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Bowling Game World Records That Are Sure To Inspire You! - TORQ03

Walk into the best bowling alley in Bangalore to have a great time of fun, while also practicing for the world famous game, one that inspires 100 million people in more than 90 countries to play!

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Bowling Game World Records That Are Sure To Inspire You! - TORQ03

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  1. Have you ever played the amazing game of bowling – the game that is played by 100 million people in more than 90 countries!? You may have, and then you may have only come close to that oh-so-difficult- to break 200 mark. Or, you may be few of those lucky ones who have bowled a perfect game a few times. And, there is no better feeling than bowling a perfect strike, knocking down the last remaining pin. However, for those who have a difficult time getting the right score, and for those who have already lost faith that they can ever win in the game, this is just the blog you need. Here, we’ll list out some pretty cool bowling world records that will have you think that if they could achieve it, why can’t you!? 23 year old bowled a perfect game in 86.9 seconds In 2017, 23 year old Ben Ketola bowled 12 strikes in a row in less than a minute-and-a-half. Obviously, this was only possible so easily because he had the entire bowling alley to himself, which most of us

  2. won’t ever have access to. With such benefits, the two-handed bowler broke the world record for bowling the fastest 300 game by using all the 10 lanes of the alley, and perfectly nailing every single strike. In 2015, professional bowler Tom Daughert set the world record at 1 minute, 50.99 seconds; and this is what had inspired Ben. A surprising 280 bowled with backward bowling Backward bowling!? Oh my god, is that even possible? Yes, it is. Even though normal bowling in itself is a difficult game with the heavy ball to be aimed and bowled perfectly, backward bowling has been made possible. Andrew Cowen, in 2014, took up the challenge of bowling backwards, and managed to bowl an impressive 280, managing 10 strikes in a row! 9 bowling balls held together Okay, this has nothing to do with the actual game of bowling, but yet, it isn’t a piece of cake to hold so many bowling balls at once. With only one bowling ball being so heavy, the most one can do is hold one ball in each hand, that is, a total of two balls at one go. But, in 2014, Tyler S. managed to hold together nine actual bowling balls in his hands! Impressive, isn’t it!? Want to try it too? 10 bowling balls stacked one over another Another entertaining, but very scary, act! Shen Xiaoshi attempted to make the tallest bowling ball tower in 2016. It took him careful focus and patience of two hours to build the tallest stack of ten bowling balls, which then collapsed while he attempted to add an 11th bowling ball. These are just four of the best world records set in the field of bowling; there are so many more records. You could also join the league and make a record of your own. Torq03 is one such bowling alley in Bangalore that presents an opportunity every day for a high score. It is the best recreational alley where all sorts of

  3. bowlers– beginners and experts – can come and have a time of fun, as well as lots of bowling practice. For more Information: https://torq03.com/

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