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EU Cloud Intercomparison, Process Study and Evaluation Project. EUCLIPSE.
EU Cloud Intercomparison, Process Study and Evaluation Project EUCLIPSE A.P. Siebesma, S. Bony, M. Webb, B. Stevens, F. Selten, R. Neggers, J. Quaas, I. Sandu, M. Ringer, Bodas-Salcedo, H. Chepfer, E. Guilyardi, F. Hourdin, J-L. Dufresne, G. Tselioudis, A. Romanou, T. Palmer, M. Rodwell, A. Weisheimer, S.R. de Roode, H. Jonker, I. Beau, G. Bellon, D. Bouniol, F. Bouysell, M Deque, H. Douville. F. Guichard, G. Svensson, M. Tjernstrom, U. Lohmann, H. Pawslowska, J. Teixeira, M. Lautenschlager, S. Kindermann
What is EUCLIPSE? A (likely) European Commission (EC) sponsored collaborative project Plans are build on the CFMIP2/GCSS proposals View it as capacity building around the CFMIP2/GCSS plans Starting date : Fall 2009/Early 2010 Duration: 4 years.
Budget Total Budget: 5 Million Euro Eu Sponsored: 3.5 Million Euro Involved Institutes: 1.5 Million Euro Mainly usedto hire personel: 42 man year total
WP1: Evaluation techniques and climate model experiments Led by: George Tselioudis (Athens) Largely overlapping CFMIP2/GCSS Extra resources for data hosting and dissemination (DKRZ)
WP2: Climate Model Evaluation and Analysis Led by: Sandrine Bony (IPSL) Extra: cloud aerosol evaluation subproject (Quaas MPI Hamburg) subproject on evaluation of polar clouds (Svensson, Stockholm)
WP3: Process Evaluation Analysis Led by: Stephan de Roode (TU Delft) Largely overlapping with present activities discussed in this workshop Some extra emphasis on ESM evaluation on specific locations: Cloudnet, ARM AMMA,GPCI
WP4: Metrics and diagnostics for narrowing uncertainties in clolud climate feedback Led by: Bjorn Stevens (MPI Hamburg) Extra: NWP related activities to identify cloud representation biases: Initial tendency techniques. Transpose-AMIP type of experiments. model experiments nudged to reanalysis data.
Outreach Activities 1 or 2 Summerschools Outreach of model and observational data. Publications, Websites, Brochures etc……
Conclusions View EUCLIPSE as a “funded organic outflow” of CFMIP2 that will increase capacity to enlarge the chances of success for the CFMIP2/GCSS plans! (like EUROCS vs GCSS in the past)