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Family. By Pastor Dan Domke June 1994 Revised November 2010. The Story of Andrew and Christina. The Story of Andrew and Christina Neu. 1986 – Andrew 101 and Christina 99 years old. . Andrew was born 1885, in Germany. Christina was born 1887, in Germany. Arranged marriage
Family By Pastor Dan Domke June 1994 Revised November 2010
The Story of Andrew and Christina The Story of Andrew and Christina Neu 1986 – Andrew 101 and Christina 99 years old. Andrew was born 1885, in Germany. Christina was born 1887, in Germany. • Arranged marriage • Met two weeks before the wedding • A month later left for America • Moved to North Dakota, lived in sod home, farmed west of Wahpeton, ND.
Story continued The Story of Andrew and Christina Neu - I asked Christina, did you love one another? No! Just met. Why did you marry him? We trusted our parents! • They were committed to the marriage. • Learned to love one another. • Learned the necessity of forgiveness. • Christina smiled and said Andrew needed a lot of that. • They trusted the Lord.
True Definition of Family only in the Scriptures The nature of Family Based on Holy Scripture
True Definition of Family only in the Scriptures • The Definition of Family • By emphatic margins, the public does not see marriage as the only path to family formation. (Lack a biblical World View) • Fully 86% say a single parent and child constitute a family; • Nearly as many (80%) say an unmarried couple living together with a child is a family; • And 63% say a gay or lesbian couple raising a child is a family. • The presence of children clearly matters in these definitions. If a cohabiting couple has no children, a majority of the public says they are not a family. • Marriage matters, too. If a childless couple is married, 88% consider them to be a family. Pew Research – Nov. 18, 2010
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) Family is Creational
Family breakdown is a major crisis in American life and who is or should be doing something about it? Is it up to government, federal or state, or local governmental agencies like our public schools? It is up to you and me, as the Church, to make the difference. Dissolution of marriage results in …. GOD'S PLAN THE SOLUTION
People are hungry for answers. The Church has the answers but has not always had the courage to teach…. God has given us all the answers in the…..Bible! Looking For The Answers
Going Back to the Source asic B I B L E In these instructions are the answers for families. nstructions efore eaving arth
Going Back to the Source Psalm 19:7-11 The instruction starts with the Word of God A Two-Fold Concern
Trust the Word Psalm 18:30 – Proverbs 30:5-6 • Prov.30:5-65 “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. • Psalm 18:30 As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless.
Never give up Never Give Up! Luke 1:37 Nothing is impossible with God!
Understanding and Believing that we are specially created by God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is the foundational beginning to understanding Family!
The Image of God Headship Man & Woman God’s Image Perfect Righteous Spirit Creative Marriage Family Church
Twisted Images of God Evolution Twisted Image of God Leads To Immorality And False Doctrine Homosexuality Female Pastors Distortion of Gender Roles
MALE & FEMALE Genesis: 1:26-27 So What? “In the beginning…. Very Good! • Our Image and Likeness • (God’s) • Rule over all the earth • Male and Female
Male & Female – the Words Male Female {rk;zÉ} { hb;qenÒ } • male (of humans) Female ( of humans)
Reflecting the Image of God God's Image Reflecting Created in His Image Genesis 1:26-27 God made them Male and Female And He called him Man or Adam! Gen. 5:1,2 Differentiated into Gen. 2:18-23 Male Female Gen. 2:24-25 Fully Reflect’s Pair Bonded God’s Image
Why Marriage? What is it’s purpose? Family Children Sexual Purity Companionship Made for community
Genesis 2:7 ff The Second Account of Creation
Other Wise – Man is free to define family as He chooses. Deception then can take over!
Family Beginnings – Creation 1 Family has it's beginning In the beginning. Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” [1] Family is a Creational Issue. Family has it’s roots in Creation.
Family Beginnings – Creation 2 Family has it's beginning In the beginning. Family is a Creational Issue. Family has it’s roots in Creation. Genesis 1: 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. [1]
Family Beginnings – Creation 3 Family has it's beginning In the beginning. Family is a Creational Issue. Family has it’s roots in Creation. Genesis 2: 7 the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. [1]
Marriage First Family Follows Family Follows MarriageMarriage Ordained byGod! 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Family Beginnings – Creation 4 Family has it's beginning In the beginning. Family is a Creational Issue. Family has it’s roots in Creation. Genesis 1: 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Paradise a Gift Paradise – A Gift of God’s Grace to the newly created Man and Woman.
Temptation in Paradise An You shall be like God...
What have you done? Paradise Lost
The Hope and Promise The Promise and Hope!
The Son of God, slain for the sin of the World. The Son of God, slain for the sin of the World.
The O.T. Word for Family The Word Family Two Words in O.T. • hj;P;v]mi • tyIB' • Gen. 7:1, Gen. 43:7 Exodus 1:1, Ezra 2:36 General Definition: Family, clan, household, people who live under the same roof, extended family. The particulars: A family shares the same blood, the same faith.
The N.T. Word for Family In the Greek New Testament Clan Household Family (Gk. patria) Three times in N.T. Family (Gk. patria) Can Refer to household but is mostly the idea of lineage. Faith Line Blood Line
God is Father, Source of Family • This means that, just as every patria (family) implies a pateµr (‘father’), so behind them all stands the universal fact that God is our Father whence the whole scheme of ordered relationships is derived. • Our Father who art in heaven. • 1.Why does Jesus teach us to call upon God as “Father”? Dr. Luther emphasizes the response generated by the term “father.” What feelings and attitudes does the term “father” evoke within you? • In what respect are we the children of God our Father? Note these passages as you consider this question: Romans 8:15; Ephesians 4:6; Romans 8:15; 1 John 3:1. • Frank D. Starr, Sharing the Christian Faith , (St. Louis, Missouri: Concordia Publishing House) 1999.
The Creator – God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit is our source. The prominence of paternity is well seen in the reference of patria, Eph. 3:14-15: “I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named.”
More Definitions 1 Definitions of Family. Family: 1. Household: 2. Parents and their children: 3. Relatives: 4. All those descended from a common ancestor: lineage: 5 a group of similar or related things. (WEBSTER NEW WORLD DICTIONARY - pocket sized edition - 1979) • 5 a: the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their own or adopted children; also: any of various social units differing from but regarded as equivalent to the traditional family… • Merriam-Webster-2004
More Definitions 2 Definitions of Family. • Today: • Nuclear Family – Father, Mother, Children • Blended Family – Father, Mother, Children (may not be biological siblings parents not with original spouse . • Intergenerational—May be Grand Parents raising children, or Aunts and Uncles. • -- May be three or more generations living in same home. Caused by economic change. • Single Parent Family– Father and children / Mother and Children. Maybe biological or not. • A growing trend with the acceptance of Homosexuality is two parents of the same sex:
Christ for the Sin of the World His death to forgive Your Sin!
Strong Marriages and Stronger Families With out strong marriages and corresponding strong Christian Family and these understood from a Creational Point of View there are negative and serious implications for the church… As marriage goes…so goes the family As family goes . . .so goes the Church Remember the Order of Creation
Looking into the proper progression ! The Order of Creation 1 Order of Creation I Timothy 2:13 Man Adam Genesis 2:7 Then Genesis 2: 21-22 Woman Eve Creational View Adam First then Eve
Marriage Church False Images The Order of Creation 2 Headship Headship False Marriage False Family False Churches Order Of Creation Husband Christ To Mirror Distorted Images Produce Distorted Faith To Reflect Wife Bride Godly Image New Believers Yields – Chaos/Ruin/Death Children Order of Redemption Creational View
Messing with the design When you mess with the design... - You end up with confusion and distortion!
What about singles Encouragement for Singles
The First Family Look at this in Gen. 2:23. Is there a greater reason than this for a commitment between a Husband and a Wife. Adam and Eve formed the first family.
Woman From Man Woman from Man . . . • Think about Eve - God could have spoken and she could have been there, or God could have formed another body out of the mud of the ground like Adam and breathed life into it. These all would have been spectacular - but God did even more so. Not only did He give Adam a Helpmate, but He gave him part of Himself. That is why in the Hebrew the words are ish and ishah,. Woman was taken from Man.
Family comes with the ability to have children. Men were not to be without Women and Vice Versa What was the first thing Adam and Eve did once they were created ? Chapter 4 of Genesis tells us quite clearly in verse 1. They got pregnant and had children. Genesis 5:1-3. Why did Adam and Eve have children?
The Desire to have children. • When a young couple marry, what is the general expectation? The desire to have children . . .