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Superconductivity in CaC 6 , a heavily electron-doped graphite. L.Boeri , J.S.Kim, R.Kremer, O.K.Andersen, MPI-FKF, Stuttgart, Germany Feridoon. S. Razavi, Brock Univ, Canada G.B. Bachelet, Università la Sapienza, Roma, Italy M. Giantomassi, UCL, Louvaine-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Superconductivity in CaC6, a heavily electron-doped graphite L.Boeri, J.S.Kim, R.Kremer, O.K.Andersen, MPI-FKF, Stuttgart, Germany Feridoon. S. Razavi, Brock Univ, Canada G.B. Bachelet, Università la Sapienza, Roma, Italy M. Giantomassi, UCL, Louvaine-la-Neuve, Belgium Workshop on Electronic Structure of Emerging Materials Theory & Experiment February 2007, Lonavla, India.
T.E. Weller, M. Ellerby, S.S. Saxena, R.P.Smith, N.T. Skipper, Nature Physics 1, 39 (2005). “Superconductivity in the Intercalated Graphite compounds C6Yb and C6Ca” Tc=11.5 K (CaC6) and 6.5 K (YbC6) … WHY is it so interesting ? • Highest Tcamong the Graphite Intercalation Compounds. ? Can e-ph theory explain Superconductivity in CaC6 or is there an exotic pairing mechanism ? (acoustic plasmons). What can we learn ? • 2001: Tc 40 K was foundin MgB2, a heavily hole-doped graphite. ? What happens when we dope with electrons? (CaC6 and other GICs)
A few facts about Electron-Phonon Superconductors: ωlog:Prefactor:Light elements have high vibrational frequencies λ:Exponent:the larger the coupling, the higher Tc μ*:Exponent:Coulomb repulsion hinders Tc Highest Tc: MgB2, Tc=39 K! (2001) LDA and superconductivity: ! Calculate phonon frequencies and e-ph coupling constant from first-principles using DFPT! ? Which phonon and electronic states are responsible for the coupling ?
Electrons (CaC6) Interlayer π* π Interlayer NMTO Wannier function Holes (MgB2) σ <int/H/π*>=0 π π* - + + + The interlayer band cannot interact with the π* band, but only with the bonding π (the interlayer and π* bands always cross) + - + + + + - + + + + -
In all superconducting Graphite Intercalation Compounds the interlayer band is occupied! PRESSURE CHARGE G.Csànyi, P.B. Littlewood, A.H. Nevidomskyy, C.J. Pickard, B.D. Simons, Nature Phys.1,42(2005).
CaC6 C6(prim. graph.) Doping with Electrons, CaC6: • Electronic Structure: • Intercalating a Ca atom between the C planes moves the IL band down in energy. • In CaC6 there are two types of bands at the Fermi level: Interlayer and π*. • All the superconducting GICs have • Interlayer and π* bands at EF. • NMTO orbitals: • The IL orbital has an axial symmetry and is localized between the planes. • In CaC6 the orbital has a partial 3z2-1 character.
Metal Dielectric Metal Which is the superconducting mechanism ? Acoustic plasmons ? (G. Csànyi et al., Nature Physics 2005). Basic assumptions: 2D metallic electrons (interlayer ?) sandwidched between dielectric layers. A. Bill et al, PRB (2003) NO! IL electrons are 3D in character! ! Electron-phonon interaction I. Mazin, PRL (2005), M. Calandra and F. Mauri PRL (2005) and J.S. Kim et al., PRL (2006) and PRB (2006), L.Boeri et al., cond-mat/0701347.
CaC6: Phonon Dispersions and e-ph coupling Cxy Cz Ca M. Calandra and F. Mauri PRL (2005) and J.S. Kim et al., PRB (2006).
CaC6: Specific heat CaC6 samples and experiments from J.S. Kim and R. Kremer (MPI Stuttgart) Normal State: Electronic term: Lattice term: Large T5 term at low T <-soft Einstein mode (Ca)! Superconducting State: s-wave superconducting gap : No gap node!! (consistent with pen. depth) J. S. Kim, R.K. Kremer, L.B., F. Razavi, PRL (2006)
Effect of Pressure: Experiment: Tc increases with Pressure. Can LDA explain why? • Structural optimization: • We calculate the structure for different P • Compressibility is anisotropic kc/ka~9. • Hydrostatic pressure reduces c/a considerably. • Electronic structure: • The interlayer band is pushed up in energy -> increasing charge transfer to the π* bands. • N(0) decreases! To increase Tc we need a soft phonon mode!
DFT: Increase of Tc with P(0 ->100 kbar) This is close to the upper limit for Tc because of lattice instability (12 GPa) *! J.S. Kim, L.Boeri, F.S. Razavi, R.K. Kremer, cond-mat/0603530. * Confirmed by experiments (Gauzzi et al, cond-mat/0603443).
What is the e-ph interaction of pure graphite? 2/3 e—doped graphite: fill the interlayer band without intercalant: Charge between the plane shifts int. band ~2 eV down in energy. 2 types of bands at the EF: Interlayer + π* (Jellium Intercalated Graphite, JIG). 2 peaks inα2F(ω)!!! Cxy 80% of λ from C(z) modes Cz In this case we exploit the strong dormant e-ph interaction between π and Interlayer bands! L. Boeri, G.B. Bachelet, M. Giantomassi, O.K. Andersen, cond-mat/0701347.
INTERLAYER-π* coupling Effect of an out-of-plane buckling phonon on the band structure of 2/3 e- doped graphite. Strong Interband coupling between π and IL electrons!
Conclusions and Open Issues: • 2005: Discovery of superconductivity in CaC6 and YbC6 (heavily hole-doped) • Csànyi et al.: superconductivity appears when the interlayer band is full. Pairing mechanism: acoustic plasmons or e-ph coupling ? • LDA: intermediate coupling to Caxy and Cz phonons + Specific heat: BCS-like, isotropic s gap + Pressure dependence of Tc: -> e-ph theory is plausible! Can we say anything general about e-ph interaction in doped graphite ? Dormant e-ph interactions Hole-doped:MgB2(2001) Electron-doped: CaC6, YbC6(2005) σ bands + bond-stretching phonons Interlayer & π* bands + buckling phonons ? What about multi-walled nanotubes ?
References: • L. Boeri, G.B. Bachelet, M. Giantomassi, O.K. Andersen, • “Electron-phonon interaction in Graphite Intercalation Compounds”, • cond-mat/0701347 • I. I. Mazin, L. Boeri, O.V. Dolgov, A.A. Golubov, G.B. Bachelet, M. Giantomassi, O.K.Andersen, • “Unresolved problems in superconductivity of CaC6”, Physica C, in press. • J. S. Kim, L. Boeri, R. K. Kremer, F.S. Razavi, • “ Effect of Pressure on Superconducting Ca-intercalated Graphite CaC6”, Phys. Rev. B 74, 214513 (2006). • J. S. Kim, R. K. Kremer, L. Boeri,F.S. Razavi, • “Specific Heat of the Ca-Intercalated Graphite Superconductor CaC6” • Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 217002 (2006) . • M. Giantomassi, L. Boeri, and G. B. Bachelet, • “Electrons and phonons in the ternary alloy CaAl2−xSix as a function of composition”, Phys. Rev. B 72, 224512 (2005) .
IL electrons and e-ph coupling are strongly sensitive to interlayer distances…
This is also observed in real GICs… Cxy Ixy Cz c increases Tc decreases! M. Calandra and F. Mauri, PRB (2006).
Is this feature found in other layered superconductors? • YES! For example in CaAlSi • Same crystal structure as MgB2 Al and Si sit on a hexagonal layer • Tc=7.7 K • Al and Si concentration can be varied in a wide range • E-ph coupling, stability and • Superconductivity are governed by buckling phonons and π*+ interlayer bands
CaAl2in the optimizedAlB2structure is very differentfrom MgB2! Few σ holes! Dynamically unstable! M. Giantomassi, L.Boeri, G.B. Bachelet, PRB 72, 224512 (2005).
Increase of Tc with P:Theory vs. Experiment (Exp. Data from Gauzzi et al, cond-mat/0603443). • Experiments and theory show that the increase in Tc is limited by lattice instabilities… • Theory predicts a slower increase in Tc than shown by the experiment
DFT: Effect of pressure on the phonon spectrum • All phonon modes harden with pressure, except for the low-lying Ca in-plane modes, which soften. • At P~120 kbar these modes • drive the system unstable (rearrangement of the Ca sublattice ) • A similar instability has been observed experimentally at 8 Gpa in CaC6 by Gauzzi et al. (cond-mat/0603443)
Open Issues (1): Structural transition A. Gauzzi et al., cond-mat/0603443
Open Issues (3): Isotope effect Ca Isotope isotope effect coefficient, α = 0.50(7). D.G. Hinks, et al. condmat/0604642
Electronic structures of CaC6 under pressure N (EF) decreased under pressure ! Already questionable at ambient pressure, but… c-axis dispersion enhanced under pressure More 3D under pressure ! Pairing contribution from acoustic plasmon decreased!! J.S. Kim et al., cond-mat/0603530.
First-Principles Calculations: The most relevant properties of electron-phonon superconductors can be calculated from first-principles using Density Functional Perturbation Theory (Linear Response), Phonon Spectra E-ph Matrix Elements Eliashberg Spectral Function This function describes the spectral distribution of the e-ph coupling over different phonon branches...
Doping with holes: MgB2is to date the e-ph superconductor with the highest-Tc! • The total e-ph coupling λ=0.8-0.9 is concentrated in a doubly-deg. bond-stretching mode <-graphite! Y. Kong et al., PRB 64, 02051 (2001) D Strong geometrical coupling betweenbond-stretching modes andstiffbonds!