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RedIRIS. The Spanish National Research and Education Network. RedIRIS. RedIRIS i s a Research e-infrastructure that provides some advanced horizontal ICT services to research and education centres
RedIRIS The Spanish National Research and Education Network
RedIRIS • RedIRIS is a Research e-infrastructure that provides some advanced horizontal ICT services to research and education centres • RedIRIS belongs to MINECO, the Ministry in charge of R & D (which funds the service and approves the strategy) and it is managed, through Red.es, by MINETUR, the Ministry in charge of Information Society • Staff: 20 people (plus subcontracting) • Operational budget: 8 M€ per year (plus additional funds when investments are made) • Created in 1988 - October 2013: 25th Anniversary, presided by His Royal Highness the Prince Felipe
e-Science e-Science requires high-speed communication networks and high-performance computing resources to allow the Research Community to cooperate globally in an efficient way. Material Sciences Earth Sciences Physics Engineering Chemistry Information Society Technology Biomedicine and Health Sciences Astronomy Middleware and applications Communications network Computing resources Storage resources Information resoruces Other resources
RedIRIS and e-Science RedIRIS manages a research network infrastructure and provides connectivity, security and other services to Spanish researchers, thus improving collaboration among themselves and with their global peers. Material Sciences Earth Sciences Physics Engineering Chemistry Information Society Technology Biomedicine and Health Sciences Astronomy Middleware and applications Communications network Computing resources Storage resources Information resoruces Other resources
Regional research network RedIRIS in the Global Research Intranet The Research and Education Networks cooperate in a multi-domain environment which requires high quality standards at all its levels. RedIRIS directly contributes to the improvement of global connectivity among researchers RedIRIS Co-manages and co-funds GÉANT, which cooperates with Internet2, CANARIE, RedCLARA,... Pan-European, North America… Research Networks RedIRIS National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) Manages the Spanish NREN and cooperates with other NRENs (JANET, SURFnet, GARR…) RedIRIS collaborates with Spanish regional networks to provide high quality services to the Spanish Research Community Collaborates with regional networks (RICA, Anella, RECETGA, I2BASK… Provideservices and support Campus network
RedIRIS: Current National Infrastructure In order to fulfil the needs of all its users, RedIRIS deploys, operates and manages RedIRIS-NOVA, a meshed communications fibre network based on network equipment and links of 10 Gb bandwidth. • Fibre • Links • + • Network Equipment RedIRIS affiliated institutions (Universities, Research Centres) connect to the closest RedIRIS PoP via regional research and education networks, or, if no regional research network exists, through local loops from their main nodes to a RedIRIS PoP.
E3 RedIRIS: collaboration with Regional Research Networks
RedIRIS contribution to European Infrastructure Through its participation in GÉANT, RedIRIS guarantees to its users multiple 10 Gb bandwidth links with advanced European Research Projects. Pan-European Research Network Connects 34 National Research Networks Offers: • 50.000 Km of network • 12.000 Km of fibre • 3.500 institutions • 40 million potential users • Able to provide advanced services • Hybrid network: • IP • Dedicated circuits or lightpaths • IPv4 / IPv6 • Global added-value services
RedIRIS: Contribution to Global Infrastructure RedIRIS, together with the European NRENs, cooperates with other NRENs to improve connectivity within the Global Research Intranet, a basic tool which allows researchers to cooperate remotely at a global scale…
Access to Global Internet RedIRIS also provides access to global Internet using high-speed dedicated links. Global Internet Intranet of research 2 x 10G 1 x 10G 1 x 10G 1 x 1G IP service 2 x 10G R&D projects 3 x 10G
RedIRIS users: affiliated institutions RedIRIS provides its services to 430 Institutions (including all Spanish Universities and most public research centers and ICTSs). This includes 150.000+ researchers and 2.000.000+ potential end users.
Usage patterns • RedIRIS serves many end users with basic connectivity needs, as well as specific researcher groups with very high bandwidth requirements. • Basic Service • Web navigation, e-mail • Few servers, many potential users Example: University students • Research Projects • Multicast, streaming, VLAN's, VPN, QoS • Communities of users, virtual organizations Example: Opera Oberta (live multicast streaming of operas from Liceu to Universities) • Main e-science Research Projects • High energy physics, astronomy, genomics, biomedicine, earth sciences, IT research, etc. • Users of High Performance Computing & Grids • Require high-speed links (10 Gb) Example: Large Hadron Collider (LHC), PRADE Number of users Bandwidth allocated per user & project
Some e-scienceusers of RedIRIS High EnergyPhysics (LHC, MAGIC) Astronomy (remoteobservation, automaticobservatories, networks of telescopes) High performance computing (PRACE, RES,EGI) Biology (NationalParks, LifeWatch) PRACE RES
RedIRIS: user satisfaction • RedIRIS has ISO 9000 quality certification for its main procedures • As part of this certification, there are two annual quality surveys – with very positive results so far Source: Yearly satisfaction survey 2013 – Mx. Value: 6 – Minimum Red.es goal: 4 out of 6 • Additional detailed on-line survey about each service in the RedIRIS catalogue • More feedback obtained in RedIRIS distribution lists, Working Groups and Annual Event (approx. 400 attendees – considered by university ICT managers as their main annual event)
RedIRIS activities RedIRIS participates in international and national innovation projects and fora in order to gather knowledge and best practices which allow RedIRIS to improve existing services and launch new innovative ones. Projects: International projects (GÉANT3, EGI, FI-WARE…), national projects (PASITO), collaboration with partners in innovation activities Fora: TERENA, DANTE, Trusted Introducer, FIRST, MAAWG, APWG… Services
Research Projects RedIRIS-NOVA (2009-2015) GN3+ - VIIPM (2013-2015) Deployment of the Pan-European Research Network • Monitoring • Security • Identity federations, authentication • Mobility • Cross-border fiber Projects EGI-InSPIRE - VIIPM (2010-2014) • European Grid project • Coordination of handling of security incidents • pkIRISGrid (e-science digital certificate) • Back- up of central services Fora EUMEDCONNECT3- ENPI (2012-2015) ALICE2- EuropeAid (2008-2012) Services ELCIRA - EuropeAid(2012-2014) Collaborate in the deployment of services in Latin America academic networks FI-WARE - VII PM - FI-PPP (2011-2014) Future Internet core platform XIFI- VII PM –FI-PPP (2013-2015) Connection of Future Internet platforms
Fora collaborations Participation • Goal: to get ideas about new services, to gather information about new technologies, to launch collaborative projects. • ABUSES • APWG • CRUE-TIC • CSIRT.es • DANTE • EUGridPMA • EURODIG • FIRST • MAAWG • Observatorio IPv6 • RIPE • Red e-Ciencia • TERENA (TEC, TTC, TF, TNC) Projects Fora Organization • Goal: To strengthen relations with users and disseminate available services. • Working Group • Annual Event • Security Workshop • ABUSES • Mobility Workshop • Training courses • Organization of GN3 or TERENA meetings Services
RedIRIS Services Dissemination and Advice E-mail Quality RACE IRISRBL PUA Digital Identity SIR SCS RID KeyServer Projects Mobility Collaboration eduroam Listserv BSCW gds forja e-Science Storage Fora FTP ARCA pkIRISGrid, Bck central services Security Services Handling of network security incidents Connectivity Private Networks Internet multicast DNS NOC IP addresses VPN-L2 lightpaths
Total incoming and out coming traffic Sincethedeploymentof RedIRIS-10 in 2006, yearlytrafficincreases at a rateof more than 30% TB 2.5Gbps 10 Gbps
RedIRIS evolution Since 1988, the mission of RedIRIS has been to provide advance connectivity services to the Spanish research and academic community. In order to achieve this goal, RedIRIS has implemented different generations of a national high-speed backbone. RedIRIS starts (2002) RedIRIS IPv6 LAN Speed Record ARPAnet project 1968 1983 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 1 de Enero de 1983 The Flag Day TCP/IP First European research networks First Spanish Web servers (1993) DANTE constitutes itself (1998) Starts TEN-155 project (2001) Starts GEANT project (2004) Starts GEANT2 project (2008) Starts GEANT3 project (2013) Starts GEANT3+ project
RedIRIS-NOVA : the dark fiber project 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Competitive Dialog with 23 companies Phase 1: start operation • 12.000Km dark fiber • 2.000Km submarine cables • Cross border fiberwth Portugal • Long-term IRU network • 21 years for the peninsula and • 30 years for Canary Islands • Much more bandwidth and more services possibilities • 80x10G, 60x40G ó 100G (terrestrial links) • 128x10G (submarine links) • Cost 104 M€ (49M€ FEDER) • Save over 50M€ over the previous model
Competitive dialogue for RedIRIS-NOVA • Pioneers (first case in the Spanish Administration – in a tender of up to 138M€, with very tight schedule, for a complex contract requiring services not yet available as such “off-the-shelf” in the market) • Preceded by Request for Information (RFI) • Competitive Dialogue announced at the EU Official Journal • 25 bidders – 2 bids were rejected, 23 bidders (9 fiber providers, 14 optical equipment providers) invited to participate • Accepted bidders could eventually reach agreements for joint bids • Four rounds of negotiation took place • making it possible to ensure that RedIRIS requested high performance solutions at affordable prices, which could be provided by enough companies to ensure adequate competition • The competitive dialogue had finally three different lots: • one for dark fiber in mainland Spain, • one for dark fiber for the Canary islands, • one for optical equipment • Final result was very positive as regards both technical parameters and price
Competitive dialogue: Need to find a balance Best service More time to look for the best solution Work with many potential providers Include more compulsory requirements Increase number of bidders Make procedure as short as possible for bidders Minimize bid management effort and costs Cheapest price 23
Fiber Tender Results ... • Islalink fiber as Canary Islands supplier • Telefónica as peninsula fiber supplier
Results summary (RedIRIS-10 comparison) 80 x 10G 30 years forCanarias 173 nodes 21 years in mainland 91 M€ 144 M€ 18 55 M€ 53 PdPs 11 2 + 2 20 nodos 1 x 10G DURATION of fiber IRUs ROBUSTNESS number of optical rings COST Ministry FEDER SIZE number of nodes PAIs + PdPs BANDWIDTH bandwidth of each link (60 x 40G 60 x 100G) mainland fiber and optical equipments fiber in Canary Islands Keeping the same conditions throughout the period (21 years) Keeping the same conditions of RedIRIS-10 RedIRIS-10 RedIRIS-NOVA
Optical regional networks • Extend RedIRIS-NOVA fiber footprint to reach RN points. • Great opportunity to improve the RN infrastructure • User Service Enhacement • RedIRIS Support • Costs: • 12.500 km of fiber with national coverage • Favorable results when number of fiber kms are bigger. • Agreements with Regional Governments • Current tender allows to reach 108 additional PoPs (phase I) • New tenders would be launched as needed (phase II) Regional Photonic Linksbased on RedIRIS photonic network (which maintain homogenous control plane)
Shared cloud services Situation at the ICT institutions • Self-provision of services • Technologic islands • Lack of standardization • Complex management • Problems to invest and evolve Tasks ahead • Identify appropriate areas for cooperation • Make use of the network • Calculate savings • Establish legal framework (for procurement and for data protection) • Define launch phase (cost-recovery, initial take-up expected to be slow) Possible improvements • Identify common, standard solutions • Cost savings • Easier deployment and update • Public-private partnership Possible cloud services • Hosting • Virtualization • Servers (IaaS) • Desktop • Voice over IP • IRISmail • Electronic signature • Web conference
Thank you for your attention Edificio Bronce, Plaza Manuel Gómez Moreno s/n 28020 Madrid. España Tel.: 91 212 76 20 / 25, Fax: 91 212 76 35