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Advanced Placement Articulation and Policy Making for Enrollment Managers February 10, 2008 Boyd Bradshaw, Saint Louis University Michael Kabbaz, College Board Sally Lindsley, University of Michigan Gordon Mork, Purdue University Ted Spencer, University of Michigan. Workshop Outline.
Advanced Placement Articulation and Policy Making for Enrollment ManagersFebruary 10, 2008Boyd Bradshaw, Saint Louis UniversityMichael Kabbaz, College Board Sally Lindsley, University of Michigan Gordon Mork, Purdue UniversityTed Spencer, University of Michigan
Workshop Outline • Michael Kabbaz: AP overview - (50 minutes) • AP Program Data; Field Research; Latest Validity Research; AP Course Audit Update; and Credit and Placement Policy Considerations • 10 minute break • Boyd Bradshaw - 25 minutes • Ted Spencer and Sally Lindsley - 25 minutes • Gordon Mork - 25 minutes
First Session: AP Overview Agenda AP Program Overview • Data highlights • What’s New in AP • AP Course Audit/Ledger • Field Research • Recent AP Validity Research • Credit and Placement Policy Considerations
College Board’s Mission The College Board’s mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. We are a not-for-profit membership organization committed to excellence and equity in education.
AP Participation Statement: Achieving Equity With a Focus on Quality and Preparation All prepared students who are willing to accept the challenge of a rigorous academic curriculum should be considered for admission to AP courses. The Board encourages the elimination of barriers that restrict access to AP courses for students from ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in the AP Program. Schools should make every effort to ensure that their AP classes reflect the diversity of their student population.
What Sort of AP Experience Consistently Addresses Student College Success? • The College Board encourages participation in AP, and believes students should be encouraged and supported in taking on the challenge of a college-level course in high school. • While students may benefit from AP even if they don’t learn at the level that will produce a score of 3 or better on the AP Exam, it is vital that partnerships between K-12, higher education, states and the College Board focus on helping students achieve a score of 3 or better, which is the level of performance research consistently finds is predictive of college success.
AP Overview Since 1955, AP has been providing high school students with rigorous course work that is comparable to entry-level college courses 37 Advanced Placement exams in 22 subject areas World Languages expansion: Italian (2006), Chinese and Japanese (2007) AP Exams, which colleges utilize for credit, placement or both, are given annually in May.
Some Key Benefits of AP • AP courses establish a college-level standard in secondary schools that is measured through a national assessment designed and scored by college faculty. • AP courses expose college-bound students to the amounts of homework, study skills, and habits of mind essential for success in college courses. • AP provides leverage for aligning and strengthening the grades 6-12 curriculum. • Students who take AP Exams and score a 3 or higher typically experience greater academic success and college graduation rates than non-AP students. • The AP course is typically the most rigorous curriculum offered in secondary schools and is designated on the student transcript. • Because AP is widely used for college credit and/or placement, it attracts motivated students eager to double major, or engage in deeper, upper-division courses at college.
Who Participates in AP? • 16,000+ secondary schools worldwide offer AP exams • More than 120,000 AP teachers in over 14,300 schools worldwide teach AP courses • In 2007, over 1.4 million students took about 2.5 million exams • 4,700+ college faculty develop and score the AP Exams ensuring college-level standards • 3,500+ colleges receive AP Exam scores annually
Faculty Expertise is Essential in Every Facet of AP Course and Exam Development • Pre-test AP Exams by embedding them within exams offered in the college classroom • Write AP Exam questions and develop all AP course descriptions • College faculty serve as Chairs of all AP Development Committees • Score the free-response sections of AP Exams by attending the AP Reading at a college campus or convention center every June • College faculty serve as Chief Readers for all exam gradings • Teach professional development institutes for experienced and new AP teachers • Participate in the annual audit of courses labeled “AP” by reviewing electronic copies of AP teachers’ syllabi to provide feedback
What do AP Exam Grades Represent? Each AP Exam grade is a weighted combination of the student's score on the multiple-choice section and on the free-response section. The final grade is reported on a 5-point scale: 5 = extremely well qualified4 = well qualified3 = qualified2 = possibly qualified1 = no recommendation • AP grades of 5 and 4 are comparable to a college course grade of A, while at some institutions, an AP grade of 4 is comparable to a college course grade of B • An AP grade of 3 is approximately equal to a college course grade of B at many institutions, while at others it is more nearly comparable to a college course grade of C.
College Faculty Ensure Rigor and Quality of AP Standards by Participating in Comparability Studies To identify the number of points AP students must earn on the AP Exam, college professors regularly administer AP Exams to their own college students in order to ensure comparability between the standards applied to college students and the standards AP students must meet.
Baylor U Brigham Young U Duke U Grinnell College Harvard U Michigan State U Middlebury College Princeton U Purdue U Smith College Stanford U Tufts U UCLA UC-Berkeley U of Colorado-Boulder U of Maryland-College Park UNC-Chapel Hill U of Pennsylvania University of Southern California U of Virginia U of Washington U of Wisconsin-Madison Washington U Yale U Faculty at the Following Institutions Pre-Administered AP Exams in 2007
AP Continues to Grow in the Number of Participating Schools, Students and Exams AP Growth: No. of Schools AP Growth: Students/Exams Source: The College Board SDRS
Despite AP’s Growth, Participation in AP is Limited, Even Among College-Bound Students • While about 74% of U.S. high school graduates are entering college, less than a fourth (24.2%) took an AP Exam during their high school years • And within the fraction of students who take AP: • 82 percent took just 1, 2, or 3 AP Exams during their entire 4 years of high school • Less than 4 percent took 7 or more AP Exams during their entire 4 years of high school Source: AP Report to the Nation; College Board SDRS
AP Exam Fee Reduction for Low-Income Students The College Board believes the cost of the AP Exam should not be a barrier for low-income students. • The College Board provides a $22 fee reduction per exam for students with financial need. For each eligible student, secondary schools should also forgo their $8/per exam rebate. • More than 40 states and U.S. territories use federal and/or state funds to help cover all or part of the remaining cost to the student. More information on state exam fee subsidies:http://professionals.collegeboard.com/testing/ap/about/fees
AP Participation Growth Rate is Greatest Among Low-Income, African American, and Latino students Hispanic – 91%* Low Income – 142%* Asian – 62%* African American – 105%* American Indian – 82%* Source: SDRS 2002-2007 * - represents percentage growth from 2002
Increasing Numbers of Traditionally Underserved Students are Now Earning Scores of 3 or Better Hispanic – 62%* Low Income – 97%* African American – 73%* American Indian – 80%* * - represents percentage growth from 2002 Source: SDRS 2002-2007
However, Significant Achievement Gaps Remain and are a Concern the College Board is Seeking to Address Percent of Total Exams Scored 1, 2, or 3+: All Exams and Low Income (FR) Exams Percent of Total Exams Scored 1, 2, or 3+: By Ethnic / Racial Category Source: SDRS 2006 data
What’s New in AP? • AP Course Audit • Release of the AP Course Ledger • Field Research Overview • Admission Officer Perceptions • College Faculty Perceptions
What is the AP Course Audit? Created at the request of secondary school and college members of the College Board, the AP Course Audit was designed to: • Provide teachers and administrators with clear guidelines on curricular and resource requirements that must be in place before labeling a course “AP”; and • Ensure consistency and currency across the curriculum of courses labeled “AP.”
How is the AP Course Audit Conducted? • From 2004-2006, college faculty nationwide established the criteria for earning the AP designation; these criteria are publicly available on the Web • From 2006-2007, teachers and principals desiring to continue to label their courses “AP” submitted their curricula for review by college faculty. • More than 800 select college and university faculty currently conduct the audit on behalf of the College Board. • These professors represent a diverse range of institutions such as Yale University, Florida State University, and Haverford College
The Outcome of the AP Course Audit • Qualifying schools receive legal authorization to use the “AP” label on their school profile and student transcripts, and are included in the public ledger of official AP courses. • For 2007-08, the “AP” designation is now restricted to courses in approximately 14,300 secondary schools worldwide.
Course Audit: What Was the Impact? A recent survey of 26,000 teachers who participated in the audit provided such a statistically significant sample size to justify the following claims about the impact of the audit. Hundreds of thousands of high school students will benefit from the increased resources they now receive due to the audit, which enabled a projected: • 17,000 teachers to prevent reductions in lab time and instructional time that were scheduled to affect their courses; • 16,000 teachers to obtain more current college textbooks for their students; • 22,000 teachers to incorporate advances in the discipline that had not yet been added into their curricula; and • 16,000 teachers to receive increased funding from their school or district for professional development.
Course Audit: What Was the Impact? The vast majority of AP teachers felt the AP Course Audit curricular requirements were broad and flexible enough to permit a wide variety of approaches to teaching an AP course, while at the same time, providing them a valuable opportunity to reflect upon their course and its relationship to colleges' rigorous expectations.
AP Course Audit Results are Accessible: AP Course Ledger • Searchable database of over 136,200 courses and 14,300 secondary schools worldwide authorized to carry the “AP” label • Search database by high school, high school code, city, state, and subject • Entire database is able to be downloaded to be integrated into campus system collegeboard.com/apcourseledger
AP Course Ledger: Possible Uses? • Confirmation of AP courses taught in high schools • Possible tool for targeted recruitment of high schools • Search on secondary schools with specialized content areas, such as world languages collegeboard.com/apcourseledger
Field Research: Attitudes, Beliefs, Needs, Wants – What Do We Know? Beginning in spring 2007 and continuing through this year, the AP Program is undertaking the largest study of stakeholders’ values ever conducted by AP. Large, representative samples are being gathered from the following groups: • AP Teachers • College Admissions Officers • College Department Chairs • AP Coordinators • School and district administrators • AP exam Readers • Students • Parents
Higher Education’s Support for K-12 is Critical if Secondary Schools are to Continue to Increase Academic Opportunities for Students To sustain your school’s current level of participation in AP, how important is it that… % Extremely / Very Important Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):AP Teachers – Q345 Base: (n=3,417)
School and District Administrators also Affirmed the Importance of Higher Education’s Support To sustain your school’s/district’s level of participation in AP, how important is the fact that colleges award credit for AP Scores? Nearly 90% of Bldg and District Administrators • Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Administrators – Q313_02 Base: (n=604)
Why do Students take AP Courses? Which of these are reasons why you have decided to take AP? Intrinsic Reasons Extrinsic Reasons Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Q310
Credit / Placement Opportunities Remain the Strongest Drivers of the Decision to Take the AP Exam Which are key reasons why you would take an AP Exam at the end of an AP course? Intrinsic Reasons Extrinsic Reasons • Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006): Q630
A Wide Range of Institutions Report Increasesin the Proportion of Students with AP Experience Over the past few years, has the proportion of your department’s students who took AP coursework in high school been…? (% Increasing) Top 200 colleges based on AP score report volume Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006): Q630Dept. Chairs – Q315 Base: (n=125) / Admissions – Q315 Base: (n=125)
AP Policies are Not Affecting Application Volume or Tuition Revenue Which of the following are true at your institution? Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Admissions – Q245 Base: (n=125) / Dept. Chairs – Q245 Base: (n=125)
College Preparedness of Their Incoming AP Students Has Been Either Improving or Constant, Not Worse Over the past few years, has the degree of college preparedness of your students with AP experience been…? Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Admissions – Q320 Base: (n=125)
Most Admissions Officers Find AP Experience Helpfulin Evaluating Admissions Candidates When evaluating a candidate for admission, how helpful is it to evaluate their AP course experience? 74% Extremely or Very Helpful “We look favorably on students who have taken AP courses. The presence of AP courses is a sign that a student has chosen to challenge him/herself.” AP Admissions Officer Online Bulletin Board Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Admissions – Q300 Base: (n=125)
A Vast Majority of Admissions Officers Report that AP Course Experience Favorably Impacts Admissions Decisions Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Admissions – Q340 Base: (n=125)
41% of Admissions Officers Anticipate an Increase in the Use of AP in Admissions in the Future Think about the use of AP in admissions decisions at your institution. Five years from now, do you expect that …? Higher among selective institutions (47%) Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006): Admissions – Q705 Base: (n=125)
Many Admissions Officers Find AP to be More Meaningful Today than it has in the Past On the whole, do you feel that having AP on a college transcript is …? Why? “Because AP is now available to so many different schools, which are clearly not equal.” Admissions Officer telephone survey Why? “Because of the growth of the AP program, such that the coursework is more readily available at schools…thus making it more useful for broad-based comparisons.” Admissions Officer telephone survey Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Admissions – Q305 Base: (n=125)
Colleges Use AP to Determine Preparedness, Student Motivation, and for Placement How does your institution use AP, if at all, to support admissions decisions? “We consider the learning environment for each applicant – how many AP’s are offered and how many has the student taken advantage of and grades earned.” AP Admissions Officer Online Bulletin Board Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Admissions – Q301 Base: (n=125)
Strong Support from Department Chairs on Providing AP Credit or Placement to Students In general, would you say you favor or oppose allowing AP students to receive credit or placement in your department? 76% Strongly Favor or Favor Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Dept. Chairs – Q240 Base: (n=125)
Most Department Chairs Report that Their Institution Uses AP for Both Credit and Placement Does your institution’s AP policy allow students to apply AP scores for …? Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Dept. Chairs – Q300 Base: (n=125)
Most Admissions Officers and Department Chairs Report Little Change in the Ease or Difficulty for Students to Obtain Course Credit Over the past few years, has your institution/department made it harder or easier for students to use their AP exam score to obtain credit or skip introductory courses? Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Admissions – Q355 Base: (n=125 / Dept. Chairs – Q355 Base: (n=125)
Some Colleges and Universities Tailor Their AP Exam Polices Does your institution/department…? Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Admissions – Q375 Base: (n=125) / Dept. Chairs – Q375 Base: (n=125)
Colleges Want Assurance that AP Quality is Consistent Across High Schools and are Interested in Seeing the Relationship Between AP and College Success How important is the following to you? % Extremely / Very Important Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Admissions – Q700/Q701 Base: (n=125) / Department Chairs – Q700/Q701 Base: (n=125)
The More Selective the Institution, the Less the Collegeis Concerned About Having the Same AP Policies as Peers How important is it that your AP policies are the same as peer institutions? “We care and like to see what other schools are doing in their academic and admission policies.” Participant, AP Admissions Officer Online Bulletin Board Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Admissions – Q235 Base: (n=125) / Dept. Chairs – Q235 Base: (n=125)
Most Institutions are Doing Something to Monitor Peer Institution AP Policies; Departments are More Active than Admissions Realizes What does your institution do to monitor what peer institutions are doing with regard to AP? Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Admissions – Q236 Base: (n=125) / Dept. Chairs – Q236 Base: (n=125)
Satisfaction Levels for AP and IB are Similar Mean Overall Satisfaction (10 point scale) “[AP and IB] are both rigorous programs that should be taken very seriously…both are highly respected by admissions committees.” Admissions Officer telephone survey Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006)Admissions – Q385 Base: (n=125), Colleges that have students with IB/DE experience Q445/Q540 Base: (n=114/116) Admissions – Q385 Base: (n=125), Colleges that have students with IB/DE experience Q445/Q540 Base: (n=80/53)
Half of Department Chairs Feel that Students with any Advanced Coursework Experience are Equally Likely to Succeed in Their Department Which students tend to succeed more in your department? Source: Crux Market Research Inc. (2006):Base - Department Chairs from colleges that have students with AP and IB experience – Q615 Base: (n=100)