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Spatial distribution of luminous X-ray binaries in galaxies. introduction. Chandra observations have revolutionized XRB studies with the discovery of large numbers of point X-ray sources in galaxies even beyond the Local Group (Fabbiano et al. 2003)
introduction • Chandra observations have revolutionized XRB studies with the discovery of large numbers of point X-ray sources in galaxies even beyond the Local Group (Fabbiano et al. 2003) • Cumulative X-ray luminosity functions analysis (Grimm et al. 2003;Zezas & Fabbiano 2002) • Spatial distribution of luminous XRBs (Jonker et al. 2004; Grimm et al. 2002; Temple et al. 2005).
Luminosity function (1)Luminosity Calculation: (Belczynski 2003) (2) (3) If a MS donor star is three times massive than the accretor, let the binary coalescence.(?)
(4) Critical luminosity: • For kw2=0-9 : • For kw2=10-12(WD) : (5) Magnetic Braking:
(6)the mass of NS and BH (7) (8) During the SN explosions, a kick velocity vk is imparted on the newborn compact stars with the Maxwellian distribution:
Spatial distribution of X-ray binaries • born uniformly in the young Galactic disk(z = 70pc), Rmin = 0 out to Rmax = 15Kpc • born uniformly during the past 12Gyr • the direction of the initial velocity vector was chosen randomly • integrated motion equations with a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method
Observation high luminosity cut-off of the LMXB XLF and power-law distribution of the HMXB XLF
Combined luminosity function of compact X-ray sources in the starburst galaxies M82, NGC 4038/9, NGC 4579, NGC4736 and Circinus with a total SFR of 16 M⊙/yr
the radial distribution of LMXBs is modified by the effect of the galactic potential.
The radial distribution of XRBs is constructed by the combination of H-XRBs and He-XRBs, where H-XRBs can be modified greatly by the galactic potential while He-XRBs can not.
The radial distribution of ULXs in starburst galaxies directly reflects the birth radial distribution.
Vertical distributions of HMXBs&LMXBs in the luminosity interval Log(LX) = [37,38] in the Milky Way
Log Lx=[37,38] Log Lx=[38,39] LMXBs
Log Lx=[37,38] Log Lx=[38,39] HMXBs
conclusion • the more luminous the XRBs are, the more concentrated they are towards the Galactic plane. • persistent sources are more concentrated towards the Galactic plane than transient ones. • LMXBs in the luminosity range of 10^37 -10^38 erg/s show clear concentrations towards the Galactic buldge and include a number of sources at high Galactic z while others do not. • BH-XRBs are more concentrated towards the Galactic plane than NS-XRBs • He-XRBs are more concentrated towards the Galactic plane than H-XRBs • the radial distribution of LMXBs and HMXBs is modified by the effects of the galactic potential.