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Orange County, NY Water Supply Development and NYSDOS Grant Funding

Orange County Department of Planning in association with Orange County Water Authority and Orange County Department of Public Works. Orange County, NY Water Supply Development and NYSDOS Grant Funding. 2013 NYC Watershed/ Tifft – Science & Technology Symposium. September 19, 2013.

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Orange County, NY Water Supply Development and NYSDOS Grant Funding

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  1. Orange County Department of Planning in association with Orange County Water Authority and Orange County Department of Public Works Orange County, NY Water Supply Development and NYSDOS Grant Funding 2013 NYC Watershed/Tifft – Science & Technology Symposium September 19, 2013

  2. Acknowledgements • Co-authors: • Michael Principe - HDR • David Church - OCWA • Orange County Department of Planning in association with the OCWA and Orange County DPW: Pete Hammond • Town of Crawford • Supervisor Charles Carnes • Tom Mckelvey, Water Superintendent • NYSDOS Local Gov’t Efficiency Grant: Contract C-078842

  3. Studies

  4. The Need For Regional Water Sharing • The Village of Pine Bush currently utilizes groundwater as its potable water source • Current supply has water quality problems • Current demand during drought exceeds the current supply • Current supply insufficient for future demands • System requires improved system reliability

  5. Inter-municipal Relationship

  6. Project Area • Town of Crawford is part of the Mid-County region of Orange County • Village of Pine Bush is a hamlet inside the Town of Crawford

  7. Current Water Supply Conditions in Village of Pine Bush Water District Demands: Average water demand is approximately 200,000 gpd (140 gpm) Maximum Daily Demand approaches 370,000 gpd (257 gpm) Service Area: Supply serves a population of 2,100 people plus a central school system of 5,650 individuals Water Supply Water District has five (5) approved wells, with four wells typically operational.

  8. Project Area

  9. Dwaar Kill – Pine Bush Water Supply Facility Plan: Project Objectives Perform Preliminary Testing of the Dwaar Kill Well Field relating to water quality and safe yield Assess routing alternatives to achieve inter-municipal water sharing and distribution system connections Develop conceptual water treatment alternatives for the developed well field Review wastewater disposal options Assess project financing and funding alternatives and associated institutional arrangements

  10. Project Challenges &Why You May Find This Presentation Interesting Treatment system challenges The approach to find the best interconnection with the least amount of obstructions or impacts to the environment How to deal with disposal when there are limited viable options Leveraging project funding

  11. Dwaar Kill Well Field Background Wells 2 through 5 were tested simultaneously at a total rate of 445 gpm Drawdown data was compiled for each well & wells at nearby residences Testing proved that the maximum daily demand could be achieved with wells 2 through 5 However, some mitigating measures must be employed to address the impacts to nearby residential wells: deepening/replacing the existing wells or connecting impacted residents to the municipal water system.

  12. Dwaar Kill Well Field Water Quality Testing Initial water quality testing was performed in 2008 by SSEC Inc. Additional testing performed in 2010 =0.5 mg/L MCL=0.3 mg/L DWEL=20 mg/L

  13. Selection of Treatment Method • All of the wells in the Dwaar Kill wellfield show the presence of Fe and Mn • Fe and Mn > MCL – require method for Fe and Mn removal • Fe and Mn< MCL – require sequestering agent to limit color issues • Green sand filtration chosen as the treatment method for this process

  14. Selection of Treatment Method • Green Sand Filtration = Operator Friendly • doesn’t require modified chemical dosing for varied concentrations & flows

  15. Process Flow Diagram Hypochlorite -oxidizes -continuously regenerate filters Permanganate Absorbs and removes Fe & Mn

  16. WTP Siting

  17. Disposal Options Sewage Lagoon Recycle (Source: source: elkhorn.unl.edu) Outfall to Dwaar Kill Connect to Sanitary Sewer System

  18. Sewage Lagoon Investigation (Source: source: elkhorn.unl.edu)

  19. Disposal Options • “Red Water” recycle • Recycle from decant tank at rate of 10% of influent • Requires OCDOH approval for recycle and use as makeup water • Outfall • Discharge to Dwaar Kill – a 22.3 mi tributary to the Wallkill River • Sanitary Sewer • Discharge to closest sanitary sewer results in miles of pipeline installation

  20. Pine Bush Water DistrictWater Distribution System

  21. Project Area

  22. Distribution and Transmission System

  23. Distribution and Transmission System

  24. Distribution and Transmission System Obstacles - Constructability • Constructability issues

  25. Distribution and Transmission System Obstacles - Utilities • Utility conflicts

  26. Distribution and Transmission System Obstacles - Environmental • Permitting efforts/wetland Impacts

  27. Distribution and Transmission System Obstacles Environmental • Permitting efforts/wetland Impacts

  28. Distribution and Transmission System Obstacles - Environmental • Permitting efforts/wetland Impacts

  29. Permitting

  30. Project Financing

  31. Project Financing • Pine Bush Central School District • Town of Crawford • OCWA, Town of Crawford, Orange County Legislature and Pine Bush School Central District are in the process of passing resolutions to form as Dwaar Kill-Pine Bush Municipal Water Alliance • Resolutions as 4 separate jurisdictions to support the joint application for the LGEG Program • Inter-municipal agreement required • Core expectation for reducing costs and increasing efficiency • $800,000 LGEG application submitted • Orange County • Pine Bush Water District

  32. Final Point of Interest

  33. Thank You….. Questions? Any questions, please contact : Ginger Modafferi , PE Associate/Project Manager HDR Engineering virginia.modafferi@hdrinc.com

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