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CAFC’s 2019 Call for Nominations for Board of Directors

The Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs (CAFC) is accepting nominations for three Director-at-Large positions. Find out how to apply and important dates. Don't miss your chance to make a difference!

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CAFC’s 2019 Call for Nominations for Board of Directors

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  1. CAFC’s 2019 Call for Nominations for Board of Directors

  2. Key Dates 2019 Release Date: June 14, 2019 Deadline for Response: July 12, 2019 Election Profiles: August 6, 2019 Speeches by webinar: Date to be confirmed Voting begins: September 5, 2019 Voting ends: September 12, 2019 Announcement: September 16, 2019 (1) • Announcement will take place at the CAFC AGM Hyatt Regency Hotel, Calgary, Alberta and by live webinar • Voting occurs electronically (please see https://cafc.ca/page/e-voting)

  3. A Message from the Nominations, Resolutions and Bylaws Committee Dear Colleagues, Thank you for your support of the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs (CAFC) over the past year. We appreciate the commitment of every CAFC member. You give CAFC the capacity to strengthen and unite our voice nationally. The Committee is now accepting nominations for three (3)Director-at-Large (2-year appointment) positions. This document contains all the instructions and the application kit. Please note the timelines. This will be CAFC’s first election utilizing e-votingin which will all members will have an opportunity to vote. Thank you to all who come forward. Sincerely, Nominations, Bylaws, and Resolutions Committee

  4. Table of Contents • What is the call? • Who are the current board members? • Who is eligible to run for the Board of Directors? • About the call for Board Members • What supports are available? • How do I declare my candidacy?

  5. 1. What’s the call? The committee is now accepting nominations for the following (3) positions: • 1 Director at Large (2 year appointment) • 1 Director at Large (2 year appointment) • 1 Director at Large (2 year appointment)

  6. 2. Who are current board members? • Chief Ken Block, President, (2018-2020) • Chief Pierre Voisine, Treasurer (2017-2019)* • Chief Ken McMullen, Director at large (2018-2020) • Chief Keri Martens, Director at large (2017-2019) * • Chief Daniel Perron, Director at large (2017-2019)* • Chief Vince MacKenzie, Director at large (2018-2020) • Chief Dan McCoy, Chair of NAC (ex-officio) *Term ending September 2019; eligible for re-election

  7. 3. Who is eligible to run? Per Section 4.2 of Bylaws • Any individual who is an individual member • Must be 18+ years of age • Resident of Canada as defined in the Income Tax Act • Who has the power under law to contract • Has not been declared by courts of Canada or elsewhere incapable • Does not have current status of bankrupt

  8. 4. About the Call for Board Members Role, Involvement, and Attributes

  9. 4.1 What is the role of board members? Directors have clear legislative and common law obligations (Fiduciary responsibility): • Duty of care: Exercise the care, diligence, and skill a reasonably prudent person with similar knowledge and expertise would in a comparable situation. • Duty of due loyalty: Act honestly and in good faith in the best interests of the organization. In addition, Board members play a strategic and generative role in ensuring the future growth and success of the organization.

  10. 4.2 What’s involved as a board member? • One 2-hour Board teleconference per month • One 1-hour Joint Board-National Advisory Council teleconference quarterly • Preparation time for each meeting (pre-read) • Two in person meetings per year (full day expenses covered) • Expected attendance at Fire Rescue Canada • Expected attendance at Government Relations Week • Content leadership on at least one file with Executive Director • Review and work with the agreements in place to ensure transparency and coordination between Board and staff. • Additional involvement is expected of Board members who accept any of the officer roles appointed at the first meeting of the newly elected board.

  11. 4.3 What are desired attributes of board members? In addition to expertise and experience, a strong Director has: • The courage to ask tough questions and propose solutions • The integrity to do the right thing openly and honestly • The generosity to share time and insight with management • The passion to serve as Board lead for one of more files • The collegiality to work respectfully and diplomatically • The good judgment to seek different points of view • The time to be deliberate before reaching conclusions • The willingness to contribute to discussion • The ability to seek realistic rather than perfect solutions • The respectfulness of the role of boards and management

  12. 5. What supports are available to Board Members? • Executive Director staffs Board operations & oversees CAFC • Three current Board members transition for continuity • National Advisory Council lend provincial/national affiliate view • Various committees contribute expertise in designated areas • Strong member engagement • Resources from Accounting Firm, Auditors, Corporate lawyer, etc. • Costs are covered for in person Board meetings

  13. 6. How do I declare my candidacy? • Please complete the attached PowerPoint slide deck by July 12, 2019 and return to tsaryeddine@cafc.ca • In the event there is more candidates than positions: • An election will take place • You will be notified no later than July 30th • A PDF of your slide deck will be posted on August 6th on the CAFC website • There will be an election by electronic voting from September 5th to 12th • Each eligible member will get one vote • The three candidates for Director with the most votes will be elected • If you have any questions please direct your questions to the committee via CAFC’s Executive Director Dr. Tina Saryeddine at tsaryeddine@cafc.ca.

  14. Declaration of Candidacy 2019 CAFC Board of Directors

  15. Declaration of candidacy for CAFC Board Member Elections [Your Name]

  16. Meet Me: [Your name] • I __________________________ hereby declare my nomination for the CAFC Board of Directors. • I am a member in good standing of the CAFC • I am agreeable to the stated expectations (Slide 10) • I meet the eligibility criteria for board member (Slide 7)

  17. Meet Me: [Your name] • Insert 250 word biosketch

  18. 8. Meet Me:[Your name]

  19. Meet Me: [Your Name]

  20. Meet Me: [Your Name]

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