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TLC to Rüpa Goswämi (Lesson 1)

I) The Truth of Krsna. TLC to Rüpa Goswämi (Lesson 1). III) The Truth about Transcendental Mellows. II) The Truth about Devotional Service. Classification of Living Entities. “Eternally” conditioned 8,400,000 species Different levels of consciousness.

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TLC to Rüpa Goswämi (Lesson 1)

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  1. I) The Truth of Krsna TLC to RüpaGoswämi (Lesson 1) III) The Truth about Transcendental Mellows II) The Truth about Devotional Service Carucandra Dasa

  2. Classification of Living Entities • “Eternally” conditioned • 8,400,000 species • Different levels of consciousness • Non-moving, or staying in one place • 2,000,000 species of trees, plants and stones Moving Eternally liberated • Vedic Ritualistics • Bhukti • Dharma, artha, käma Walk on Land • Swim in Water • 900,000 species of aquatics • Fly in the Sky • 1,000,000 species of birds • Monists • Mukti • Becoming one with the God • Unrighteous • Don’t follow çästra & thus regulative principles  • Sinful activities • Righteous • Mostly engaged in karma-kända, or fruitive activities—always disturbed • A few come to know the Absolute Truth—Jnänés 3,000,000 species of animals • Mystic yogés • Siddhé • Mystic powers 1,100,000 species of insects, reptiles, etc • Devotees of Krsna • With their only desire is to please Krsna—desirelessness • Remain always peaceful • Are compassionate towards all conditioned souls freely preach Krsna consciousness 400,000 species of humans • Aware of their Spiritual Identity • Vedic principles & thus civilized  Äryans • Spiritually- Ignorant • Vast majority CarucandraDasa

  3. How does one receive the privilege of becoming a Krsna devotee? brahmändabhramitekonabhägyavänajéva Guru-krsnaprasädepäyebhakti-latä-béja “By the mercy of apure devotee, one is favored by Krsna; and by the mercy of Krsna, one gets the association of a pure devotee.” Carucandra Dasa

  4. Qualification for practicing ds, which is a continual process from one’s previous life Krsnaor His Pure Devotee’s Causeless Mercy (ajnäta-sukrti, unknowingly executed ds) Attraction for devotional service (must have executed in previous lives) Execution of devotional service Serious Commitment to Sädhanä-Bhakti Carucandra Dasa

  5. Proper care of the seed of devotional service by becoming a gardener • That seed of devotional service received from the pure devotee is the Lord’s holy name, which must be sowed in one’s heart • To sprout the seed, it must be regularly watered by the process of çravaëa and kértana (hearing & chanting) of the Holy Name the creeper expands in Goloka  fruit of love for Krsna • The creeper of ds must be protected against mad elephants that may uproot—Vaiñëava-aparädha, or offenses against the pure devotee (Contd) Carucandra Dasa

  6. Offenses to the Holy Name of the Lord • The “mad elephant offense,” or Vaiñëava-aparädha—whengrowing any plant, there is a danger that an animal may come and destroy; similarly, an offense to the pure devotee of the Lord can wreak havoc with the devotional creeper • The 10 offenses against the Holy Name • Attraction to too many followers • Desiring liberation • Neglecting the 4 regulative principles Carucandra Dasa

  7. Proper care of the seed of devotional service by becoming a gardener (Contd) 4. The gardener must defend the creeper by fencing it all around so that the powerful elephant of offense may not occur through associating with advanced devotees and avoiding intimate association of non-devotees, who have no interest in KC. 5. The creeper of ds must be protected against unwanted weeds of other creepers like desires of material enjoyment & liberation, diplomatic behavior, mundane adoration. 6. Gradually becomes attached to Krsna. Carucandra Dasa

  8. Some further considerations of ds • No desire other than to advance in Krsna consciousness • Should minimize bodily demands—enough to keep body and soul together • Should engage the senses in Krsna’s service • Should reject all kinds of liberation • Should be totally absorbed in pure devotional service Carucandra Dasa

  9. Three stages of devotional service • Beginning of cultivation, or ds in practice (sädhanä-bhakti) through nine-fold bhakti process  • Realization of devotional serviced, or bhäva-bhakti • Attainment of love of Godhead, or krsna-prema-bhakti • In progressive stages, like stages of sugar (seed of sugar cane juice  molasses  sugar granule  candy etc) • sneha, or affection (a lover cannot imagine living w/out associating with his beloved • räga, or attachment (unhappiness  happiness) • anuräga, or emotion (ready to give up his life) • bhäva, or ecstasy; and • mahäbhäva, or extreme & intense attachment Carucandra Dasa

  10. The elements of Krsna-bhakti-rasa • sthäyi-bhäva, or steadiness without fear of falling down(stages I through V combined) the love of God mixes with the process of devotional service  • vibhäva, or special ecstasy • anubhäva, or sub-ecstasy • sättvika, or natural ecstasy • vyabhicäry, or transitory ecstasy. The total ecstasy has two components: I) the context [the subject—the exchange of ds and the object—Krsna], and II) the cause of excitement (transcendental qualities) • Thirteen transcendental activities in Krsna-bhakti-rasa Carucandra Dasa

  11. Five transcendental attachments, or mellows—primary • Çänta-rati—appreciation • Däsya-rati—awe and veneration (servitude) • Säkhya-rati—love and respect (friendship) • Vätsalya-rati—parenthood • Mädhurya-rati—Conjugal, or overwhelming love Carucandra Dasa

  12. Seven secondary rasas • Laughing • Having wonderful visions • Chivalry • Pity • Anger • Ghastliness • Devastation Carucandra Dasa

  13. Two kinds of attachments to Krsna • Awe and veneration • Exhibited in Mathura and Vaikunthaloka • Lack of freedom of expression of love • Tend to obscure the Lord’s actual greatness • One’s service to the Lord may be impeded • Familiar love of Krsna as friend, son, lover, etc Carucandra Dasa

  14. Basic components of the steadfast position in Krsna consciousness • Çama—control of the mind; such stability of mind can be attained by one who has concluded that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the original source of everything • Titikña—tolerance of suffering (for controlling the senses) • Dhritéh—control of tongue and genitals • Dhérah—pacification Carucandra Dasa

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