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Common Windows Controls. Objectives. Learn about common Windows controls Load, display, and share images with other control instances using the ImageList control Create a ToolBar control instance on a form and configure it
Objectives • Learn about common Windows controls • Load, display, and share images with other control instances using the ImageList control • Create a ToolBar control instance on a form and configure it • Create a status bar on a form to display application-specific information • Create a drill-down interface using the TreeView and ListView controls • Configure the ListView control to work with Details view
CommonWindows Controls (1) • The ImageList control stores images typically used by other control instances • It is used with the ListView and TreeView controls for example • The ToolBar control displays buttons • Each button typically duplicates the functionality of some menu item • The StatusBar control displays a horizontal bar • Typically appears docked along the bottom of a form • Technically can be docked along any edge of the form
Common Windows Controls (2) • The TreeView control allows you to create a hierarchical interface called a drill-down interface • Works similarly to the left pane in Windows Explorer • The ListView control displays data in the form of a list • The ListView control is commonly used in conjunction with the TreeView control • Works similarly to the right pane in Windows Explorer
The ImageList Control (1) • The ImageList control stores graphical files such as bitmap (.bmp), icon (.ico), and cursor (.cur) files • Used in conjunction with other control instances that display graphical images • TreeView • ListView • ToolBar
The ImageList Control (2) • An ImageList control has a property named Images • This property contains a reference to an ImageCollection • This collection, in turn, contains one or more Image objects corresponding to the images in the collection • Reference an individual Image object in the collection at runtime by its 0-based numeric index • Add images at design time using the Image Collection Editor • All images in a control instance must have the same size • If images of multiple sizes are necessary, create multiple control instances
Image Collection Editor Add a new image Remove the selected image
The ToolBar Control • A ToolBar control typically contains buttons that the user clicks to perform an action • Each toolbar button can contain text, a graphical image, or both • Buttons can be configured as drop-down buttons or as push buttons
ToolBar Control (Properties) • The Appearance property defines whether the buttons on the toolbar appear raised off the surface of the toolbar or appear flat • The Buttons property references a collection containing the ToolBarButton objects appearing on the toolbar • The ImageList property stores a reference to an ImageList control instance • The Boolean ShowToolTips property defines whether or not the ToolTips will appear as the mouse hovers over a button • The TextAlign property defines how the text will be aligned about the button when the button displays text
ToolBar Control (Events) • A ButtonClick event fires for the ToolBar itself • Use second argument to obtain a reference to the clicked button • Use Name or Tag property to determine which button was clicked • A ButtonDropDown event fires when a button having a drop-down style is clicked
ToolBar Control Buttons (1) • Buttons appearing on a toolbar have a data type of ToolBarButton • Properties • Enabled and Visible properties enable or disable a ToolBarButton or make it visible or invisible, respectively • ImageIndex property contains the numeric index of the image defined in an instance of the ImageList control
ToolBar Control Buttons (Properties) • Each button has a Name property with which you can reference the button programmatically • The Tag property can be used to accomplish the same task as Name • The Style property defines how the button operates • Four possible styles • The Text property defines the optional text appearing in the button • The ToolTipText property contains the text that will appear in the button’s ToolTip
ToolBar Control Button Style • Four button styles • A button configured as a DropDownButton displays a context menu • A button configured as a PushButton works much like an ordinary Button control • A Separator button does nothing other than to visually separate one button from another • A ToggleButton works similarly to a check box or checked menu item • It can be checked or unchecked
DropDown Buttons (1) • A DropDown button displays a context menu • To create a context menu • Create an instance of the ContextMenu control • Create the menu in-place as you have done before with the MainMenu control • Create a Click event handler for each menu item
DropDown Buttons (2) • To associate a ToolBarButton with a context menu: • Set the DropDownMenu property of the button to the name of the ContextMenu control instance • Set the Style of the button to DropDownButton • VB .NET does the rest
Creating Event Handlersfor ToolBar Buttons • Example of a ButtonClick event handler Private Sub tbrMain_ButtonClick( _ ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As _ System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs)_ Handles tbrMain.ButtonClick Select Case e.Button.Tag Case "tbbOpen" 'Case statements for other buttons End Select End Sub
The StatusBar Control (1) • Use to display status information • Control typically docked along the bottom of the form • Status bar contains one or more panels to display information • Panels may be configured to resize as form is resized
The StatusBar Control (2) • Events • PanelClick event fires when the user clicks on the status bar • A reference to the panel that was clicked is passed in the second argument to the event handler • Properties • Panels property contains a reference to the StatusBarPanelCollection • This collection contains a reference to each panel defined in the status bar • ShowPanels property (Boolean), if False, causes the value of the Text property to appear across the entire status bar • If True, individual panels appear in the visible region of the status bar • Text property value appears in the status bar only when the value of the ShowPanels property is False
The StatusBarPanel Class • Visible region of the status bar is divided into panels • A panel can contain text, a picture, or both • Panel size can be configured • To hide a StatusBarPanel, set the Width property to 0 • No Visible property exists
StatusBarPanel (Properties) • The Alignment property can be set to Left, Right, or Center, to align the text within the visible region of the panel • The AutoSize property allows you to specify how a panel is resized relative to the other panels in the status bar • Values are None, Contents, Spring • The BorderStyle property defines how the border appears around a status bar panel • Borders are typically recessed • The Icon property contains an image • The MinWidth property defines the minimum width of the panel • The Width property defines the actual or maximum panel width
StatusBar Panels (Example) • Store a value in the panel having an index value of 3 sbrMain.Panels(3).Text _ System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString • Use the panel name to accomplish the same task sbpDate.Text _ System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString
Introduction toDrill-Down Interfaces • A drill-down interface is one in which the user navigates through hierarchical data from the most general data to the most specific data • VB .NET uses two different controls to create the two parts of a drill-down interface • The TreeView control creates the hierarchical part of the user interface, which appears in the left pane of Windows Explorer • The ListView control appears in the right pane of Windows Explorer and displays detailed information about the selected item(s) appearing in the TreeView
Drill-Down Interface ListView displays files and associated icons TreeView utilizes a drill-down interface to display file hierarchy
TreeView Control Relationships • Top-level node is a root node • Root node has no parent node • Nodes have one or more children • Children having the same parent are siblings • One sibling is designated as the firstsibling and another as the lastsibling • The terms grandchildren and greatgrandchildren further describe relationships
The TreeView Control (Properties 1) • The CheckBoxes property can be set to True or False • If set to True, check boxes appear to the left of each TreeNode • If set to False, they do not • The ImageIndex property contains the numeric index of the image from an associated ImageList control instance • The ImageList property contains a reference to an instance of the ImageList control • The LabelEdit property (Boolean) defines whether or not the user can edit the textual contents of each TreeNode • The Nodes property references a collection of TreeNode objects
TreeView Control (Properties 2) • The PathSeparator property defines the character that separates the TreeNodes appearing in the hierarchy of a TreeView control instance • The Scrollable property (Boolean) defines whether or not scroll bars will appear when the expanded TreeNodes will not fit within the visible region of the control instance • The SelectedImageIndex property contains the numeric index of an image appearing in the associated ImageList control instance • The SelectedNode property gets the selected TreeNode or selects a TreeNode • The ShowLines property (Boolean) defines whether or not lines connect the visible TreeNodes
TreeView Control (Properties 3) • If the ShowRootLines property is True, then child TreeNodes appear connected to the root TreeNode • If the ShowPlusMinus property is True, then a plus sign appears to the left of TreeNode’s text if the TreeNode is collapsed, and a minus sign appears if the TreeNode is expanded • The Sorted property, if True, causes the TreeNode objects to be sorted in alphabetical order
TreeView Control (Methods 1) • The BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods suppress painting of the TreeView control instance while TreeNodes are being added or removed • Use to reduce display flicker and improve efficiency • The CollapseAll method collapses all TreeNode objects in the hierarchy, such that only the root-level node(s) are visible • The ExpandAll method expands all of the TreeNode objects in the hierarchy • The GetNodeAt method is typically used with a mouse event to get a TreeNode at a particular point or x,y coordinate pair
TreeView Control (Methods 2) • The GetNodeCount method accepts one Boolean argument • If the argument is False, then GetNodeCount returns the number of immediate children of the specified TreeNode • If the argument’s value is True, then the method returns the count of all of the child TreeNodes in the TreeView control instance
TreeView Control (Events 1) • The AfterCheck event only fires when the CheckBoxes property is set to True • The event fires just after a TreeNode is checked or unchecked • The BeforeExpand and AfterExpand events fire just before and just after a TreeNode is being expanded, respectively • The BeforeCollapse and AfterCollapse events fire just before and just after a TreeNode is collapsed, respectively
TreeView Control (Events 2) • The AfterSelect event fires after a TreeNode is selected in the control instance • Data type of the second argument is TreeViewEventArgs • The BeforeSelect event fires just before a TreeNode is selected • Data type of the second argument is TreeViewCancelEventArgs
The TreeNode Object (Properties 1) • The Checked property, if True, indicates that the TreeNode is checked • If the TreeNode is not checked, then the Checked property has a value of False • The ImageIndex property contains the numeric index of the image appearing in the corresponding ImageList control instance • The SelectedImageIndex property contains the numeric index of an image appearing in the corresponding ImageList control instance • The Tag property has the same meaning as the Tag property of other control instances • The Text property stores the text appearing in the TreeNode
TreeNode Object (Properties 2) • Boolean Properties • The IsVisible property returns True if the TreeNode is visible • The IsSelected property returns True if the TreeNode is selected • The IsExpanded property returns True if the TreeNode is expanded • Properties used to locate sibling TreeNodes • The FirstNode property gets the first sibling TreeNode of the current TreeNode • The PreviousNode and NextNode properties get the previous and next sibling, respectively • The LastNode property gets the last sibling
TreeNode Object (Methods 1) • The Collapse method collapses the child TreeNodes of the current TreeNode • The Expand method expands the child TreeNodes of the current TreeNode • The Toggle property collapses expanded nodes or expands collapsed nodes depending on the current state of the TreeNode • The BeginEdit and EndEdit methods enable and disable editing of the current TreeNode, respectively
TreeNode Object (Methods 2) • The Remove method removes the current TreeNode • The EnsureVisible method makes the TreeNode visible, expanding or collapsing other TreeNodes as necessary • The GetNodeCount method returns the number of child TreeNodes of the current TreeNode
TreeNode Editor • The TreeNode Editor allows you to create the root TreeNode, child TreeNodes, and sibling TreeNodes using the following buttons • The AddRoot button is the only enabled button when the TreeView control instance contains no TreeNodes • To add a child TreeNode, select an existing TreeNode, and then click the AddChild button • The new TreeNode will be created as a child of the selected TreeNode • To delete a TreeNode, select the TreeNode to be deleted, and then click the Delete button
Adding a TreeNode Programmatically (1) • The overloaded Add method adds a new TreeNode object to the Nodes collection • Syntax Overridable Overloads Public Function Add (ByVal textAs String) As TreeNode Overridable Overloads Public Function Add (ByVal nodeAs TreeNode) As TreeNode
Adding a TreeNode Programmatically (2) • In the first overloaded method, the Add method creates a new instance of the TreeNode class • Method accepts one argument, the text string stored in the TreeNode • Method returns the instance of the TreeNode that was added • In the second overloaded method, the Add method accepts one argument • An existing TreeNode object • Method returns the index of the node in the Nodes collection
Adding a TreeNode Programmatically (3) • Add a root-level node to the TreeView control instance named tvwMain tvwMain.Nodes.Add("First Node") Dim ptnCurrent As New TreeNode() ptnCurrent.Text = "Second Node" tvwMain.Nodes.Add(ptnCurrent)
Creating Child Nodes • Node collections are hierarchical • Each TreeNode object contains its own Nodes collection • Note TreeView control contains a Nodes collection too • This Nodes collection stores the immediate children of the current TreeNode
Creating Child Nodes (Example) • Create a root-level node Dim ptnRoot As TreeNode Dim ptnChild As TreeNode ptnRoot = tvwMain.Nodes.Add("Root Node") • Create child nodes of the root-level node ptnChild = tvwMain.Nodes(0).Nodes.Add( _ "First Child") ptnChild = tvwMain.Nodes(0).Nodes.Add( _ "Second Child")
Iterating Through TreeNodes • A recursive procedure is a procedure that calls itself • Typically used with hierarchical data structures such as a TreeView • A condition must occur causing the procedure to stop calling itself
Calling a Recursive Procedure (Example) Call CheckChildren(e.Node, True) Private Sub CheckChildren(ByVal tnCurrent As _ TreeNode, ByVal pblnChecked As Boolean) Dim tnLocal As TreeNode For Each tnLocal In tnCurrent.Nodes ' Statements Call CheckChildren(tnLocal, pblnChecked) Next End Sub
The ListView Control • The ListView control displays data in the form of lists or organized into columns • The view defines how the data are displayed within the control instance • 4 views are supported • ListView control is typically used with the TreeView control