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STUDENT SUCCESS KIT. by Dr. David A. George. STUDENT SUCCESS KIT (SSK) INTRODUCTION. Purpose: Increase academic success of students. What is it: System of self-administered assessments (tools) covering a range of academic and personal issues.

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  1. STUDENT SUCCESS KIT by Dr. David A. George

  2. STUDENT SUCCESS KIT (SSK) INTRODUCTION • Purpose: Increase academic success of students. • What is it: System of self-administered assessments (tools) covering a range of academic and personal issues. • Support: Exercises, techniques, information and follow-up procedures.

  3. ASSUMPTIONS • Reasons for student success vary. • Needs should be met before expectations can be fully realized. • If we don’t meet them, who will? • Instructors are an important part of process. • There is adequate time in and out of classroom to handle the process. • There are additional resources at COD to work with this SSK system.

  4. ANTICIPATED OUTCOMESFROM FULL AND SUCCESSFUL USE OF THE STUDENT SUCCESS KIT PROCESS • Improved student success - higher level of performance in academic/personal areas. • More effective learning/teaching environment – students will know that they can get needed assistance and faculty will be able to teach to a higher level of performance expectations. • More effective utilization of Student Services resources - increased referrals for appropriate student problems/issues.

  5. STUDENT SUCCESS KIT (Potential tools- alphabetical listing)

  6. SSK Potential tools (cont.)

  7. STUDENT SUCCESS KIT • Tool Kits fall under 5 main categories: • ACADEMIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT • Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening • STUDY AND THINKING SKILLS • Learning, Memory, Study Skills, & Critical Thinking • PERSONAL ISSUES • Motivation, Self Esteem, Relationships, Conflict Resolution, & Health • PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE • Time Management, Money Management, Personal Purpose, & Career Planning • RESOURCE NEEDS

  8. Instructions • Use the following values of a 5 point scale to score each of the 8 questions per category on the questionnaire: • - The statement is always or almost always true for you (around 100%) 4 - The statement is often true for you (around 75%) • - The statement is sometimes true for you (around 50%) • - The statement is seldom true for you (around 25%) 1 - The statement is never or almost never true for you (around 0%) Answer each question as honestly as you can.

  9. Instructions (cont.) • When you have answered all 8 questions for all 18 tools, add the points for each tool and mark the score on the Total Score line. (Note: the highest possible score for each tool is 40.) • Transfer the totals to the Student Success Profile Sheet. • Connect the scores with a line from tool to tool. • Review your Student Success Profile carefully: Below 25: Probable trouble areas 25 - 30: Potential areas for improvement 30 - 40: Indicates probable success

  10. ACADEMIC SKILL DEVELOPMENT • Reading • Writing • Speaking Skills • Listening Skills

  11. STUDY AND THINKING SKILLS • Learning Styles • Memory • Study Skills • Creative and Critical Thinking

  12. PERSONAL ISSUES • Motivation • Self Esteem • Personal Relationships • Conflict Resolution • Health

  13. PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE • Time Management • Money Management • Personal Purpose • Career Planning

  14. RESOURCE NEEDS • Support Resources

  15. Utilizing the Student Success Tool Kit • Once areas for improvement have been identified, offer ample resources for each “tool” and commit time to follow-up with each student to discuss issues in depth. • Have “tool manuals” in handy location • Have electronic versions if possible • Develop a Learning Contract

  16. Student Success Kit Process Review results with student Determine who needs the SSK Follow through as appropriate Have the student complete the SSK, after explanation • Provide: • Tool Kit • Resource Materials • Learning Contract

  17. College of the DesertReferrals & Resources • Academic Skills Development • Academic Skills Center 760-773-2557 • Adult Basic Education (ABE) 760-776-7318 • Eastern Valley Center (EVC) 760-776-7200 • GED/High School Completion 760-776-7318 • Learning Communities 760-773-2520 • Math/Science Study Center 760-674-3769 • MESA (math/science/engineering majors) 760-776-7455 • Tutoring Center 760-776-7241 • Writing Lab 760-773-2557 • Study and Thinking Skills • Academic Skills Center Courses (ASC) Course Schedule • Student Development Courses (STDV) Course Schedule • Learning Communities Course Schedule

  18. College of the DesertReferrals & Resources (cont.) • Personal Issues • Counseling Center Main Number 760-773-2520 • Dr. Cheryl Imes, Campus Psychologist • Dr. Basil Augustine, Counselor/Psychologist • Disabled Student Programs & Services 760-773-2534 • Nurse – Health Services 760-776-7211 • Planning for the Future • Career/Transfer Center 760-862-1351 • Counseling Center 760-773-2520 Counselors: Eve-Marie Andrews, Basil Augustine, Khanh Hoang, Maria Jasso, Elise King, Rey Ortiz, Fred Sangiorgio, and Jose Simo. • Financial Aid and Scholarship information 760-773-2532

  19. College of the DesertReferrals & Resources (cont.) • Resources • ACES 760-776-7347 • Admissions & Records 760-773-2516 • CalWORKs – Lana Kroll 760-862-1343 • Child Development Center 760-776-7262 • Counseling Center 760-773-2520 • DSPS 760-773-2534 • EOPS/CARE - Carol Lasquade 760-773-2538 • Financial Aid 760-773-2532 • Foster Youth Initiative – Khanh Hoang 760-776-7424 • Mini-Corps (teaching majors) 760-776-7347 • New Horizons Book Loan – Nori Bambusch 760-773-2571 Security 760-341-2111 • Student Life Office – Carlos Maldonado 760-862-1317 • Veterans Services – Donni Prince 760-773-2536 • Work Experience – Michelle Richards 760-862-1344

  20. Great Resources • Resources • Great Books: • Carter, Carol, et. al. Keys to Success. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1998. • Driggers, Joann. Life Management Skills: Taking Charge of Your Life. NY: Delmar Publishers.1999. • Ellis, David. Becoming a Master Student. Boston: Houghton, 2008. • Ellis, David, et. al. Career Planning. Boston: Houghton, 1993. • Ruggerio, Vincent Ryan. Becoming a Critical Thinker. Boston: Houghton, 1996. • Wahlstrom, Carl, and Brian K. Williams. Learning Success: Being Your Best at College & Life. CA: Wadsworth, 2002.

  21. Our Student Success “Tool Kit” • Resources SSK Tool Box Counseling Center Administration Bldg.

  22. Questions and Comments Thank you for coming!For further information, please contact:Rey Ortiz @760-776-7264rortiz@collegeofthedesert.edu

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