1. Responding to Constructed Response Questions A Strategy While examples used in this PowerPoint were from 5th grade, all content areas and grade levels can learn the process. Reassure participants that they are learning a process and that they will have time to practice this process/strategy with their own content at their own grade level.
While examples used in this PowerPoint were from 5th grade, all content areas and grade levels can learn the process. Reassure participants that they are learning a process and that they will have time to practice this process/strategy with their own content at their own grade level.
2. This is a replica of the chart provided in “Answering Constructed Response Questions”. It is to be provided as a handout so that participants can read the text more clearly.This is a replica of the chart provided in “Answering Constructed Response Questions”. It is to be provided as a handout so that participants can read the text more clearly.
3. Let’s give it a try! Best way to learn this powerful strategy is to practice with it. Along the way, participants will increase their own knowledge and skills. This should transfer to writing better constructed response items in the classroom.Best way to learn this powerful strategy is to practice with it. Along the way, participants will increase their own knowledge and skills. This should transfer to writing better constructed response items in the classroom.
4. This question was taken from the fifth grade, March 2006, OAT Mathematics test, question 33.This question was taken from the fifth grade, March 2006, OAT Mathematics test, question 33.
5. As a whole group ask the participants to respond to the the “know” portion of this question, recording their suggestions on large chart paper. A volunteer can be solicited from the group to record as well.
Examples may include how to read a table, definition of a rule, concept of square feet, minutes and intervals.
To assist in facilitation, it will help to download the scoring guidelines. As participants move through the exercise, ensure that important elements are covered.
As a whole group ask the participants to respond to the the “know” portion of this question, recording their suggestions on large chart paper. A volunteer can be solicited from the group to record as well.
Examples may include how to read a table, definition of a rule, concept of square feet, minutes and intervals.
To assist in facilitation, it will help to download the scoring guidelines. As participants move through the exercise, ensure that important elements are covered.
6. Ask the participants to list “processes” needed for this question. Record on the chart paper. Examples may include: how to extract necessary information from the problem; how to read a table and how to write a rule. Ask the participants to list “processes” needed for this question. Record on the chart paper. Examples may include: how to extract necessary information from the problem; how to read a table and how to write a rule.
7. Ask participants to list the the “Degree of Detail” required in this question, recording information on large chart paper.
For this question, students must use a table or rule to explain how long it will take Ethan to rake a 150 square foot lawn as well as what size lawn Ethan can rake in 65 minutes.Ask participants to list the the “Degree of Detail” required in this question, recording information on large chart paper.
For this question, students must use a table or rule to explain how long it will take Ethan to rake a 150 square foot lawn as well as what size lawn Ethan can rake in 65 minutes.
8. Ask participants to brainstorm possible “Connections”, recording their ideas on large chart paper. Remember that each content area has subtle differences and not all questions will be applicable. Examples: include: reading a table, pattern repetition, etc…
Encourage participants to design questions of their own that fit in the columns.
Ask participants to brainstorm possible “Connections”, recording their ideas on large chart paper. Remember that each content area has subtle differences and not all questions will be applicable. Examples: include: reading a table, pattern repetition, etc…
Encourage participants to design questions of their own that fit in the columns.
9. It’s Your Turn! In problem solving, sometimes there is more than one right answer. Teachers will work in pairs or triads to choose their response and justify their answer. In the standards, it states they need to support their thinking. Answers are correct with the right support.In problem solving, sometimes there is more than one right answer. Teachers will work in pairs or triads to choose their response and justify their answer. In the standards, it states they need to support their thinking. Answers are correct with the right support.
10. Practice Time An option is to distribut this released item as a handout. It is available for download at the ODE Web site, Released Test materials for Ohio’s Grade 3 - 8 Achievement Tests. Social Studies, Grade 5, Item 6
To assist in facilitation, it will help to download the scoring guidelines. As participants move through the exercise, ensure that important elements are covered.An option is to distribut this released item as a handout. It is available for download at the ODE Web site, Released Test materials for Ohio’s Grade 3 - 8 Achievement Tests. Social Studies, Grade 5, Item 6
To assist in facilitation, it will help to download the scoring guidelines. As participants move through the exercise, ensure that important elements are covered.
11. If time permits, take participants through one more example. It’s a good opportunity to point out that there is variance in how the chart is completed, depending on the question and how it gets answered. Content area complexities impact it as well.
This question was taken from the fifth grade, Spring 2007, OAT Social Studies test, question. Ask the participants to respond to the the “know” portion of this question, recording their suggestions on large chart paper.If time permits, take participants through one more example. It’s a good opportunity to point out that there is variance in how the chart is completed, depending on the question and how it gets answered. Content area complexities impact it as well.
This question was taken from the fifth grade, Spring 2007, OAT Social Studies test, question. Ask the participants to respond to the the “know” portion of this question, recording their suggestions on large chart paper.
12. As a whole group ask the participants to list the the “processes involved with this question on the large chart paper.As a whole group ask the participants to list the the “processes involved with this question on the large chart paper.
13. As a whole group ask the participants to list the the “Degree of Detail” portion of this question, record on large chart paper.As a whole group ask the participants to list the the “Degree of Detail” portion of this question, record on large chart paper.
14. As a whole group ask the participants to list the the “Connections” portion of this question, record on large chart paper.As a whole group ask the participants to list the the “Connections” portion of this question, record on large chart paper.
15. It’s Your Turn! Participants work in pairs or triads to choose their response and justify their answer. Give the groups a few minutes to write their answers following the four column method of answering questions.Participants work in pairs or triads to choose their response and justify their answer. Give the groups a few minutes to write their answers following the four column method of answering questions.
16. Share Your Responses Ask groups to share their answers. Use this as an opportunity to reinforce new learning.Ask groups to share their answers. Use this as an opportunity to reinforce new learning.
17. Responding to Constructed Response Questions A Strategy Encourage participants to try this activity with their own students and discuss afterwards in team or grade level meetings.Encourage participants to try this activity with their own students and discuss afterwards in team or grade level meetings.