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Assembly Instructions: 1900 JONAS WC – 02 (Station 2) Pages 1-23

Comprehensive assembly instructions for 1900 JONAS WC-02 model. Follow detailed steps, parts placement, and tool requirements. Ensure correct assembly for optimal performance.

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Assembly Instructions: 1900 JONAS WC – 02 (Station 2) Pages 1-23

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  1. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John Myers PAGE NUMBER: 1DATE: 9/2/08 Authorized By: Assembly Instructions: 1900 JONAS WC – 02 (Station 2) Pages 1-23 P:\ISO 9001 2000\Work Instructions\Assembly\Main Assembly Line\JONAS 1900 AY25 Rev 1

  2. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 2DATE: 9/2/08 Get (3) RETAINER-GASKET MB ARM ZP (3307338) and (3) GASKET-MAIN BRM ARM SW/A (3307337). Place (1) GASKET-MAIN BRM ARM SW/A in the middle, right and left sides of the frame as shown. Place (1) RETAINER-GASKET MB ARM ZP on top of the GASKET-MAIN BRM ARM SW/A on the middle, right and left sides of the frame as shown. 3307337 3307337 3307338 3307338 3307337 3307338 Parts: 3307338 / 3307337

  3. Shop Note:This is to be done in (3) places, left, right and middle of frame on each RETAINER-GASKET. Tighten until gaskets start to bulge under retainers. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 3DATE: 9/2/08 3400044 3400072 3400104 3400044 Get (12) SCR-HEX,#10-32X0.75 ZP (3400044), (12) NUT-HEX #10-32 ZP (3400072) and (12) WASHER-LOCK #10 SPLIT ZP (3400104). Insert (12) SCR-HEX,#10-32X0.75 ZP through the top of (3) RETAINER-GASKET MB ARM ZP and (3) GASKET-MAIN BRM ARM SW/A as shown. Place (12) WASHER-LOCK #10 SPLIT ZP onto the (12) SCR-HEX,#10-32X0.75 ZP underneath the ledge on the middle of the frame then thread the (12) NUT-HEX #10-32 ZP as shown. Tighten. This is to be done in (3) places, left, right and middle of frame on each RETAINER-GASKET. Tighten until gaskets start to bulge under retainers. Parts: 3400044 / 3400072 / 3400104 Tools: 3/8” Socket / Air Ratchet

  4. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 4DATE: 9/2/08 3307181 3400086 3400761 3400761 3307181 3400086 Get (1) CR-HHC 1/2-13 X 3-1/4 GR5 ZP (3400761), (2) WASHER-FLAT 1/2 STANDARD ZP (3400086) and (1) SPACER-MAIN BROOM SW/A PLTD (3307181). Thread (1) CR-HHC 1/2-13 X 3-1/4 GR5 ZP through the hole on the main broom bracket on the right side of the unit as shown. Then place (2) WASHER-FLAT 1/2 STANDARD ZP then (1) SPACER-MAIN BROOM SW/A PLTD onto the CR-HHC 1/2-13 X 3-1/4 GR5 as shown. Shop Note: These parts are installed on the right-side broom bracket. Parts: 3307181 / 3400761 / 3400086

  5. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 5DATE: 9/2/08 Left side of the frame. 3/8-24 Tap Tap threads in the holes in the Main Broom Adjustment bracket from outside and inside on the left side of the frame as shown. Tools: 3/8-24 Tap / 9/16” Socket / Air Ratchet

  6. Shop Note: These parts are installed on the left-side broom bracket and left side of the frame. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 6DATE: 9/2/08 3400262 Get (2) SCRS-HEX,3/8-24X1.25 ZP F'THD (3400262) and (2) NUTS-HEX 3/8-24 ZP (3400067). Thread (2) SCRS-HEX,3/8-24X1.25 ZP F'THD through the holes from the outside of the left side Main Broom Bracket towards the inside of the bracket (on each side) as shown. Thread (2) NUTS-HEX 3/8-24 ZP onto the SCRS-HEX,3/8-24X1.25 ZP F'THD. Hand tighten. 3400067 Parts: 3400262 / 3400067

  7. Shop Note: These parts are installed on the left-side main broom bracket on the left side of the frame. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 7DATE: 9/2/08 3400086 3400086 3307181 3400761 Get (3) WASHER-FLAT 1/2 STANDARD ZP (3400086), (1) SPACER-MAIN BROOM SW/A PLTD (3307181), and (1) SCR-HHC 1/2-13 X 3-1/4 GR5 ZP (3400761). Place (1) WASHER-FLAT 1/2 STANDARD ZP) on the SCR-HHC 1/2-13 X 3-1/4 GR5 ZP. Thread the SCR-HHC 1/2-13 X 3-1/4 GR5 ZP through the slot on the main broom bracket on the left side of the unit as shown. Place (2) WASHER-FLAT 1/2 STANDARD ZP then (1) SPACER-MAIN BROOM SW/A PLTD onto the SCR-HHC 1/2-13 X 3-1/4 GR5 ZP as shown. Parts: 3307181 / 3400761 / 3400086

  8. 3307016 3300432 MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 8DATE: 9/2/08 3400761 3400078 3307016 Shop Note: Right-side broom bracket and right side of frame. Get (1) SUB-MAIN BROOM ARMA 9X (3307016), (2) BUSHING-FL-52-4 (3300432), (2) SCR-HHC 1/2-13 X 3-1/4 GR5 ZP (3400761), (2) WASHER-FLAT 1/2 STANDARD ZP (3400086) and (2) NUT-HEX 1/2-13 ES ZP (3400078). Insert (3) brackets on the SUB-MAIN BROOM ARMA 9X up through the GASKET-MAIN BRM ARM SW/A on each side and middle, as shown. Place (1) BUSHING-FL-52-4 into the 2 brackets on each end. After the SUB-MAIN BROOM ARMA 9X has been inserted through the GASKET-MAIN BRM ARM SW/A, insert the SCR-HHC 1/2-13 X 3-1/4 GR5 ZP through the SUB-MAIN BROOM ARMA 9X brackets on each end. Place (1) WASHER-FLAT 1/2 STANDARD ZP onto each SCR-HHC as shown. Thread (1) NUT-HEX 1/2-13 ZP on each as shown. Do not tighten. This is to be done on both ends of the SUB-MAIN BROOM ARMA 9X brackets. 3400086 3300432 3400078 3400761 3307016 Shop Note: Left-side main broom bracket and left side of the frame. Parts: 3307016 / 3300432 / 3400761 / 3400086 / 3400078

  9. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 9DATE: 9/2/08 On the left side of the unit, snug the jam bolts onto the SPACER-MAIN BROOM SW/A PLTD and adjust the jam bolts to center the SPACER-MAIN BROOM SW/A PLTD. Now tighten the jam nuts to secure the position of the ASSY-MAIN BRM SUB ARMA 9X as shown. Then tighten the NUT-HEX 1/2 on the left side of ASSY-MAIN BRM SUB ARMA 9X. Tighten NUT-HEX 1/2 on the right side of ASSY-MAIN BRM SUB ARMA 9X. Tools: ¾” Wrench / ¾” Socket / Ratchet / 9/16” Wrench

  10. 3307016 MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 10DATE: 10/29/08 3307214 3307214 Get (1) PLT-LIFT ARM, MAIN BROOM, ARMA (3307214), (2) SCR-HEX,3/8-16X1.25 ZP (3400029), (4) WASHER-FLAT 3/8 STANDARD ZP (3400087) and (2) NUT-HEX 3/8-16 ES ZP (3400079). Insert small end of PLT-LIFT ARM MAIN BROOM through the middle of the frame aligning (2) holes in large end with (2) holes in the middle bracket of SUB-MAIN BROOM ARMA 9X, as shown. Place WASHERS-FLAT onto SCRS-HEX and insert through the SUB-MAIN BROOM ARMA 9X bracket and PLT-LIFT ARM MAIN BROOM as shown. Secure SCRS-HEX on PLT-LIFT ARM MAIN BROOM side with WASHERS-FLAT and NUTS-HEX, as shown. Tighten. 3400029 / 3400087 3400087 / 3400079 Parts: 3307214 / 3400029 / 3400087 / 3400079 Tools: Air Ratchet / 9/16” Socket / 9/16” Wrench

  11. Shop Note: Leave the third hole from the left in angle and flap empty to mount the CHAIN-GROUNDING ARMA. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 11DATE: 9/2/08 3307278 3400081 Place (1) WASHER-FLAT 1/4 STANDARD ZP (3400089) onto (1) SCR-HEX,1/4-20X1.25 ZP (3400227). Thread the SCR-HEX with WASHER up through the third hole from the left in angle and flap. Place (1) WASHER-FLAT 1/4 STANDARD ZP (3400089) onto the SCR-HEX,1/4-20X1.25 followed by (1) CHAIN-GROUNDING ARMA (3307658) followed by (1) WASHER-FLAT 1/4 STANDARD ZP (3400089) and (1) NUT-HEX 1/4-20 ES ZP (3400081). Do not tighten. SHORT SIDE 3307282 LONG SIDE 3307282 3400040 / 3400089 3400227 / 3400089 / 3400081 Place (1) FLAP-REAR SW/A (3307278) up against the frame as shown. Place the short side of (1) ANGLE-REAR FLAP PNTD SW/A (3307282) up under the FLAP-REAR SW/A. Place (10) WASHER-FLAT 1/4 STANDARD ZP (3400089) onto (10) SCR-HEX,1/4-20X1.00 ZP (3400040). Thread (10) SCR-HEX,1/4-20X1.00 ZP with WASHER up through the ANGLE-REAR FLAP PNTD SW/A and FLAP-REAR SW/A and the frame. Secure the SCR-HEX,1/4-20X1.00 ZP with (10) NUT-HEX 1/4-20 ES ZP (3400081). Do not tighten at this point. Leave the third hole in flap from the left of the unit empty to mount the CHAIN-GROUNDING ARMA . 3307658 Parts: 3307278 / 3307282 / 3400089 3400040 / 3400081/ 3307658 3400227

  12. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 12DATE: 9/2/08 3307278 3307282 Pull the FLAP-REAR SW/A out and hold while tightening all screws and nuts along the short side of the ANGLE-REAR FLAP PNTD SW/A. Tools: Air Ratchet / 7/16” Socket / 7/16” Wrench

  13. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 13DATE: 9/2/08 STRAP-REAR FEED FLAP PNTD SW/A 3400089 / 3400041 / 3400081 3307283 3307279 Place (1) FLAP-REAR FEED SW/A (3307279) to the inside of the ANGLE-REAR FLAP PNTD SW/A followed by (1) STRAP-REAR FEED FLAP PNTD SW/A (3307283). Place (2) WASHER-FLAT 1/4 STANDARD ZP (3400089) onto (2) SCR-HEX,1/4-20X0.88 ZP (3400041). Thread a SCR-HEX with WASHER through the last hole on each side of the unit as shown. Secure the SCR-HEX,1/4-20X0.88 ZP with (2) NUT-HEX 1/4-20 ES ZP (3400081). Parts: 3307279 / 3400089 / 3400041 / 3400081 / 3307283

  14. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 14DATE: 9/2/08 3400081 3400041 / 3400089 Align the end of FLAP-REAR FEED SW/A with the end of STRAP-REAR FEED FLAP PNTD SW/A as shown. Align the ends of each with the edge of the ANGLE– REAR STRAP. Thread (9) SCREWS-HEX,1/4-20X0.88 ZP (3400041) with (9) WASHER-FLAT 1/4 STANDARD ZP (3400089) up from the bottom of the ANGLE-REAR FLAP PNTD SW/A and secure with (9) NUTS-HEX 1/4-20 ES ZP (3400081) on top of strap. Tighten. Parts: 3400041 / 3400089 / 3400081 Tools: Air Ratchet / 7/16” Socket / 7/16” Wrench

  15. 3400034 Shop Note: Complete this process on both sides of the unit. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 15DATE: 9/2/08 Place (2) SCR-HEX from the inside of the wheel well through the slots shown. Place (1) FLAP-BROOM CORNER over the (2) SCR-HEX with the notch on the corner of the FLAP-BROOM CORNER to the outside of the unit as shown. Place (1) STRAP-BRM CORNER onto the (2) SCR-HEX and over the FLAP-BROOM CORNER. Place (2) WASHERS onto the SCR-HEX. Secure with (2) NUTS-HEX as shown. Tighten. Repeat this process on the opposite side of the unit. 3400034 3307286 3307287 Get (4) SCREWS-HEX,5/16-18X1.25 ZP (3400034), (2) FLAP-BROOM CORNER SW/A (3307286), (2) STRAP-BRM CORNER FLAP PNTD (3307287), (4) WASHER-FLAT 5/16 STANDARD ZP (3400088), (4) NUTS-HEX 5/16-18 ES ZP (3400080). 3400080 / 3400088 Parts: 3400034 / 3307286 / 3307287 / 3400088 / 3400080 Tools: Air Ratchet / ½” Socket / ½” Wrench

  16. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 16DATE: 9/2/08 3334065 3334064 Get (8) SCR-FLT,5/8-11x1.00, SOC ZP (3400011). Apply drop of ND 121200-50 50 ML (BLUE LOCTITE 242) (3401390) to threads of all (8) SCR-FLT,5/8-11x1.00, SOC ZP as shown. Get (1) SUB-AXLE 7" BRAKE RH SW/9XR (3334064) and (1) SUB-AXLE 7" BRAKE LH SW/9XR (3334065). 3401390 3400011 Parts: 3334064 / 3334065 / 3400011

  17. 3334064 MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 17DATE: 11/12/08 3334065 Left side of the frame Right side of the frame 3400011 Align the four holes in the SUB-AXLE 7" BRAKE SW/9XR RH with the 4 holes on the right side of the frame, sliding the control arm through the wheel well as shown. Repeat for the SUB-AXLE 7” BRAKE SW/9XR LH. Secure the SUB-AXLE 7" BRAKE SW/9XR RH and the SUB-AXLE 7" BRAKE SW/9XR LH with (4) SCR-FLT,5/8-11X1.00,SOC ZP on each side, from the inside of the frame as shown. Tighten in alternating pattern. Mark andtorque to 113 ft./lbs. 3400011 Tools: Air Ratchet / 3/8” Allen-Head Socket / 1 ½” Torque Ratchet / Paint Pen

  18. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 18DATE: 9/2/08 3334062 Shop Note: This installation procedure is done on both sides of the unit. 3400076 3334062 3307352 Get (2) MANUAL BRAKE DRUM ARMA (3334062), (2) WASHER-FRONT HUB SW/A PLTD (3307352) and (2) NUT-HEX JAM SLOTTED 1-14 ZP (3400076). Push (1) SUB-7" MANUAL BRAKE DRUMonto the SUB-AXLE 7" BRAKE SW/9XR RH on right side of unit. Place (1) WASHER-FRONT HUB onto the SUB-AXLE 7" BRAKE RH. Place (1) NUT-HEX JAM SLOTTED onto the SUB-AXLE 7" BRAKE RH. Repeat same installation procedure on the left side of the unit. Parts: 3334062 / 3307352 / 3400076

  19. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 19DATE: 9/2/08 Shop Note: This installation is done on both sides of the unit. 3400120 Get (2) PIN-COTTER 5/32 X 2.00 ZP (3400120). Snug tighten the NUT-HEX JAM SLOTTED 1-14 ZP until the hole in the shaft on the SUB-AXLE 7" BRAKE RH SW/9XR aligns with the slot in the NUT-HEX JAM SLOTTED 1-14 ZP. Make sure axle turns freely before inserting PIN-COTTER. Insert (1) PIN-COTTER through the hole and through the slot in the NUT-HEX JAM SLOTTED 1-14 ZP. Bend the ends of the PIN-COTTER back around the NUT-HEX JAM SLOTTED 1-14 ZP as shown. Repeat same procedure for the left side of the unit. Parts: 3400120 Tools: Channel Locks

  20. Shop Note: This installation is done on both sides of the unit. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 20DATE: 9/2/08 3400118 3400088 3335905 3400118 Push the PIN-CLEVIS 5/16 X 7/8 ZP through the hole in the wheel well as shown. Open one end of (1) SPRING - 3/4" OD, EXT, 2.5" INITIAL - 3.6" MAX as shown. Place the SPRING on the PIN-CLEVIS on the back side of the wheel well. Close end of the SPRING back around the PIN-CLEVIS. Repeat for the other side of the unit. Get (6) WASHER-FLAT 5/16 STANDARD ZP (3400088), (2) PIN-CLEVIS 5/16 X 7/8 ZP (3400118), and (2) SPRING - 3/4" OD, EXT, 2.5" INITIAL - 3.6" MAX (3335905). Place (3) WASHER-FLAT onto (1) PIN-CLEVIS as shown. 3400118 Parts: 3400088 / 3400118 / 3335905 Tools: Channel Locks

  21. Shop Note: This installation is done on both sides of the unit. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 21DATE: 9/2/08 3400214 Get (2) SCR-3/4-10 X 2-3/4 ZP F'THD (3400214) and (2) NUT-HEX JAM 3/4-10 ZP (3400145). Thread (1) SCR-3/4-10 X 2-3/4 ZP F'THD into the weld nut in the wheel well as shown. Tighten just enough to attach (1) NUT-HEX JAM 3/4-10 ZP to the opposite end of the SCR. Thread the NUT-HEX JAM 3/4-10 ZP onto other end of the SCR-3/4-10 X 2-3/4 ZP F'THD as shown. Hand tighten. Repeat for the other side of the unit. 3400145 Parts: 3400214 / 3400145 Tools: 1 1/8” Wrench

  22. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 22DATE: 9/2/08 3300411 3335644 Get (2) ASSY-TIRE FRONT PNEUM 8/9/10X (3335644) and (10) NUT-WHEEL LUG (3300411). Place (1) ASSY-TIRE onto the right hub assembly, valve stem out. Place (5) NUT-WHEEL LUG on the studs. Tighten in alternating pattern. Torque to 100 ft./lbs.Repeat for the other side of unit. Shop Note: This installation is done on both sides of the unit. Parts: 3335644 / 3300411 Tools: 13/16” 100-ft./lb. Torque Tube / ½” Impact Wrench

  23. MODEL: 1900 JONAS - WC02DOCUMENTED BY: John MyersPAGE NUMBER: 23DATE: 9/2/08 Shop Note: This installation is done on both sides of the unit. 3315203 Get (2) SEAL-RUBBER HOPPER SIDE (3318143), (2) RETAINER-HOPPER SIDE SEAL (3315203) and (10) SCR-FLT,5/16-18X.50,SOC ZP (3400259). Fold the (1) SEAL-RUBBER HOPPER SIDE in half as shown. Place the RETAINER-HOPPER SIDE SEAL with the bent edge toward the front of the unit, aligning the holes on each side of the unit as shown. Thread (5) SCR-FLT,5/16-18X.50,SOC ZP through the RETAINER-HOPPER SIDE SEAL, SEAL-RUBBER HOPPER SIDE and the frame. Tighten. Repeat for the other side of the unit. This completes WC-02. 3318143 3318143 3400259 Parts: 3318143 / 3315203 / 3400259 Tools: Air Ratchet / 3/16” Allen-Head Socket

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