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e-People. 『e-People』is. A single online portal system unifying complaints/proposal/policy discussion handling of all central government agencies, municipalities, public organizations and Korean legations overseas. www.epeople.go.kr. Presentation order. Ⅰ. Background. Ⅱ. Outline. Ⅲ.
e-People 『e-People』is A single online portal system unifying complaints/proposal/policy discussion handling of all central government agencies, municipalities, public organizations and Korean legations overseas www.epeople.go.kr
Presentation order Ⅰ Background Ⅱ Outline Ⅲ Construction process Ⅳ Merits Ⅴ Operation status Ⅵ Achievements
1. Background People’s online portal Complaints/Proposalsone-stop service More efficient complaint handling • Public demand for higher • satisfaction • Cooperation needed among • gov’t ministries • No more confusion • in finding the right agency
Central Administrative Organizations Request Request Request Citizens Request Request Request Citizens Civil Proposal Service e-People e-People (Citizens, Civil Servants) MLTM MIHW Major Public Institutions MOE Connection Integration Integration Connection NHIC (43Organizations) K-Water KCA (14 institutions) 2. Outline 1/2 construction of world's best online portal for people Local Autonomous Bodies Civil Petition Service Metropolitan cityㆍ Province CityㆍCountyㆍDistrict (246 bodies) Administrative Appeals Policy Discussion Corruption Reporting Service Korean legations US, Japan, etc (144 organizations)
Complaints, proposal, policy discussion and corruption reporting Integrated into a Single Window Citizens Citizens Homepage Civil Petition Civil Proposal Automatic classification Civil PetitionService Handling agencies Application Application Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission Civil ProposalService Office of president 42 Central administrative org. Review/Decision Administrative Appeals 246 Local Autonomous bodies 14 public Institutions Corruption Reporting Service 144 embassies & legations Policy Discussion e-hearing e-survey e-forum 2. Outline 2/2 Satisfaction Assessment/ Request for additional answer Results notification
Feb.08 Oct.06 ~ JUl.06 Nov.05 ~ 49 central gov orgs system integration Aug.05 6.17 billion won 2.71 billion won in project expenses 2.09 billion won in project expenses in project expenses in project expenses 6.17 billion won in project expenses 2.09 billion won in project expenses 2.71 billion won Aug.03 ~ 7 orgs pilot operation 3. Construction process Application to all orgs 246 Local govts Central govt system integration 14 major public orgs Polit operation Confirmation of e-Govt roadmap Budget expenditure for system construction:10.97 billion won
4. e-People merits 1/2 60-year long problems tackled from the public perspective 고질적 병폐 종 전 국민신문고 Problem Past practice e-People One-Stop 처리 부재 이리가라 저리가라 어느기관에 신청할 지 몰라도 최적의 기관으로 온라인 분류 NO one-stop service Don’t know where to go Classify petitions for the right agency 유사민원 반복 제기 유사한 민원의 처리사례 찾기 어려움 민원신청 시 유사한 처리사례를 자동제공 ⇒민원 제출 전 해결 Repetitive similar complaints Hard to find similar cases Automatically show similar case handling ⇒Resolve petition before filing 공무원비리 등 민원 신청 시 당사자 배정.처리 민원당사자가 민원처리 국민이 기피기관·부서 선택 시 상급기관, 감사 담당부서 등에서 민원 처리 Petition related official takes the case Petition related official takes the case Choose unwanted agency, division ⇒ Superior agency, audit division will handle Insincere reply No way to resolve dissatisfaction Request additional reply for dissatisfactory handling ⇒reassess service satisfaction Belated handling No management Handling period compliance management
4. e-People merits 1/2 Choose unwanted agency or division If you want to avoid a specific agency or division where the concerned official works, click “unwanted.”
4. e-People merits 1/2 60-year long problems tackled from the public perspective 고질적 병폐 종 전 국민신문고 Problem Past practice e-People No one-stop service Don’t know where to go Classify petitions for the right agency Repetitive similar complaints Hard to find similar cases Automatically show similar case handling ⇒ Resolve petition before filing Petition related official takes the case Petition related official takes the case Choose unwanted agency, division ⇒ Superior agency, audit division will handle 불성실한 답변 민원인 불만 해소 방안 없음 불만족한 민원에 추가 답변을 요구 ⇒2차 만족도를 평가 Insincere reply No way to resolve dissatisfaction Request additional reply for dissatisfactory handling ⇒Reassess service satisfaction Bleated handling No management Handling period compliance management
4. e-People merits 1/2 Petition filing Reply by Resp. ministry 1st satisfaction evaluation Additional reply for unsatisfied area 2nd satisfaction evaluation Is the complaint you filed resolved? partly resolved not resolved Resolved Are you satisfied with your petition handling process? satisfied average Very satisfied very dissatisfied dissatisfied If you are dissatisfied with complaint resolution process, choose the reasons. Unkind and unfaithful complaint resolution attitude Irrational institution Lack of fairness Slow resolution of complaint Insufficient understanding of complaint Please describe why you are satisfied/unsatisfied with the petition handling process. Though the problem is not solved, I am happy the responsible division is considering this issue. Thanks for your kind extra answer.
4. e-People merits 2/2 From the perspective of administrative agencies 민원분야 종 전 국민신문고 Problem Past practice e-People 이송 ·이첩 우편[1주일소요] 온라인 실시간 이송·이첩 Transfer ·referral Postal mail (1 week) Real time on-line transfer· referral 부서별 민원 처리실태평가 불가능 시스템으로 자동 평가 가능 Complaint handling evaluation Not possible Automatic evaluation Not distinguished ⇒Handle each Same complaint filed with multi agencies Automatically discern ⇒ Handle as a single case Frequent complaints Difficult to distinguish Auto search by legislation ⇒ Propose institutional improvement Complaints involving multi agencies Cooperation based on documents Real time on-line cooperation
4. e-People merits 2/2 Petition handling evaluation Area Ⅰ. Effort to improve petition satisfaction Ⅱ. A/S for unsatisfactory petition Ⅲ. Sincerity in petition handling Ⅳ. Effort to reduce petition Ⅴ. Facilitation of petition service Points 30 20 20 15 15 Indi ca tor • How satisfaction improved • Additional reply rate • Additional reply rate • Effort to improve unsatisfactory petition • Compliance rate of handling time • Sincerity in petition reply • Policy Q&A display rate • Filing discouragement rate • Integrated operation of e-People • Easy access to petition filing
4. e-People merits 2/2 From the perspective of administrative agencies 민원분야 종 전 국민신문고 Problem Past practice e-People Transfer · referral Postal mail (1 week) Real time on-line transfer· referral Complaint handling evaluation Not possible Automatic evaluation Not distinguished ⇒Handle each Same complaint filed with multi agencies Automatically discern ⇒ Handle as a single case Frequent complaints Difficult to distinguish Auto search by legislation ⇒ Propose institutional improvement Complaints involving multi agencies Cooperation based on documents Real time on-line cooperation
No. of daily visitors on average: 58,279 • Overseas hit on a daily basis: 958 Status of work handled by e-People Complaints (e-People Div.) Civil Proposal (Complaints info analysis center) Policy discussion (MOPAS) e-forum e-hearing 2007 556,532 40,879 203 599 2008 623,434 57,851 200 623 341,981 36,419 311 311 1st half of 2009 1,703 / 1,889 158 / 201 (Daily average08/09) Others Total hit China U.S Japan Canada Australia 41,491 2007 145,804 48,404 31,505 12,467 6,567 5,370 2008 339,008 71,441 71,086 151,058 19,999 13,874 11,550 466,798 90,450 100,132 231,694 18,496 11,642 14,384 1st half of 2009 5. Operation status Status of system utilization Status of hit from overseas
5. Operation status (foreigner service) Complaint receipt by country 국가별 민원 접수 현황 (2008.6.15 ~ 2010.4.15) Total U.S. Canada Pakistan China Korea U.K. India Japan Philippines Others Major petitions by area Area Major petitions Legal affairs Visa extension/rejection, passport, naturalization procedure/objection Labor Delayed wage payment, unfair labor practice Qualification of foreign instructors /dentists with a diploma acquired in a foreign country Education Civil/criminal case Civil and criminal accusation procedures, legislation on security checks for exit and entry Others International marriage counseling, proposed new airport shuttle routes
6. Achievements 1/4 Satisfaction On-line referral Repetitive complains Average handling time Handling time compliance 171,456 cases 52.2% 95.4% 30,325cases 45.9% 90.4% 44,787 21,491 Complex petition 평균 처리 기간 만족도 중복신청 민원처리 처리기간 준수율 온라인 이송 14.4days 8.8days General petition 7.8days 6.3days 2006 2006 2009 2009 2007 2006 2006 2009 2009 2009 만족도 변화 추이 Changes in satisfaction Satisfied 52.2% 54.0% 51.2% 52.2% 45.9% 32.3% 30.9% 32.3% 30.0% Unsatisfied 36.8% 2008년 2007년 2009년 2006년 2005년
6. Achievements 2/4 Petition service of central government agencies Satisfaction rate 54.7% (’07) ⇒55.8% (’08) ⇒58.3% (’09) Dissatisfaction rate 28.2% (’07) ⇒27.5% (’08) ⇒25.7% (’09) Handling time compliance 93.9% (’07) ⇒94.2% (’08) ⇒97.4% (’09) Sincerity in petition response 83.5 points(’07) ⇒87.7(’08) ⇒92.3(’09)
6. Achievements 3/4 Automatic display of similar petitions/policy Q&A Petition form Click “application” Petitioner Automatic display of similar cases/policy Q&A Want to continue the filing process Petition withdrawal Petition filing ■ Outcome Petition prevention: 4,047 cases withdrawnfrom filing (’09.5~’10. 3.) Information materials from private web portals: 28,000 cases (Average daily hit: 70,000)
6. Achievements 3/4 Automatic display of similar petitions/policy Q&A 02 Similar case check Please determine petition filing after reading the following case.
6. Achievements 3/4 Private web portal linkage system [Gov’t ministry] Frequent petitions Petition/policy Q&A by ministry 28,000 cases [Gov’t ministry] New policy implementation Private web portals Website of each ministry e-People Petitioner ■ Outcome Petition prevention: 4,047 cases withdrawnfrom filing (’09.5~’10. 3.) Information materials from private web portals: 28,000 cases (Average daily hit: 70,000)
6. Achievements 3/4 Private web portal linkage system
6. Achievements 3/4 Automatic display of similar petitions/policy Q&A Private web portal linkage [Gov’t ministry] Frequent petitions [Gov’t ministry] New policy implementation Petition form Petition/policy Q&A by ministry 28,000 cases Click “application” Petitioner Automatic display of similar cases/policy Q&A Private web portals Website of each ministry e-People Want to continue the filing process Petition withdrawal Petition filing Petitioner ■ Outcome Petition prevention: 4,047 cases withdrawnfrom filing (’09.5~’10. 3.) Information materials from private web portals: 28,000 cases (Average daily hit: 70,000)
6. Achievements 4/4 Voice of the public policy feedback system 민원정보 분석 정보제공ㆍ관리 민원정보 수집 Collect petition information Analyze petition information Provide / manage information e-People Demand for information analysis • petitions • proposals Legal/institutional improvement Analyst Feed back Post management • -Analysis planning • Analysis report 제공 Relevant data Database building Provision • Daily/weekly briefing on voice of the public • Analyze petition status by agency • Analyze frequent petitions / identify institutions in need of improvement Outside: Gov’t agencies Inside: ACRC • agency website • legislation info • related sites 지식화 Knowledge ■ Analyze and provide petition information 2,500cases a day by specialized analyst⇒39 central administrative agencies ■ Improve petition-causing policy 187 institutional improvement cases in people’s finance, housing and welfare (’09)
국민권익위원회 Anti-corruption & Civil Rights Commission