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Discomfort makes you lose Confidence - Wearing Oversized Shoes

Shoes that do not support the body make you walk in an unusual and dysfunctional way. It takes off the confidence from your personality.

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Discomfort makes you lose Confidence - Wearing Oversized Shoes

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  1. Discomfort makes you lose Confidence www.toufie.com

  2. www.toufie.com Discomfort makes you lose Confidence - Wearing Oversized Shoes • Discomfort makes you lose Confidence – Shoes that do not support the body make you walk in an unusual and dysfunctional way. It takes off the confidence from your personality. • Invitation to Blisters and Calluses – Either big or small, ill-fitted shoes cause impairing of platform giving rise to foot-related issues. • Pain gives no Gain – Foot pain, arch pain, and soreness in the joint and tendons are the spill-over effects of wearing those big shoes. Bow Lilac Grey (LIMITED EDITION) Heel

  3. www.toufie.com Discomfort makes you lose Confidence - Wearing Oversized Shoes Bow Rose Sand Heel

  4. www.toufie.com Discomfort makes you lose Confidence - Wearing Oversized Shoes Coluber Blue Flat

  5. www.toufie.com Best sellers Discomfort makes you lose Confidence - Wearing Oversized Shoes Coluber Flexi Black Flat

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