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What is “ radical ” about Islam?. Citizenship and Immigration Canada Ottawa 28 April 2009. A seminar by Dr Sara Silvestri Cambridge University and City University London. My areas of work. RESEARCH: Interdisciplinary (across Internat.Politics and Sociology)
What is “radical” about Islam? Citizenship and Immigration Canada Ottawa 28 April 2009 A seminar by Dr Sara Silvestri Cambridge University and City University London Dr Sara Silvestri sara.silvestri@city.ac.uk
My areas of work RESEARCH: • Interdisciplinary (across Internat.Politics and Sociology) • mainly qualitative + collaboration on quantitative projects ONGOING PROJECTS and INTERESTS - Muslim political mobilisation and institutions in Europe- European public policies towards religion and Muslim communities- Suspect Communities (counter-terrorism effects on Irish & Muslims in UK) - Radicalisation: secular and religious - Migration, integration and social cohesion, gender TEACHING: Political Islam & Muslims in EuropeReligion in Global Politics, EU, International Relations POLICY-RELEVANT WORK: consultant/advisor on Muslims in Europe, intercultural dialogue, counter-terrorism (EuroMed, EU, UN Alliance of Civilisations, UK gov, think thanks) Dr Sara Silvestri sara.silvestri@city.ac.uk
Religion: what it is • Spiritual search • Answer to the mystery of death & life, • Source of ethical values • Externalised through practices and rituals which reinforce belonging • A way to organise society • An element ofculture or shaped by culture? • Theologians have distinguished between FAITH (belief, spirituality) and RELIGION (as set of practices, anthropocentric) Dr Sara Silvestri sara.silvestri@city.ac.uk
Religion: what it does • Connects transcendent (supra-natural dimension of immortality and perfection) with immanent (mortal, earthly and imperfect dimension of humans) • Proposes a unique universal truth that provides a comprehensive belief system, a view of world order that also suggest how to organise human relations • Calls for personal engagement >> RADICAL FEATURES Dr Sara Silvestri sara.silvestri@city.ac.uk
The political dimension of religions (esp.monotheistic) • Refer to a holy scripture that is unchanging and that indicates values inform family structures and norms for social organisation • In their effort to connect transcendent and immanent they impinge on real life • In time religions have enabled political leaders or social groups embracing a particular religion to create boundaries and to strengthen their authority Dr Sara Silvestri sara.silvestri@city.ac.uk
Radicalisation (official def.) • European Commission (2005): “Violent radicalisation” is the phenomenon of people embracing opinions, views and ideas which could lead to acts of terrorism • UK Gov. (2009): “process by which people come to support violent extremism and, in some cases, join terrorist groups”.Contest II addresses long term causes, before radicalisation becomes “violent”; entails monitoring adherence to ideologies • Dutch Gov. (2004): “Radicalism is an (increasing) readiness to pursue and/or support one’s own political or social beliefs, which may imply far -reaching changes in society and a threat to the democratic legal system and/or may involve the application of undemocratic means to that end”. (2005 doc.) 3 types of radicalism: Islamist, right wing, animalists Dr Sara Silvestri sara.silvestri@city.ac.uk
Radicalisation (cont.) Research shows that: • It is a process • No one pattern (personal psychology, ideology, domestic or international causes, socio-economic conditions) • Entails opposition, resistance, dissent Dr Sara Silvestri sara.silvestri@city.ac.uk
Key terms in Islamic theology and history used by Islamists • Acceptance of Mohammad’s message calling for total submission to God written in Quran by following principles and examples of religious life provided by Quran & Hadith (Sunna) and by adhering to the 5 pillars • Tawhid (unity and unique sovereignty of God) • Ummah (global, transnational community, sense of universality) • Tradition: Quran+Hadith (sources of inspiration and authority) + Salaf (ancestors) • Societal reform based on sense of divine justice • Recreation of the Caliphate (perfect harmonious polity) • Sharia (set of legal principles enshrined in holy scriptures, provides framework, point of reference) Dr Sara Silvestri sara.silvestri@city.ac.uk
Islamists’ Characteristics • Narrative: revival of mythical past, alternative polity, resistance, identification with oppression of Muslims throughout the world, assimilation of third-worldist causes • Strategy: opposition, dissent, collaboration, undermine the establishment, adaptation • Location: mosques, educational centres, private associations/ civil society • Membership: middle classes & students (often socialised in West) + masses Dr Sara Silvestri sara.silvestri@city.ac.uk
Islamist groups (some with extreme-violent offshoots) • Salafist family (revivalism) • Muslim Brothers & Jamaat-i-Islami (reform, renewal) • Takfiri (reject politics) • Tablighi (pietists, reject politics, traditionalists) • Salafi-Jihadi (hybrid recent development) • Hitz-ut-Tahrir (yes political engagement no democracy) • Fetullah Gulen - conservative • Islamic Jihad, Al Qaeda & co. Dr Sara Silvestri sara.silvestri@city.ac.uk
The “radical” messages of Islam & Islamism • POLITICAL: Questions secular authority and power relations. Absolute sovereignty of God • PHILOSOPHICAL: Calls for societal transformation > potential for dissidence, subversion, revolution (already since Ibn Taymiyyaa, 14th cent.) • PHYSICAL & HISTORICAL: Violence nexus in Mohammad’s life (but needs be contextualised and historicised) and in path undertaken by Islamist groups once mainstream political engagement closed Dr Sara Silvestri sara.silvestri@city.ac.uk
Frame of understanding: Orientations and objectives • RESISTANCE Towards country of origin: reform, against corruption • RESISTANCE Towards country of settlement: Islamisation, Dawah, advocacy of minority rights, awareness of Islam • Commitment to global transnational project Dr Sara Silvestri sara.silvestri@city.ac.uk
Project on Secular and Religious forms of Radicalisation(ESF sponsored with colleagues at ISIM and London Metropolitan Univ.) • Extreme right & left movements in Europe since 60s • Interconnection between the secular, the political and the religious dimensions • The role of political culture and lifestyle • The historical context (national, local, international, + grievances & understandings of identity) • Global transformations of youth culture and of established forms of authority in both Western and non-Western societies Dr Sara Silvestri sara.silvestri@city.ac.uk
Religion’s (&Islam’s) contribution to Radicalisation? • Assumption that theology and religious leaders endorse violence – not always valid • Political Theology (world order, authority) • Narrative, history (events, stepping stones, figures) • Symbols and rituals • Socialisation (family, friends, community) • Fluidity and osmosis – religious shopping, in and out of networks >> Religion as a vehicle, provider of powerful narrative and symbols Dr Sara Silvestri sara.silvestri@city.ac.uk