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SAP TERP10 Preparation Presentation 2 Dr. Gábor Pauler, Associate Professor, Private Entrepeneur

SAP TERP10 Preparation Presentation 2 Dr. Gábor Pauler, Associate Professor, Private Entrepeneur Tax Reg. No.: 63673852-3-22 Bank account: 50400113-11065546 Location: 1st Széchenyi str. 7666 Pogány, Hungary Tel: +36-309-015-488 E-mail: pauler@t-online.hu. Content of the presentation.

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SAP TERP10 Preparation Presentation 2 Dr. Gábor Pauler, Associate Professor, Private Entrepeneur

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  1. SAP TERP10 Preparation Presentation 2 Dr. Gábor Pauler, Associate Professor, Private Entrepeneur Tax Reg. No.: 63673852-3-22 Bank account: 50400113-11065546 Location: 1st Széchenyi str. 7666 Pogány, Hungary Tel: +36-309-015-488 E-mail: pauler@t-online.hu

  2. Content of the presentation • 2.Procurement scenario: • 2.1.Organizational environment • 2.2.Setting organizational structure • 2.3.Plot/preconditions • 2.4.Create Master Data • 2.4.1.Create Material Master • References • Object Symbols • GUI Symbols

  3. 2.Procurement scenario: 2.1.Organizational environment • DEF: Procurement: A business process ensuring that all externally/internally produced materials/ parts/ services necessary for completing customer orders are acquired in right time, at right place. • 2.1.Targeted organizational environment: • 2.1.1.Client:903 • • • • • organization:1000 (Plant-specific) • • • • • organization:1100 (Plant-specific) • organization:1999 (Cross-Plant:1000, 1100) • branch • • • organization:C100 (Cross-Company: 1000, 2000, 3000) • Purchasing group:C101Group of purchasers dealing with purchasing the same materials regardless company and purchasing organization

  4. 2.Procurement scenario: 2.2.Setting organizational structure • 2.2.Setting organizational structure in customizing YoucandoitifyouhaveSAP_ALLright.Becarefulmodifyingit! • 2.2.1.Tools|Customizing|IMG|SPRO Execute project • Reference IMG • structure| •| FI Financial accounting| Edit Company|  COL:Company code,  COL:Name,  COL:Address,  COL:Currency,  COL:Language LO Logistics general| Define Plant|  COL:Plant code,  COL:Name,  COL:Address,  COL:Taxing,  COL:CalendarFor handling working days! MM Material management| Maintain purchase organizations|  COL:Code,  COL:Description Maintain storage locations|Plant| Instant assignment!  COL:Code,  COL:Description •| LO Logistic general| Plant to company| MM Material management| Purchasing org to company| Empty for Cross-CompPurchOrg! Click Click Click Click Click SPRO: Check plants 1000 1100 2000 Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click MMF1: Create finished material Giga Bike- Name Click Click Click Click

  5. 2.Procurement scenario: 2.3.Plot/preconditions 1 • 2.3.Plotof ProcurementScenario: • 2.3.1.MM: InMaterialMaster (Anyagtörzs) define Finished product (Késztermék): GigaBike-Name • thefollowingorganization: • 912 • 1000 Plant: 1000 Storage:0110 Channel: 10 SalesOrg: 1000 Controlling area: 1000 PurchOrg: 1000 • DefineBill of Material, BOM(Darabjegyzék)forGigaBike-Name: itdescribesfromwhichcomponents (rawmaterials, semifinishedmaterials) of whichquantityit is assembledinPlant1000 • Inmaterialmasterdefine Semi finishedmaterial (Félkésztermék): BaseBike-Name:Materialrequirement: 1pcs/main component, AssembleinPlant1000 • InmaterialmasterdefineRaw material (Nyersanyag): CarbFrame-Name: Materialrequirement: 1pcs/main component, OrderfromVendor-Name • Inmaterialmasterdefine raw material: Wheel-Name: Materialrequirement: 2pcs/main component, OrderfromVendor-Name • Inmaterialmasterdefine raw material: Chain-Name: Materialrequirement: 1pcs/main component, OrderfromVendor-Name

  6. 2.Procurement scenario: 2.3.Plot/preconditions 2 • In material master define Trading good (Sztenderd áru): Gearing-Name: Material requirement: 1pcs/main component, Order from Vendor-Name • Define Bill of Material, BOM (Darabjegyzék) for GigaBike-Name: • MM: Use already defined raw material:Pedal: Material requirement: 2pcs/main component, On stock • MM: Use already defined raw material:Brakes: Material requirement: 2pcs/main component, On stock • MM: Use already defined raw material:Handlebar: Material requirement: 1pcs/main component, On stock • MM: Use already defined raw material:Saddle: Material requirement: 1pcs/main component, On stock • Define Vendor (Beszállító): Vendor-Name an organization delivering materials for us: Chain Reaction Cycles Ltd., Kilbride Rd 6, Doagh, Ballyclare, BT39 0QA, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 (0)28 9335 2976, Fax: 44 (0)28 9334 9461, E-mail: customerservice@chainreactioncycles.com • MM: Define Purchase Info Records (Beszállítói könyv): description of materials purchased from vendor, • Order (Rendel) missing parts from vendor

  7. Content of the presentation • 2.Procurement scenario: • 2.1.Organizational environment • 2.2.Setting organizational structure • 2.3.Plot/preconditions • 2.4.Create Master Data • 2.4.1.Create Material Master • References • Object Symbols • GUI Symbols

  8. 2.Procurement scenario: 2.4.Create Master Data: 2.4.1.Create Material 1 Click • 2.4.Define Master Data (Prefixesatheadings signal the corresponding organizationallevel of data!) • 2.4.1.MM: Create Material Master (Anyagtörzs): Description of a „theoretically described” material to be purchased • LO|MM|Materialmaster|Material|Create special| •|MMF1 Finished product (Késztermék): GigaBike-Name: • SCR:Start: • TBX:Material = GigaBike-Name • DDN:Sector = Mechanical engineering • BTN:Organization|SCR:Organization|  DDN:Plant= 1000(Hamburg)  DDN:Chanel= 10(Retail(Kisker)  DDN:Storage =0110 (Hamburg)  DDN:SalesOrg= 1000(Hamburg) • BTN:View (Nézet) selection: group of Fields (Mező) fromDatabasetables (Adatbázis tábla) storedin SAP Data Dictionary, DDIC (Adatszótár) connectedwith a specialtopic. Viewsarenotcreatedautomaticallytosavestoragespace. Ifyouforgettocreate a necessaryone, thematerialwon’t workuntilyoure-runmaterialcreationin MM01 and createit! Someviewsareneccessarytocreateevenifyouwon’t fillanythingthere!  DDN:Basic 1-2, Sales 1-2-General, MRP1-2-3-4, WorkSched, Warehouse1-2, Accounting 1-2, Costing1-2(This is theminimalset of viewsworkable) • TAB:Basic data 1 • DDN:Material Description = GigaBike-Name • DDN:Unit of Measure = PC (Piece) • DDN:Division = 01 • TBX:Gross weight = 18 KG • TBX:Net weight = 15(Gross wgt. - packagingweight) Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click SPRO: Check plants 1000 1100 Click Click Click Click Click Click MMF1: Create finished material Giga Bike- Name Click Click Click Click Click MMB1: Create semi- finished material Base Bike- Name Click Click MMR1: Create raw.mat Carb Frame /Wheel /Chain- Name

  9. 2.Procurement scenario: 2.4.Create Master Data: 2.4.1.Create Material 2 • TAB:Basic data 2 • TAB:Sales 1 • DDN:Deliv plant = 1000 • DDN:Tax=Half tax(Value Added Tax(ÁFA) • TAB:Sales 2 • TAB:Sales General • DDN:Availability check = 02 (Individual) • DDN:TransGrp = 0001(Pallet(Raklap) • DDN:LoadGrp = 1100(Forklift(Targonca) •|Plant: TAB:MRP 1 • DDN:MRP type = PD (Material Requirements Planning, MRP (Anyagszükségleti tervezés/Diszpozíció): SAP should compute parts requirement and deadlines automatically from quantity and deadline of finished product • DDN:MRP controller = 001 (Disponent 001: the responsible postion for MRP) • DDN:Lot size = EX (Lot-for-lot order quantity (Pontosan a rendelés mértékét): for small finished products - eg. screws/bolts – it is worth to produce larger Lot sizes (Sorozatnagyság) than orders in advance, to make it more profitable. This is not the case at GigaBike-Name) •|Plant: TAB:MRP 2 • DDN:Procurement type = E(Own product) • DDN:In-house production = 5 days • DDN:SchedMargin key = 000(Code of MRP scheduling (Ütemező) algorithm) • DDN:Prod.stor.location = 0110 (Where to put finished product) Click Click Click Click SPRO: Check plants 1000 1100 Click Click MMF1: Create finished material Giga Bike- Name Click Click Click MMB1: Create semi- finished material Base Bike- Name Click MMR1: Create raw.mat Carb Frame /Wheel /Chain- Name Click Click

  10. 2.Procurement scenario: 2.4.Create Master Data: 2.4.1.Create Material 3 •|Plant: TAB:MRP 3 • DDN:Tot.repl. lead time = 15 days(If nothing left on Inventory (Készlet) it takes so many time to reorder and deliver it) • DDN:Availability check = 02 (Individual requirement: it should reserve exactly the required amount of components for finished product from inventory) •|Plant: TAB:MRP 4 • TAB:Work scheduling • TAB:Accounting 1 • DDN:Price control = S (Standard price: it will not change until manually changed) • DDN:Standard price = 2500EUR • DDN:Valuation class = 7920(finished products: in which Bookeeping Account Class (Könyvelési számlaosztály) in General Ledger, G/L (Számlakeret) to Book (Könyvel) value of finished products: it is a 4-5 level hierachy of 400-500 accounts with different purposes identified by unique code number. It can vary from county to country, but there is a European standard G/L. We will use German G/L here!) • TAB:Accounting 2 • TAB:Costing 1 • CHK:Material Origin = True(Compute material costs from order costs) • CHK:With Quantity Structure = True(Consider cost of its components) • TAB:Costing 2 Click Click SPRO: Check plants 1000 1100 Click Click MMF1: Create finished material Giga Bike- Name Click MMB1: Create semi- finished material Base Bike- Name MMR1: Create raw.mat Carb Frame /Wheel /Chain- Name Click Click Click

  11. 2.Procurement scenario: 2.4.Create Master Data: 2.4.1.Create Material 4 • Other views of material master, which are not created now: •|Plant|Storage: Stock level •|Plant: Storage location • Warehousing data • Purchasing data • Quality management • Forecasting • Product Classification • Closing steps of creating finished material: • data • DDN:Language = EN • TBX:Description = GigaBike-Name • )STS:mater.created • What we have now: • Material Description = GigaBike-Name • Unit of Measure = PC (Piece) • Division = 00 (cross-division) • Gross weight = 18 KG • Net weight = 15 KG • Delivery plant = 1000 • Storage location = 0110 • Tax = medium (VAT) • Transportation = Pallet • Load with = Forklift • MRP controller = 001 • In-house production = 5 days • Tot.repl. lead time = 15 days • Standard price = 2500EUR • What we do not have yet: • What kind of components it has? • From where they will come? Click SPRO: Check plants 1000 1100 MMF1: Create finished material Giga Bike- Name MMB1: Create semi- finished material Base Bike- Name MMR1: Create raw.mat Carb Frame /Wheel /Chain- Name

  12. References • http://www.sap-img.com/abap.htm • http://erpgenie.com/ • http://help.sap.com/search/sap_trex.jsp • http://sap.ittoolbox.com/groups/technical-functional/sap-abap/

  13. Object Symbols Partner (Partner) Anyag (Material) Sarzs (Batch) Bevitt anyag (Partner material) Készlet (Inventory) Raktár (Deposit) Gyári szám (Serial number) Darabjegyzék (Bill of materials) Szortiment (Sortiment) Anyagmeghatá-rozás (Material Identification) Árazás (Pricing) Engedmény (Allowance) Fizetési mód (Payment Method) Számla (Invoice) Bizonylat (Voucher) Értékesítés támogatás (Sales Promotion) Direkt mail (Direct mail) Ajánlat (Offer) Árazás (Pricing) Rendelés (Order) Validáció (Validation) Szerződés (Contract) Szállítás (Transport) Hitel (Credit) Ütemezés (Scheduling) Szerviz (Service) Vevőszolgálat (Customer Service) Kattintás (Click) Dupla kattintás (Double Click) Adatbevitel (Write) Csak olvasható (Read Only) • Cég (Company) • Gyár (Plant) • Értékesítési szervezet (Sales Department) • Üzletkötő csoport (Sales Representative Group) • Értékesítési integráció (Sales Integration) • Csatorna (Channel) • Földrajzi hely (Geographic Location) • Kiszállítási hely (Delivery Location) • Szállítási mód (Transportation Mode) • Rakodási pont (Loading Point) • Árucsoport (Product Group) • Értékesítési terület (Sales Area) Click Right Click

  14. GUI Symbols • To make GUI usage descriptions more short and straightforward, we will use standardized denotions of GUI controls, which can be nested into each other: • DEF:-definition, • PRC:-process, • ALT:-alternatives, • CYC:-cycle, • -follows, •  -(dis)advantage, • Aaa|Bbb|-Menu/Submenu, • SCR:-Screen, • FRM:-Frame, • ID-UniqueID, • BTN:-Button, • TXB:-Textbox, • DDN:-Dropdown, • TAB:-Page tab, • CHK:-Checkbox (any of them can be checked) • RAD:-Radiobox (one can be checked only), • LIN:-Tableline, • KEY:-Hotkey, • WRN:-Warning box • ERR:-Errorbox

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