome research on micro-organisms for environment protection, agriculture and biotechnology”- comparative genome analysis of bacteria promoting plant growth – • Biological synthesis of metal clusters on proteins and their technical applications • Chip-Detekt – Development of a DANN chip for detection of hormon-type influences in the environment Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 21c
Selected research projects of the TU Dresden by faculties • Philosophical Faculty • “Institutionality and historicity” (first of currently two collaborative research centres in the humanities in the New Federal States) • Institutional orders, scripts and symbols (the first European arts graduate college of the German Research Foundation (DFG) in cooperation with the Faculty of Literature and Linguistics) • Faculty of Literature and Linguistics • Constituent projects of the collaborative research centre “Institutionality and historicity” • Institutional orders, scripts and symbols (the first European arts graduate college of the German Research Foundation (DFG) in cooperation with the Philosophical Faculty) Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 21d
Selected research projects of the TU Dresden by faculties • Faculty of Education Sciences • Education network for promotion of professional competence in biotechnologies within the framework of BioMeT • Self-regulated quality assurance and development – strengthening of quality competence in vocational further training facilities and reinforcing of quality competence in the network (SeQuaNet) • Network “Young people on the second threshold” – support for adolescents and young adults on the second threshold in their entering the labour market • Evaluation of political education • Pedagogical reception of Nietzsche in Germany between 1890 and 1945 Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 21e
Selected research projects of the TU Dresden by faculties • Law Faculty Within the framework of “Dresden exists” • Law for young entrepreneurs • Internet and law • Faculty of Business Management and Economics • Dresden exists – business start-ups out of the universities (BMBF model project – phase II) • Establishing and maintenance of a regional network for demand-oriented business start-ups out of the universities with contributions from partners in regional industry, science and the financial sector • Business instruments for sustainable economic activity Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 21f
Selected research projects of the TU Dresden by faculties • Faculty of Computer Science • Formal specification and verification of essential security properties of a microkernel • Innovative OpenMP tools for non-experts (INTONE) • Efficient and scalable realisation of unobserved and anonymous communication on the Internet • New media in medicine – curricular and extracurricular training • Priority programme for further development of computer science studies at German universities (WIS) • IS-SYS1 methods and tools for offline diagnosis in computer systems for semiconductor manufacture Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 21g
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Development of application software for integrated programmable controls Universal use of communication networks for future mobile radio generations (priority subject: HYPERNET) High-speed data transmission systems HG-DAT Improvement of the performance of ICs – PERFECT Safe production processes for highly integrated and high-reliability electronic systems (HDI components) System design VHF high-rate plasma-CVD Modern hydroelectric generators Low-noise traffic (aeroacoustics, rolling noise, simulation methods) Substitution of toxic and ecologically harmful base materials in the production of amorphous and microcrystalline silicon semiconductors Selected research projects of the TU Dresden by faculties Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 21h
Selected research projects of the TU Dresden by faculties • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering • Development of a low-output steam turbine with mechanical linking to the power grid • Development, testing and industrial application of inductively supported laser machining processes • Network for labour research in the new work environment – Dresden research and qualification model • Development and testing of a new type of parallel kinematics in machining centres for shaped wooden parts • Studies of interactions at the biologised boundary layers of implants in bones • Biomimetric creation and application-oriented evaluation of highly active metallic clusters for catalysers, adsorbers and gas sensors in vehicle engineering – BIOKADS • Textile reinforcement for high-performance rotors in complex applications • Integrated environment protection in agriculture Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 21i
Selected research projects of the TU Dresden by faculties • Faculty of Civil Engineering • Support of the ARBA MINCH WATER TECHNOLOGY Institute • Multimedia teaching and learning platform for the study course Civil Engineering • Virtual building team – simultaneous distributed planning and building via the Internet • Computer-aided rehabilitation of water networks/sewer networks – CityNet • Information and communication system for controlling in construction • Remedying of environmental damage to nationally valuable cultural heritage Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 21j
Selected research projects of the TU Dresden by faculties • Faculty of Architecture • Improved energy efficiency of building structures • Saving costs by realistic identification of the load-carrying behaviour of masonry • “International Quality Networks” – traditional and innovative load-bearing structures in architecture • Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering • “Friedrich List” • BMBF model project “INTERMOBIL REGION DRESDEN” • Development and testing of a free-piston engine for energy-saving and environment-friendly use in mobile-hydraulic drives • Data collection and reconstruction of road accidents • Intelligent traffic and user-friendly techniques – traffic performance assistance • Development of systematic control device tests Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 21k
Faculty of Forestry, Geo- and Hydrosciences German-Ukrainian UNESCO research project: Transfomation processes in the Dniester region (West Ukraine) Sustainable and ecological processes of the conversion of spruce (and pine) monocultures into semi-natural mixed forests Vertical energy and trace element transport at anchor stations and their spatial/temporal extrapolation under complex natural conditions (VERTICO) Cost-effective development of urban wastewater systems for water framework directive compliance (additional grant during report period) UNEP/UNESCO/BMU international training programme on environmental management for developing countries Selected research projects of the TU Dresden by faculties Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 21l
Faculty of Medicine “Carl Gustav Carus” (1) Structural adjustment and goal setting to strengthen clinical research at the Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus (3rd BMBF project phase) BMBF research foundation “Public Health” Saxony Co-ordination centre for clinical studies (KKS-DD) (BMBF) InnoRegion BioMet – Biotechnology research for innovation in medical diagnostics and therapy (young scientist programme) (BMBF) BMBF competence network for acute and chronic leukaemias BMBF competence network on depression BMBF competence network for Parkinson´s disease BMBF network for labour research in the new work environment – Dresden research and qualification model DFG network project “Multicentric, randomised study of dental-prosthetic therapy forms for shortened teeth rows” Selected research projects of the TU Dresden by faculties Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 21m
Faculty of Medicine “Carl Gustav Carus” (2) DFG project (Hess programme) “Kinetics and mechanisms of the repopulation of human squamous-cell carcinoma xenografts during fractionated radiotherapy“ EU project “European day hospital evaluation” EU project “European evaluation of coercion in psychiatry and harmonisation of best clinical practice” Network project: “Establishing of centres for cancer prophylaxis and early detection for hereditary colorectal carcinomas” with follow-on project “Cancer prophylaxis and early detection for familial intestinal carcinoma“ (German Cancer Foundation) Network project: “Moleculargenetic characterisation and validation of cadidate genes with ductal pancreatic cancer“ (German Cancer Foundation) Wolfgang Paul Prize for the project “Membrane trafficking in pancreatic ß-cells” (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) “Harvard model study course Problem-Oriented Learning” (Founders' Association for German Science) Selected research projects of the TU Dresden by faculties Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 21n
Health research Properties and use of materials Environmental sciences Energy management Molecular / medical biotechnology and genetic engineering Information and communication technology Transport research Cultural institutional research Intelligent manufacturing Nanotechnology Selected focal points of research at the TU Dresden Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 22
SFB 287 Reactive polymers in non-homogeneous systems, melts and interfaces Prof. Dr.rer.nat.habil. H.-J. Adler, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences supported since 01.01.1996 SFB 358 System design automation: synthesis, test, verification, specific applications Prof. Dr.-Ing.G. Fettweis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology supported since 01.07.1992 SFB 463 Compounds of rare earths and transition metals: structure, magnetism and transport Prof. Dr.rer.nat.habil. C. Laubschat, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences supported since 01.07.1996 SFB 528 Textile Reinforcements for Structural Strengthening and Repair Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Curbach, Faulty of Civil Engineering supported since 01.07.1999 SFB 537 Institutionality and historicity Prof. Dr.phil.habil. G. Melville, Faculty of Philosophy supported since 01.01.1997 SFB 609 Electromagnetic flow control in metallurgy, crystal growth and electrochemistry Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Grundmann, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering supported since 01.01.2002 Collaborative Research Centres (SFB) Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 23
Textile reinforcement of high-performance rotors in complex applications Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. W. Hufenbach, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering supported since 01.07.1997 Investigation into the interactions at the biologised boundary layers of medical implants in bones Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. W. Worch, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering supported since 01.08.1998 Nano-structured functional elements in macroscopic systems Prof. Dr.rer.nat. K. Leo, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences supported since 01.03.1999 Component-based software systems with reliable quantitative properties and adaptivity COMQUAD (COMponents with QUantitative properties and ADaptivity) Prof. Dr.rer.nat.habil. A. Schill, Faculty of Computer Sciences supported since 01.02. 2001 DFG Research Groups at theTU Dresden Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 24
GRK 51 Sensor technology Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. G. Gerlach, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology supported since 01.01.1995 GRK 155 Structure-property relationships in heterocyclic compounds Prof. Dr.rer.nat.habil. T. Wolff, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences supported since 01.10.1994 GRK 191 Tools for the efficient use of parallel and distributed computer systems Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. K. Kabitzsch, Faculty of Computer Sciences supported since 01.02.1995 GRK 271 Structure analysis, precision test and extensions of the standard model of elementary particle physics Prof. Dr. rer.nat.B. Spaan / Prof. Dr. rer.nat. K. Schubert, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, joint project with the Humboldt University Berlin, Prof. Dr. D. Lüst supported since 01.04.1999 DFG Graduate Seminars at the TU Dresden Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 25a
GRK 334 Specification of discrete processes and systems of processes by operational models and logics Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. H. Vogler, Faculty of Computer Sciences supported since 01.01.1997 GRK 338 Local innovative energy systems Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. P. Büchner, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologysupported since 01.10.1996 GRK 339 Cross-media mass transport and transformation processes at the compartment boundaries to water Prof. Dr.rer.nat.habil. E. Worch, Faculty FGH, Department of Hydrosciencessupported since 01.10.1997 GRK 339 Molecular cell biology and bioengineering Prof. Dr. med. H. Reichmann, Medical Faculty supported since 01. 04.2003 DFG Graduate Seminars at the TU Dresden Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 25b
IGRK 625 Institutional orders, scripts and symbols Prof. Dr. phil.habil. G. Schwerhoff, Faculty of Literature and Linguistics supported since 01.05. 2000 IGRK 720 Modern polymer materials: Preparation, characterisation and use Prof. Dr. rer.nat.habil. H.-J. Adler, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences supported since 01. 10.2001 International Graduate Colleges at the TU Dresden Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 26
Saxon Research Association: Public Health Prof. Dr.Dr.med. W. Kirch, Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, together with the University of Leipzig, the TU Chemnitz-Zwickau and (for a limited period) the German Hygiene Museum in Dresden supported by : BMBF/ 3 phases total amount of promotion funds: 9.2 million EUR, of which 6.6 mill. EUR TUD, 4.0 mill. EUR MF 01/2002 – 03/2003 COSY-TOF, BABAR, GSI-HESR Prof. Dr. rer. nat. H. Freiesleben, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Physicssupported by: BMBF, total promotion funds: approx. 4.0 mill. EUR (now 5.4 mill. EUR) 04/1997 – 03/2006 UNEP/UNESCO/BMU International Training Programme on Environmental Management for Developing Countries Prof. Dr.rer.silv.habil. F. Makeschin, Faculty FGH, Department of Forestry supported by: Federal Environmental Office, total promotion funds: approx. 4.0 mill. EUR 01/1997 – 12/2002 Supported Projects (approx. 3 mill. Euro) Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 27a
Model project INTER-MOBIL REGION DRESDEN - Intermodal ensuring of mobility in medium sized conurbations by the integration of innovative telematics, railway and control technologies Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. H. Strobel, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering “Friedrich List” supported by: BMBF, total amount of promotion funds: 3.2 million EUR 07/1999 – 06/2004 Dresden Exists – Establishing and maintenance of a regional network for demand-oriented business founding out of universities Prof. Dr.rer.pol. W. Esswein, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration supported by: BMBF, SMWK, total amount of promotion funds: 2.6 million EUR 01/2002 – 03/2003 Atmospheric research - Vertical energy and trace element transport at anchor stations and their spatial/temporal extrapolation under complex natural conditions (VERTIKO) Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ch. Bernhofer, Faculty FGH, Dept. of Hydrosciences supported by: BMBF, total amount of promotion funds: approx. 2.9 million EUR 04/2001 – 09/2004 Supported Projects (approx. 3 mill. Euro) Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 27b
Centre for Interdisciplinary Franco-Canadian Research / Québec-Saxony (CIFRAQS) Competence Centre for Nanotechnologies Centre for Central European Cultural Studies Dresden (MeZ) Dresden Competence Centre for Regional Science (RKZ) Centre for Integrated Natural Materials Technology (ZINT) “Max Bergmann Centre” for Biomaterials Dresden Innovation Centre for Lightweight Construction (LIZ) Centre for Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine Medical-Theoretical Centre (MTZ) Centre for International Studies (ZIS) Materials Research Association Dresden Center for Computational Logic (CCL) Competence Centre for eCommerce Competence Centre for Video Conferencing Services (VCC) Coordination Centre for Clinical Studies (KKS-DD) Competence Centres and Interdisciplinary Research Centres at the TU Dresden (1) Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 28a
Centre for Molecular-Biological and Medical Materials Research (Z3M) Media Design Centre (MDC) Centre for High-Performance Computing (ZHR) Centre for Microtechnical Manufacturing (ZµP) CIMTT – Centre for Production Engineering and Organisation Centre for Interdisciplinary Technology Research (ZIT) Health-Economic Centre (GÖZ) Centre for Energy Technology Interest Group for Timber (IG Holz) Reference Centre for High-Performance Networks and Multimedia Technology Centre “Technical Textiles” of the TU Dresden Biotechnological Centre (BIOTEC) Competence Centre for EE Architecture Competence Centres and Interdisciplinary Research Centres at the TU Dresden (2) Dresden University of Technology Facts and figures: WS 2004/05 Department of Research Promotion and Public RelationsDate of survey: 01.01.2005 chart 28b