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Analysing Practice Based Learning as University-Enterprise Cooperation: The approach of Euronet PBL Project. Ludger Deitmer Pekka Kämäräinen University of Bremen, Institut Technik und Bildung Round Table at ECER ’09, Vienna; Network 2: VETNET. Contents.
Analysing Practice Based Learning as University-Enterprise Cooperation:The approach of Euronet PBL Project Ludger Deitmer Pekka Kämäräinen University of Bremen, Institut Technik und Bildung Round Table at ECER ’09, Vienna; Network 2: VETNET http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de
Contents • Introduction: The project, its working perspectives and topics for the round table (3) • Assumptions of the project (2) • Different approaches and domain-specific issues (2) • An example from Bremen and a general model for analysing practice-based learning (2) • General trends, preliminary findings and emerging conclusions (3) • Questions for open discussion (1) http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de
Introduction to the project … (1) • Erasmus Multilateral project under the priority ” Co-operation between Universities and Enterprises” • 6 University partners (Vocational teacher education, Engineering, Business management) • Technical support (web resources) and evaluator • 6 Enterprise partners (with a contract) • 14 Associate partners (without a contract) • The project examines different patterns of practice-based learning and the role of university-enterprise cooperation. • Joint web platform and networked web resources • Support and feedback from the accompanying evaluation http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de
... its working perspectives (2) The project • analyses the functioning of practice-based learning in the study programmes, • identifies benefits of partnership-based learning arrangements (for students, companies and university), • examines students’ projects (4-6 cases per country) and carries out interviews and evaluation workshops • draws conclusions for a common framework and for domain-specific guidelines. • develops common tools and instruments (services for students, R&D tools to be used in projects etc.) • Validates the results with enterprise partners and explores the transfer to other contexts. http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de
…and topics for the Round Table (3) Discussion on the approach of the Euronet-PBL project presented by three papers • Introduction to the approach, insights into different concepts and into preliminary results Ludger Deitmer, Pekka Kämäräinen, Germany • The Evaluation concept and results of first evaluation workshops: Bernd Hofmaier, Sweden • Reflections on the importance of practice-based learning Lars Bo Henriksen, Denmark http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de
Assumptions of the project (1) • Professional development of (vocational) teachers, engineers or managers: practice-based learningis required in all these domains • Common quality criteria: similarities between technical-organisational, managerial and training-related challenges • Support and monitoring: Identification of relevant professional work tasks that promote students‘ professional development • Finding common interests: Possibility to match the with each other the interests of students, hosting companies and the study programmes http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de
Assumptions of the project (2) • Dialogue-oriented research design:Case studies, interviews & focus groups and evaluation workshops in search of success factors and critical issues • Multiple role of the universities: Co-developers in the planning, co-evaluators in the dialogue process and analysts of feedback information • Building upon ‚best practice‘: Using exemplary cases in order to develop general quality criteria • The European dimension: Promoting European quality awareness with messages that arise from the field studies http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de
Different approaches … (1) Different types of Practice-Based Learning • On-campusseminars with focus on problem-based learning: Simulationsand lab work - familiarisation with company-specific problems (not with companies?). • Internships or co-operativelearning placements (before vs. during the studies – tasks? supervision?) • Curriculum-integratedpractice-based learning phases (Praktika)in companies: students’ projects with support from university and company • Company action projects: Umbrella projects with partner companies – longer duration and intensive participation of groups of students, in-built support http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de
Vocational Teacher education Germany: Bachelor and Master levels: several Praktikum periods throughout the curriculum (company and school Praktika) Norway: Upgrading scheme for former skilled workers leading to Bachelor degree: one Praksis period( in co-operation with school or company) Engineering studies University of Limerick: Co-operative learning placements (internships) required from all Bachelor students Aalborg University: Differentiation between students who continue to Master level (on-campus problem-based learning mandatory) and those who leave with Bachelor degree (one Praktik period as an alternative option for the seminar) … Domain-specific issues (2) http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de
WiSe SoSe WiSe SoSe WiSe SoSe 1 2 3 4 5 6 WiSe SoSe WiSe SoSe 1 2 3 4 An example from Bremen: Praktika in vocational teacher education (1) Bachelor berufspädagogisches Praktikum in Schule und Betrieb (6W) Orientierungs- Praktikum in S/B (6W) fachdiaktisches Schulpraktikum (6W) Master Integriertes fachdidaktisches Praktikum in Schule und Betrieb (6W) 2.tes fachdidaktisches Schulpraktikum im Nebenfach (2te BF, Mathe, Physik, Chemie od. nicht affine Fächer) http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de
… general model for analysing practice-based learning (2) PROCESS Students companies Study programmes Research questions: What do the students learn? What are the benefits for the faculties and for the companies? Under which preconditions can we have successful practice? INPUT OUTPUT preparation by the university (seminars, instructions) presentation by students (study report, Presentations) Outcome: Professional development of (vocational) teachers/ engineers/ managers http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de
General trends … (1) Below some trends that strengthen the role of practice-based learning: • Increasing the proportion of Praktikain HE curricula: In Germany ca.10 % the credit points of the Bachelor/Master study programmes (30 cp) • Integrating the practice-based learning more closely to curricula (due to credit transfer and to quality assurance) • Trans-national mobility (EU priority) is to be extended to cover practice-based learning schemes (also in HE) • Validation of non-formal learning (EU priority) is being promoted to cover all educational levels (with consequences for HE curricula) http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de
… preliminary findings (2) What do we learn from our findings: 1) Students‘ use of tools and ability to shape projects: • use of standardised tools (e.g. the QEK tool) in a company • shaping complex projects to solve company-specific problems (e.g. the project cases SA, BK and AM). 2) Companies‘ readiness to discuss the conclusions: • growing readiness to present the results in public • growing interest in using the results to improve training 3) Need to develop patterns for exchanging information (between university and companies) during the projects 4) Need to provide feedback from university and companies to completed students‘ projects http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de
… and emerging conclusions (3) Benefits from practice-based learning • Benefits for students: Access to professional working and learning tasks; Use of prior studies/learning experiences; Use of tools/methods to solve company-specific problems • Benefits for companies: Access to small-scale projects; Access to knowledge sharing with other counterparts; Possibility to use the results for improving current practice • Benefits for universities: Use of practice-based learning as enrichment of learning; Use of students‘ projects in pilot phases of larger projects; Use of students‘ projects as demonstration projects that present the competence profile of the institute/curriculum http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de
Questions for open discussion: • Is our analysis on the status of practice-based learning in European Higher Education adequate? • What can be done to highlight the issue of practice-basedlearning at the level of European policies? • How can our approach (to compare the arrangements in three academic domains) be developed further? • Is our methodological approach (to combine case studies, interviews and evaluation workshops) helpful? • What kind of potential benefits can we expect to find when we proceed further? • Do our findings provide a basis for successful cooperation with other universities and professional associations? • What other aspects are to be taken into account regarding university-enterprise cooperation? http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de
Thank you for your attention! Danke für ihre Aufmerksamkeit! for more information www.euronet-pbl.net The Euronet-PBL Project is funded by Erasmus/ Multilateral projects http://www.itb.uni-bremen.de