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Learning and cognitive processes. Learning: Principles and Applications Memory and Thought Thinking and Language Motivation and Emotion. Learning Outcomes. Learning Outcomes. Classical conditioning. Learning = relatively permanent change in behavior that results from experience
Learning and cognitive processes Learning: Principles and Applications Memory and Thought Thinking and Language Motivation and Emotion
Classical conditioning • Learning = relatively permanent change in behavior that results from experience • Plato believed association is the key to learning and memory • Classicalconditioning = learning procedure in which associations are made between a neutral stimulus and a natural stimulus
Classical conditioning GO9 Experiment - green or purple pen?
Classical conditioning • The Trouble with Tuna: Brian was hungry. His mother packed a tuna sandwich for his lunch. The mayonnaise had been left out too long and spoiled. After eating, Brian felt nauseated and ran to the bathroom. Now the mention of tuna makes Brian feel sick. UCS: eating rotten food UCR: illness CS: mentioning tuna CR: illness • A Hot Day at the Water Park: Jeanette was excited about going to the water sports show. It was a very hot day, over 40 C. The show was exciting with contestants performing to blaring organ music. After watching for a time, Jeanette became hot & sweaty, then fainted. Now just hearing organ music makes her dizzy. UCS: heat UCR: fainting CS: organ music CR: dizziness
Classical conditioning • CR acquired gradually over time • Strongest association formed when CS presented just before UCS • Can a CR occur with a similar CS? • Little Albert’s fear of rats generalized to all furry things • Fear of all furry things discriminated to just rats • Does conditioning last forever? • Stop reward and CR dies out – extinction • Re-Pair CS and UCS and comes back – spontaneousrecovery
Classical conditioning & human behavior • What types of human behavior can be classically conditioned? • Taste aversions (chemotherapy patients, rats & flavored water, coyotes & sheep sickness drug) • Fears (PTS after car accident, police siren after speeding ticket) • Tension (dentist drill) • Favorable feelings (advertising) • Benefits? • Helps humans predict behavior • Useful in child rearing, animal training… • Eliminate problems (bed wetting alarm, conquer fears)
Operant conditioning • Sheldon Cooper in action • Self-starving mental hospital patient • Feeding a stray dog
Operant conditioning • OperantConditioning = learning in which an action is punished or reinforced, resulting in increasing or decreasing occurrence
Operant conditioning • What types of rewards influence behavior? • Animals – food, activities, attention… • People – money, privileges, social approval… • Are all positivereinforcers the same? • Primary – food, water, sleep • Secondary – money to buy food • What’s the best schedule for reinforcement? • Continuous – behavior maintained only while reinforced • Partial – slower to develop but more stable & long lasting • Ratio schedules based on number of correct responses • Interval schedule based on amount of time between reinforcement
operant conditioning GO9 (add a row)
Operant conditioning • How do we train animals to perform behaviors they aren’t likely to perform on their own? • Shaping = reward behaviors closer to desired • DEMO – need a volunteer • How do we learn complex skills that require responses to flow automatically? • Responsechain – learned reactions that follow in sequence, each response triggering the next • Responsepattern – combine chains together (swimming: arm stroke + breathing + kick chains, golf swing: backswing + weight shift + rotation + contact + follow through)
Operant conditioning • Are all reinforcers positive? • Aversivecontrol = unpleasant stimuli influence behavior • Negativereinforcement = removal of unpleasant stimuli (aversion) when desired behavior performed • Punishment = unpleasant consequences following undesired behavior • Unwanted side effects – rage, aggression, fear • People avoid punisher • Without coaching & modelling, positive behavior not learned
Operant conditioning • How does negative reinforcement work? • Escapeconditioning (gag & whine…disliked food removed, act boorish…bad blind date ends early) • Avoidanceconditioning (protest…disliked food not served, screen phonecalls…don’t go on blind date)
Social learning • The Bobo Doll Experiment • Sociallearning = process of altering behavior by observing and imitating the behavior of others • Cognitive Learning and Modelling
Social learning • Cognitivelearning = how information is obtained, processed and organized (mental processes involved in learning): • Latentlearning = not demonstrated by an immediately observable change in behavior at time of learning (rats explore maze in advance then find cheese quickly) • CognitiveMap = mental picture of spatial relationships or relationships between events (mazes, video gaming software) • Learnedhelplessness = repeated attempts to control a situation fail, resulting in belief that situation uncontrollable • Stable vs Temporary + Global vs Specific + Internal vs External • (constant punishment, course too advanced, team too competitive, boss never listens) • (always succeed without trying … learned laziness)
Social learning • Modelling(Application Activity 9) = observation and imitation: • Simple modelling (clap when others do…no new learning) • Observationallearning = imitation (watch someone dance and copy, children behave violently toward Bobo doll) • Disinhibition = observing threatening behavior without punishment increases tendency to engage in that behavior (speeding, treating phobias)
Social learning • BehaviorModification = systematic application of learning principles (conditioning & social) to change people’s actions and feelings • Tokeneconomy = reinforcement of desirable behavior with valueless objects that can be accumulated and exchanged for valued rewards (prison, mental hospital, classroom) (monkeys earn poker chips) • Self-control = people set up personal system of rewards and punishment to shape their own thoughts and actions (stop biting nails, study before snack, quit smoking)
Improving study habits • New environment – remove conditioned aversive stimulus • Leave when distracted (one more page) – reduce negative emotions associated with study • Next session, two more pages – successive approximations, gradually increasing expectations • Boys vs girls (boys focus on specific approach, girls address problem from many angles)
ENCODING MEMORY CTSA10 How do you remember the musical notes in the spaces? Repeat letters aloud Visualize the letters Think of the word face Acousticcode Visualcode Semanticcode
Memory stages GO10 • SENSORY: • Iconic (visual) memory lasts up to a second • Echoic (auditory) memory lasts 1-2 seconds • Also haptic (touch), gustic (taste), olfactic (smell) • Benefits? • (time to process, can keep if wanted, not bombarded) • DEMO (recall as many items on the following slide as possible)
7 1 V F X L 5 3 B 7 W 4
Memory stages GO10 • SHORT-TERM: • Limited duration (20 seconds) + capacity (7 items) • Transfer to long term: • Involves the Hippocampus • Maintenancerehearsal (repeat phone number) • Chunking (split 10 numbers into 3 groups) • Primary-recencyeffect (first and last items easier to remember) • Memory lab
Memory stages GO10 • LONG-TERM: • Semantic (knowledge of language and grammar) • Episodic (chronological retention of events of your life) • Declarative (conscious recall of information when needed) • Procedural (learned skills not requiring conscious recall) Workingmemory includes short term memory AND information recalled from long term memory
Declarative memory Cortex (storage ST & LT of words, facts & events) Thalamus (process sensory info) Amygdala (associate memories with emotions) Hippocampus (transfer words, facts & events from ST to LT)
Retrieving information • Brain organizes stored information to make it easy to retrieve • Capacity varies (Rajan – recited Pi to 30,000 decimals – can`t find keys or remember faces) • Recognition: identify object, idea, or situation as one you have (not) previously experienced • Recall: reconstruction of previously learned material • DEMO (did you see it?)
Did you see it? • After viewing the tray of familiar items for 15 seconds, recall as many as possible by writing them down • Compare your list to the following and note any discrepancies: Pen Ruler Chalk Pencil Stapler Paper clip Tape Eraser Rubber band Scissors Marker Highlighter Lips Ear Hat Shoes • Do you recall seeing all of these items now?
Memory alteration • Memory is not a videotape recording • Confabulation = filling in gaps or inventing memories when reconstruction incomplete • Schemas (conceptual framework) affect our reconstruction (recall speed before car contacted or bumped or hit or smashed another car) • About 5 % of children (fewer adults) can recall very specific visual detail after brief exposure = eidetic (aka photographic) memory
Memory retrieval • Relearning = declarative AND procedural memory (poem learned in childhood) • State-dependent (return to place where you remembered) • Forgetting: • Decay = fading away of memory over time • Hypnosis, meditation, brain stimulation can recover “forgotten” memories • Interference = blockage by previous or subsequent memories (phone numbers) • Repression = subconscious blocking of traumatic memories
Memory improvement • Elaborative rehearsal = linking new information to material already known • Mnemonic devices = using associations to memorize and retrieve information (HOMES, EGBDF, method of loci)
Quiz 10-2Memory and Thought (RA 10)personality, cognition and memory (ea 10)influencing memory (aa 10)
Thinking and problem solving • Thinking = changing and reorganizing the information stored in memory to create new information • Copernicus made a radical assumption about the movement of the planets in the heavens
Units of thought GO11 • Image= mental representation of an event or object (most primitive) Shepard & Metzler mental rotation experiment (1971)
Units of thought GO11 • Symbol = abstract unit of thought that represents an object or quality (most common – words) • Concept = class of objects or events with certain common attributes or the attributes themselves (i.e. animals, music, school subjects, holidays) • Prototype = representative example of a concept (i.e. dog, rap, psychology, Mothers Day) • Rule = statement of a relation between concepts (more complex) (i.e. you can’t be in two places at the same time)
Kinds of thinking GO11 • Directed or convergent: systematic and logical attempt to reach a specific goal, such as the solution to a problem • Depends on symbols, concepts and rules (i.e. math, hunger, poverty, illness) • Nondirected or divergent: free flow of thoughts with no particular goal or plan • Usually rich with imagery and feelings (i.e. daydreams, fantasies, reveries, escaping boredom / worry, unexpected scientific or artistic insights) • Metacognition: awareness of or thinking about one’s own cognitive processes (i.e. changing strategy when problem solving unsuccessful)
Directed vsnondirected thinking • Read psychologist Edward De Bono’s problem aloud • You have 2 minutes to solve it
strategies • Break down a complex problem into subgoals: intermediate steps toward a solution • Algorithm: step-by-step procedure or formula that will always result in the correct solution, although not necessarily the most efficient way (i.e. rules of multiplication, moves in chess, browse contact list) • Heuristic: a general strategy or role of thumb / shortcut, experimental, more flexible but may result in incorrect solution (i.e. crossword puzzles, coin flip prediction)
obstacles • Mental set = habitual strategy or pattern of problem solving: • Rigidity = mental set interferes with problem solving • Problem: connect the dots • Functional fixedness = inability to imagine new functions for familiar objects • Problem: use candle, matchbox, string, tacks to mount candle on wall and light it • Problem: arrange 6 toothpicks to form 4 equilateral triangles
creativity • Creativity: the capacity to use new information and/or abilities in a new and original way • Flexibility = the ability to overcome rigidity and generate original solutions (i.e. uses for a cardboard box) • Recombination = mentally rearranging the elements of a problem to arrive at an original solution (i.e. music, movies, sports, science) • Insight = the apparent sudden realization of the solution to a problem (i.e. chimp & bananas, elephant & leafy branch)
Flexible thinking Name a single word that all 3 words on a line have in common